Ch 1

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"VALIDITY" I yell as I hear my uncle come running up the stairs well, more like thumping. I feel the tug as the portkey takes me away to Gringotts. I got a letter a few days ago stating that I am needed for a meeting and with that came a letter from my mum. Turns out my real father hates me and the person everyone thinks my father is, isnt. James Potter is my mum's, Lily Evans, friend. Here's the twist, Severus Snape is my real father. He hates me! Why would he accept me, a freak, to be his son. It's just something for him to hate me even more. Maybe the Dursleys are correct all along, that nobody loves me, and that Dumbledick put me with them because mum and father did not want me.

I land, thankfully on my feet, in the middle of Gringotts. Looking around, I see my father and the Malfoy's together, 'stay away from that area, duly noted' I think to myself. 'Hopefully I won't have to go back to the Dursleys after this. I really don't want to go back with what's in store for this little "freakish act" . If last time was bad, this time is most definitely goin to be worse.' I shudder at the thought and start walking up to the goblin I recognize as Griphook. I see Father and the Malfoys nearby but I scowl at the floor and try to blend in as I make my way to Griphook.

"Greetings Griphook, may your gold ever flow" I say with a slight bow. The goblins near all look in shock but I hear a small rare chuckle from Griphook. "Greetings Lord Potter Slytherin, may your gold ever flow. Right this way if you please." Griphook gets down and I follow him to his office, leaving a stunned crowd behind. Once we are seated and I take my glamorous off, Griphook says "Now that you are here, we need to discuss your vaults and heritage." I look at him confused, "You mean, the fact that Potion Master Severus Snape is my real father and I do not have the key to my vault?" I see him nod before he says, "I fear, we have not been able to catch it for sometime but you have gold missing from your vaults, going into Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Molly Weasley Nee Prewett, and Narcissa Malfoy Nee Black. Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley have sent any and all gold back that was sent to them."

I think for a moment before catching Griphook's eye, "May you transfer all my gold to my Slytherin Vaults and get every piece of gold back with interest? Of course, you will get 15%." I say after a few beats. Griphook grins, though it looks more like a snarl, before saying "I will get onto it. You know your heritage, I take it, so we will not need to discuss that. Is there anything else you need to discuss?"

I nod before pausing for a second, Griphook do I have property that no else besides possibly mum knew of that I can go to, and possibly a healer as I took quite a beating from Vernon'' we scowl at Vernon's name, "the past week, my magic wasn't able to keep up with the healing process." Griphook starts saying something in a foreign language before nodding. He hands me a stack of parchment papers "these are places only goblins know of, and the properties you own. As for the healer, all you have to do is ask, BURGOCK!"

A second later the same healer goblin as last time I was here came in. He scowls at the state I am in before pushing me out the door and towards the healing rooms. I see father and the Malfoys for a split second before I was pushed into the healing room by Burgock. I lay in the center, as I have already done this before. I hear Burgock say the familiar chant before I feel the warmth of the magic and the pain fade.

As soon as the magic fades, Burgock starts to head for the door. I giggle while getting up to follow him out. Once I am back with Griphook, they give an approving nod before Burgock leaves. Griphook leads me to his desk in the main parlor before giving me a key and a Gringotts card "For your spendings Lord Potter Slytherin." I nod before saying "Farewell Master Griphook, may your riches flow" Griphook nods back before saying "And may your enemies blood run low Lord Potter Slytherin" I slightly bow before walking out gracefully, fully aware of the stares from father and the Malfoys.

I make my way to Madam Malkin's. Once I arrive Madam Malkin says "Go ahead and step up on the podium dear, I will be with you in a moment." I step up to the podium to be measured as Madam walks up to me. I see out of the corner of my eye father and co, 'This day is getting more and more odd as it goes.' "What all would you need..." She trails off, "Lord Potter SLytherin, I will need a whole new wardrobe preferably in dark green, black, and blue with silver and I would like that one style I had owled you about the other day please." Shocked, she nods "It will only be a minute Lord Potter Slytherin, please wait over there as I get your order. I will need the address for your wardrobe though, if you may" I nod before stepping down. I pull out a piece of parchment paper and a self inking quill I bought last time I went to Gringotts. I write down the address and hand it to her. She nods then goes to get my order.

"Lord Potter Slytherin? Really Potter?" I inwardly groan before turning around to face the one and only Draco Malfoy scowling at me. "Yes, now would you please mind your business?" I respond with a bored tone. Affronted he goes to say something else but before he could, Madam Malkin comes out of the back room with shrunken bags. "Here you go Lord Potter Slytherin." I took them before handing her my card saying "Take a tip Madam, as I did not have to wait long. Thank you, and may your gold ever flow." I say before taking my card back. I put the shrunken bags into my pocket before stepping into a shadow, going to my new home.

Lucius Malfoy and Hadrian SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now