Day thirteen: Fairytale

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So for the fairy tail I am going to try to do Rapunzel because I haven’t seen one of those yet and I really want this to be somewhat original. 

Draco’s pov

    I was lost in the woods when I stumbled upon a tower in a clearing. When I heard someone singing. It was the most beautiful singing I have ever heard in my life, and I am a prince who had the best perform for me since I was a child. I kinda know what I am talking about. I look up to see a boy singing. Soon they saw me and stopped immediately. 
“Dad? Why are you home early? I cut my hair, it was too much work but I have rope hopefully...You want rope. Ok so I don’t have rope but I have mentos. You want mentos?”
“I am not your dad.”
“Oops. Sorry I broke my glasses and have horrible vision. Who are you and why are you here?”
“I am Prince Draco. The future king of Hogwarts.”
“Again who?”
“How do you not know who I am?I am royalty.” 
“Ok… well I don’t know why you are here or how do you plan to get up here?”
"More like how do you plan on getting down?"
"I can get down if I want to."
"I don't believe you."
          I didn't get a response. Instead, it went silent for a moment before I saw the boy come jumping out of the small opening at the top of the tower. 
"Are you ok?!"
         The boy stood from where he just fell and dusted off his pants. He nodded his head.
"How are you supposed to get back up there?"
"Um… haven't thought about that."
"So about those mentos?" 
          The boy checked his pockets before cursing silently.
"I left them in the tower."
"That's sad. But for real what are you supposed to do when your dad comes back?"
"Um....I don't know. My dad is going to kill me."
"Uh huh. Well I have to get going."
"No you have to help me."
"No I don't."
"Yes you do. It is your fault that I jumped out."
"No it isn't. I didn't tell you to jump out."
"But you said you didn't believe me. You basically called me a liar."
"That didn't mean jump."
"Yes it does so you have to help me."
"Fine lets go. I we got to find a way for you to get back up there."
"OoOo where are we going."
"I know a place."
       We walked in silence to this sketchy looking tavern. On a sign were worn out letters spelling Hogs Head. (I think that is what is called I forgot lol)
       Despite all better judgement I walked inside. I am really hoping they have rope. I have never been here and lied about knowing a place. The boy who I still don't know the name of, walked closely behind. I get a few steps im when
"Draco what are you doing here?"
"Pansy? Blaise? Why are you here?"
"We also come here? Now answer my question."
"I am looking for some rope. This guy jumped out of a tower with no entrance and needs to get back in."
"But why are you helping him?"
            Before I can answer the boy answer did.
"One I have a name. It's Harry. Two it was his fault."
"No it wasn't."
"Yes it was."
"Was not."
"Was too."
"Then why are you helping me?"
" Doing it out of pity."
"Uh huh. So do you have any rope?"
         The two gave each other a look before turning to us with an evil smile.
"Sorry we don't have any."
"But we do know where you can get some."
"Really where?"
"Well there is rock climbing place that is having an event."
"See they are giving out free rock climbing gear including rope tonight only."
"But they are only giving it to couples who pay for thier floating lanterns display."
"Ok we will go and get the stuff and leave."
"You can't they are giving out the free stuff out at the end of it as a surprise."
"Then how do you know about it."
          Blaise gave me a smug smirk as he said
"Well I always had a thing for redheads."
          Before he can continue I quickly run away so I didn't have to listen to the rest.
"Draco we don't know where we are going."
           I stop walking. He is right, we never asked for directions.
"Well it is too late to turn around. We will just go to town. See if they know where it is."

I am going to stop there. I have been stuck on this prompt for way to long. I wanna get these prompts done by the end of the year so i am not spending any more time on this one. If y'all want me to continue this i can. Hope y'all like what i have.
Stay weird.

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