Day four: hospital visit

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Draco’s pov

    I was at my work, which if you really want to know is this lovely flower shop. Both me and my husband work there. There is this apartment above it where we live. It isn’t anything fancy but we love it. But to the topic at hand, I got a phone call from an unknown number. I pick it up anyway.


“Hello, Is this Draco Malfoy?”


“Your husband Harry Malfoy, is currently at the hospital. He is in critical condition. He got into a car crash. Luckily the other person wasn’t harmed. We don’t have much information”

    As they continued to talk I closed the shop and caught a bus. Harry took the car to get some food. We were going to have dinner together. I try not to cry as I listen to them talk.

“He seems to fracture a few of his ribs and seemed to hit his head pretty hard. Honestly the doctors don’t know if he will make it.”

“I have to talk to a few people. Can I finish this when I get there?”

“Of course. I apologize this is probably a lot for you.”

    I take a deep breath before dialing Granger’s number. 

“Hello? Draco you never call me. Is something wrong?”

“Harry. He got into a crash. They don’t know if he will make it. It’s pretty bad. I am on my way there right now. He fractured a couple ribs and hit his head as well.”

    There was only silence on the other end. Then crying could be heard. 

“Hello this is Ron. Hermione just started crying. I could give her the message when she is better.”

“Great, you're here. Now I can give you the news.”


“Harry got into a crash. I am going to spare you the details but it is bad. I am on my way to him right now. I will give you guys more information when I get there.”

    I hung up on him. 

“You survived Voldemort, I am not losing you to a crash. I refuse to. “

    I got off at my spot and ran the rest of the way. I walk up to the man at the front desk.

“Hello I would like to visit my husband. His name is Harry Malfoy.”

“Yes. Please sign here. And he should be in room 207. Third floor. Have a nice day.”

    I sign the paper then run up the stairs. I find the room and I rush in. There I see him. He was cut and bruised. His breathing was irregular and honestly he didn’t look to go. I go and take a seat next to him and move the hair out of his face.

“You're going to make it through this. Ok. We are going to grow old together. You aren’t getting away from me that easily. I won’t let you.”

    I sit there for a while before the doctor comes in. 

“You are Draco Malfoy, correct.”

“Yes. How is he?”

    Honestly I don’t know if I want him to lie or for him to give me the truth.

“Honestly we don’t know if he will survive. We are doing everything we can. We have to check his head for any serious damages.”

“Then why isn’t anyone doing this. I have been in here for a hour. Noone has even come to check up on him.”

“We are short on staff and this lady came in here, she is pregnant and  in labor. Some of our only available doctors were sent to help. I am sorry for the inconvenience. But I am available now, and here to help.”

    The doctor ran a bunch of tests and other stuff on him. Making sure all of his vital organs were working properly. 

“This is not good. See right here. In the crash the seat belt must have been ineffective because he must have lurched forward, resulting in the breaking of the windshield and a few of his ribs. Some of the glass and debris must have been logged between his ribs and that is going to be very difficult to remove. We have to remove the glass before we can try to move his ribs back in place to then get a cast or something of the sorts. This might take time. I need more people to help.”

    Then he ran out of the room to find more doctors as I tried to cry. I decided to call Granger again to update them. They deserve to know this.

“Hello, Draco how’s Harry?”

    Her voice was quiet and full of worry. 

“I have good news and bad news which do you want first”

“Good news.”

“Ok, a doctor has figured out what is wrong with him and they are doing the best that they can do as we speak.”

“The bad news?”

“He might not make it, they are short staffed, and he has glass from the windshield stuck where his ribs should be, so they can’t move them back properly.”

    She was silent for a while before she said 

“Don’t worry. Harry is going to make it through this. He has been through worse. He got’s to make it.” 

    I know she was just trying to convince herself as much as me. 

“I update you when I know more.”

    I decide to try to sleep as I wait. I grab his hand and slowly fall asleep. I wasn’t able to sleep long. I wake and see no doctors still. I wait for about half an hour before a bunch of doctors come in. One put Harry on a stretcher and started running down the halls. I wanted to follow them but knew I couldn’t. So I walked and waited in the waiting room. A few hours later I was told I could see him. 

“He is in stable condition. He should be good to leave in a few days. We just need to keep him here so we can monitor him.”

    I started crying relief washing over me. I looked at Harry, who was still unconscious.  

“He needs to rest some more.”

    Understanding what he was trying to say, I went back to the waiting room. After a bit Ron and Hermione came running in.

“Sorry we are late. We would have got here sooner but the care stalled and we couldn’t apparate here. Where is he?”

“He is resting right now. He is going to make it.”

“Thank the gods. Once he is better, I am going to kill him for making me worry like this.”

    A few days later Harry was able to leave. The second I saw him I ran over him and pulled him into a big hug, careful that it wasn’t too tight. 

“Don’t ever scare me like that. I thought I lost you.”

“You aren’t getting rid of me that easily. We are going to grow old together, remember.”

Word count: 1152

Hope y’all like it. I was actually planning on killing Harry and then later Draco but decided against it. The next one should be out tomorrow. 

Stay weird. 

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