October 1, The Umbrella Academy's 15th birthday

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October 1, The Umbrella Academy's 15th birthday

It's been a couple of weeks since me and Five
have talked about our relationships and we've actually been getting along!

Since it was, well, everyone's birthday I thought I'd be nice to wake early and make a cake but Lady Grace already beat me to it.

It was 8 sharp and I decided to wake up everyone. I went to Fives room to wake him and I just couldn't bring myself to do it, he looked so adorable and peaceful

 I went to Fives room to wake him and I just couldn't bring myself to do it, he looked so adorable and peaceful

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I couldn't help but kiss him on the cheek to wake him up

I know I'm not supposed to flirt with him, but showing him a wholesome friendly way of saying good morning isn't flirting, right? And besides it's his birthday!

He ended up waking up by the kiss and gave me the adorable smile he always hides.
"Good morning, birthday boy" I said to him with a smile "And Happy Birthday to you too, Y/N" he says "Yeah well according to your dad, I'm "basically useless to him" so I don't think I'll be very important today."

"Trust me, Y/N. He doesn't even say happy birthday to us so we'll just as useless as you do"
"Thanks? Anyways, you should change now" I say "Oh yeah right." Then he starts taking off his shirt in front me showing me his abs THAT I DIDNT EVEN KNOW HE HAD! "GAH- FIVE NOT IN FRONT OF ME" I screamed "yeah well your the one who kisses me on the cheek"

After all that I left the room red as hell. I couldn't stop thinking about his body! But I needed to snap out of it! HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND!

Everyone came downstairs and ate their breakfast and I went upstairs to do my daily chores until Klaus screamed at me "WAIT Y/N WHERE YOU GOING??" "Uh, to do my chores??" I say back "What?! It's your birthday too! Come on Dad! Let Y/N enjoy her birthday!"

"Come on Reggie! She really hard and it's her 15th birthday! Let her have a break!" "Mmm alright then, well I'll be off in my office" He says as he walks to his office.

I never thought he'd let me have a day off, that's why I didn't ask. Anyways I think I'm getting addicted to Griddys sweets cuz I wanted go again (but then again, I haven't been there in like weeks!) and I asked Klaus to come with me and help me get the cupcakes I wanted to get them.

He agreed and we walked our way there and ended just talking and making jokes and when we entered I noticed that he was gawking at this really cute guy who was OBVIOUSLY staring back at him!

Eventually, Klaus's bold ass went up to him and start flirting with him. And don't get me wrong I was so excited for him but DANG AT LEAST HELP ME WITH THE ORDERS IDK WHAT KIND OF FLAVORS YOU GUYS LIKE! So I ended up getting all the flavors 🥲

Soon Klaus came back all red! He was obliviously nervous as hell but based off his smile, I could tell it went well. He hell me with the cupcakes and we were about to leave, I saw the familiar girl that I swear I knew. And I was able to hear her voice and she kinda sounded like... DELORES?? She was wrapping her arms around him and kissed him!! SHIT!

After that, she finally noticed me staring at her and immediately got wide eyed. "What? What's wrong?" Klaus asked me. "We- we gotta go. Now. RIGHT NOW!" I grabbed his hand and started running to the Academy explaining what I just saw

When we got inside we were both panting and sweaty. Soon Klaus got everyone except Five in a different room and told the what happened. Soon that's start rushing towards me tell me that I have to tell him. "COME ON Y/N YOU CANT KEEP THIS A SECRET!" Ben said. "It's wouldn't be fair to Five if you kept it to yourself!" Allison said. "Well I've been thinking about and I'd it'd be better tooooo... not tell him"

"WHAT?!" Everyone screamed at me "It's cuz it's his 15th birthday and I don't want ruin it!" "GURL IF YOU TELL HIM I WILL" Klaus says making a sassy walk to the door before I stopped him. "OK OK ILL TELL HIM" I screamed "Tell him what?" Five says while he teleports. "AH!" We all screamed.

They stood quiet for a while until they actual started leaving me! All I heard were a bunch of "Yeah good luck Y/N!" And "See ya later" and "I'll save a piece of cake for you!"

"Y/N? What's going on?" He says confused. "Uhm maybe we should to your room for this..?"

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