Day seven: death of someone close

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This is kinda like a part two of the scar worship but not really just the same universe.

Draco’s Pov

I was just reading in the library when a short boy in yellow ran right in my arms. I soon realised that it was mate I hugged back. 

“What’s wrong baby?”

    He says nothing as he hands me a letter and then went back to sobbing into my chest. I looked at the letter briefly looking over it before turning to mate. 

“Hey, look it’s going to be alright. Ok? He is going to be happier there.”

    I probably should explain. So when Siruis died Remus was extremely upset at that and fell into a depression due to not being with his mate. He tried to get better for Harry, so that Harry would have someone to look after him that wasn’t the dursleys. Harry was understanding and tried as well to make him feel better. He started getting better but he relapsed a few weeks ago. 

    The letter basically said that Remus was on his way to therapy but the building caught fire. Nobody is sure how it happened. There was a small girl who couldn’t find her family. He tried to save her but was fast enough. They both died in the fire. 

“Look at me Harry. He is going to be with his mate. With his family. He died trying to save someone. So remember that. Ok.”

    At this point I was just saying anything to calm him down. He nodded trying to wipe his tears. 

“He loved you. He still loves you and one day you will be reconnected with him and sirius. This isn’t a goodbye, more of a see you later.”

“It still hurts.”

“And that is ok. I know it is going to hurt. But someday the hurt might go away and if it doesn’t it is ok. There is nothing wrong with mourning your loss. Just remember just because you lose someone doesn’t mean you can stop living yours.”

Word count: 341

Sorry it is short. I didn’t really know what to do and started giving up at the end. Also I really love hufflepuff Harry so I might start doing more of it. If yall get tired of it just tell me. The next one will hopefully be out tomorrow.

Stay weird.

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