Ch 9

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It’s been two weeks since that night. I hear Mama come into my room, as I had added more rooms to the cottage, “Are you ok Cub?” I stop my pacing to look at him. “No, no I am not Mama.” I go back to pacing “Remember when we went to the Department of Ministry? Well, somehow Lucius and I ended up in the Room of Desire, and well, you can imagine where that went. I felt this shift in my magic once I left the room. Mama, what do I do? My wolf is freaking out saying ‘Mate’ over and over, and I have morning sickness.” I feel Mama’s hand on my arm before he pulls me into a hug “It’ll be ok cub, I will get Marvolo here since he knows the spell we need to check if you really are, then the next best thing is for you to write to Lucius. Now don’t look at me like that, he has to know. I know you have so much doubt in your mind, but I’m sure he will want to be here with you.” 

“What’s wrong Hadrian?” I look over at Uncle Marvolo, Mama, Papa, and just my luck, Father. I close my book with a sigh, “Mama, I thought you were gonna ask Uncle.” “Sorry Cub, I did but he said he would need Severus’ help and well, you know Padfoot.” I giggle at the comment about Papa before nodding. “Well, might as well sit, there is a shift in my magic, before I say outloud what Mama and I think it is, Papa you need to take a deep breath and drink some tea.” At his confused look I add “Calming drought.” His eyes widen before he drinks some tea. I look to Mama to see him give me an encouraging smile and squeeze my arm for a comforting touch. 

“I might be pregnant.” Papa chokes on his tea, Father’s mask broke and his mouth is hung open, and well Uncle Marvolo looks taken aback. “Who’s the father?” I flinch once I see Papa’s expression and at his tone. “No one here is the father Papa, please don’t look like that. It was not planned and if it weren’t for the Room of Desires I wouldn’t have known he likes me and I wouldn’t be with child now would I?” Papa pales before nodding. “It’s about time you two got together, though I wish it was under different circumstances.” I smile at uncle, noticing Father looking down “Thank you Uncle, though I’m not sure about how father is gonna feel about being a grandfather, or really me being his son.” At that Father’s head snaps up. “Can I speak with you in private Mr.Potter?” I flinch before nodding. “Would you three please excuse us for a minute?” They nod leaving me alone, with Severus Snape, my father. 

“Who is your real father?” I looked at him surprised, “Sir?” He sighs, putting his fingers to the bridge of his nose. “Who is this father of yours if it is not James?” I sigh before removing all of my glamorous, I always have the one on my face as it shows who my father is the most. His eyes grow wide before sits back in his chair. “How?” “Mum, Lily, and you had an affair, she was forced to marry James as Dumbledick wanted her on his side instead of Uncle Marvolo. Here is the whole explanation, what happened, and the family tree.” I say, handing him a copy of my journal I made when I found out about what Dumbledore did and kept it updated. It’s more of a diary but it still proves the point. “It starts from the first year until yesterday. Don’t worry, it is only vague of what happened between Lucius and I in the Room of Desires. My friends and family know nothing of that so be honoured I am telling you. I understand if you don’t want me as your son but as you know, my family and friends have taken to calling me by my real name.” Father takes the journal from me and nods at some parts before finally looking at me, “And your real name is?” I smirk at him, “Hadrian Severus Snape, it’s an honor to meet you sir.” His eyes grow wide before I see what looks like tears forming in his eyes.  

Next thing I know, I am in my fathers arms hearing constant “Im sorry”, “Please forgive me” and  “Of course I accept you as my son.” Caught up in the shock of events, I am unaware of the tears rolling down my eyes. 

That's how Remus found them. Curled up on the couch asleep. Smiling to himself, he throws a blanket on them before going back to the living room to tell the others.

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