School for good and evil Au

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So I was trying to figure out what to do an oneshot of because I wanted to start a new one. I thought of a Harry potter au but then I realised I was making a drarry one not percabeth so I decided I will do something similar and do school for good and evil. If you haven’t read the books it is a rather simple concept. There are two schools, one for good and one for evil. Each book everyone is forced to take sides for something new. Anyway the school master kidnaps two people every four years and forces them to go to the school. And that is basically it without me spoiling the whole book.


Dudley l (I needed a someone to get kidnapped with Harry)





Fred and george 









Harry’s Pov

    I was cleaning the kitchen when I heard my aunt and uncle talking. I slowly got closer listening in, continuing to clean. 

“We have to do something. I won’t let him take my baby.”

“They only take two kids every four years, what are the chances Dudley will be one of them.”

    Of course they are talking about the kidnapping. Every four years two kids go missing. All the adults act like they don’t know what is happening but all of us know. The school master kidnaps us to take us to a school. The school for good and evil. The name is self explanatory. But the town council blames it on bear attacks. But who is going to believe that bears are the ones stealing kids when we searched the forest and didn’t find a single bear, or the fact that it happens the same exact night every four years and then their faces show up in some book. Yep, totally bears. 

“But what if they do take him we shouldn’t take this risk.”

“Then we will just lock up the room as best as we can. “

    He is going to totally like that. I know Dudley wants to go to the school. He is determined to go to the school for good and then get his story written, so that he will be known forever. He helps out all the time and is overall a good person. He takes care of his skin and weight and cares deeply about the way he looks. 

    I, on the other hand, will never be good enough. I stay in the cupboard under the stairs because there aren't “enough rooms”. I know that means Dudley has two but he deserves it. I often have dirt or dust in my hair or on my clothes because I don’t have enough time to clean myself nor the cupboard half the time. My hair is a mess and my clothes are a little big. It’s not because my cousin is bigger than average, but  I am smaller than average. I do all the chores because ‘I am lucky that they let a freak like me into their home.’ Everyone thought my mother was a witch because she made medicines. But they weren’t like the other ones. They looked and tasted different but they did work. She died in a fire. The council said it was an accident, but I know that they did it. They didn’t trust her even though she didn’t do anything to lose their trust. My father was also in there when it happened. 

I was sleeping when I heard a creaking noise. I quickly got out of the cupboard and looked around blindly in the dark. I put on my glasses and find a candle. I walk up the stairs to see Dudley undoing all the locks on his room. 

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