You Kind Of Stole My First Kiss...

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Agnes calls your's and Fives name "I got a black coffee for a Five Hargreeves and a chocolate cornet for a Y/N L/N." She hands you both your orders as you both walk out of the cafe. "You got a chocolate cornet? Jeez how old are you again?  14?" You stay quiet, staring at the sidewalk. Five bends down to look at you "Hey you ok?" You finally snap out of it and stare at him "Oh im fine." 

FIVES POV: What the hell? Why is she so quiet? Did I offend her? WAS THE KISS BAD?!  Should I ask? 

"Hey did I offend you?" "OH no!" You say while shaking your hands. "Was the..Uh... was the kiss bad?!" You look at him in surprise "NO! No it was nice! Its just that.."  "What? What is it?" 

You look away from Five while you talk. "You kind of stole my first kiss..." Five almost chokes on his coffee as you talk! "WAIT WHAT?! YOU'VE NEVER KISSED A GUY BEFORE???"  You give him a dirty look "Say it louder five! I don't think the entire block heard you!!" You say sarcastically. 

"Sorry! But- h-how?! Your so... PRETTY!! Please tell me someone at least tried to kiss you or tried to kiss someone!" You blush at Five's comment "Well I don't know if I'm pretty but creeps do come up to me!" 

"Yeah, like today!" "What do you mean like today?" He looks at you with a dumbfounded face "They're was a guy giving gross pervert-y faces, that's why I kissed you" he sips on his coffee. "Wait what?! MY FIRST KISS WAS DUE TO SAVE ME?!" "Yeah why what did you expect?" He says while staring at you "I thought cuz you wanted to or something..." he grabs your chin and gets close to your face "What? You don't think i just wanted to do it? You should know that there was some emotion in that kiss. You happy now?" he lets go and sips his coffee.

"Hey let me try some" You grab his coffee and sip it "Hey! Give it to me!" you gag on his coffee and hand it back to him "Here.  Its so bitter! How do you drink it? I normally see old men drink black coffees." "Wow that was harsh" He looks at your cornet and snaches it out of your hand.

"Hey! Give it back" You try to grab it from him as he pulled it more farther away from you "NOPE you took my coffee AND insulted me so i think its only fair if i take a bite!"

"At least i asked! But go ahead" He takes a bite of it and gives it back to you. "That's way too sweet for me." He looks down on his watch. 12: 02 PM "Oh crap we should get going, we only have a few minutes before they finish with training!" "Oh dear! Time goes by way to fast! Wait, don't tell me we have to teleport there?"

He grabs your waist and smirks "You know it, babe" "I'M NO ONES BA-" He kisses you to shut up up and you kiss him back but stop. "Look, just cuz you kissed me once, doesn't mean you get to do it whenever!" "Yeah but if you kiss me back it means you like it" He kisses your nose and teleports to the house and see Sir Reginal glaring at you two.

"Where have you two been?! And why are you holding her like that?!" Sir Reginal says at you two pissed off "Dad, calm down, i just-" Five says before you interrupt him "Im sorry sir it was my fault. I want to go get a cornet and i needed Five to help me with the neighborhood, I didn't know you would get upset if I borrowed him for a while. And he's only holding like this to teleport the both of us. I'm very sorry Sir" you say innocently.

"Hmm, your fine but next time ask me before you kidnap my son." Sir Reginal says.

FIVES POV: HOW DID- HOW DID SHE- She really take advantage of her innocent looks! It's a little intimidating and scary! But then again... its kinda hot.

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