Ch 10

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It’s been a week since my confrontation with my father and 6 days since the confirmation of my pregnancy. Father has been around a lot more as he “wants to make things right.” I am currently writing the letter to Lucius about the child, it reads 

“ Lucius,

I understand if you want nothing to do with me nor our child but due to legal reasons and my parents constant nagging am I telling you of my pregnancy. 

I would love to have a proper real family but I am sure you probably want nothing to do with me, you can always see the child and I can give my father and uncle pictures of every moment to give you. Of course if you want to be in their life, you may visit, as I do not want to stop you from seeing your child. The child is as much yours as they are mine.


Hadrian S.S”

I sigh, making father look at me before putting his hand in my hair, giving silent comfort. I smile at him as mama and papa step into the room discussing private healers. I give a small whistle, signaling Hedwig to come over so she can send off the letter. “To Lucius Malfoy girl, you do not have to wait for a reply but if you wish to, you may.” She chirped once before nibbling my finger in understanding before taking off. 

“I’m glad you were able to finish that one but what about the one to everyone else?” I flinch at mama’s words before swallowing the lump in my throat. “We are having a get-together tonight, are we not? We can discuss it as we eat...or even before or after.” Papa pretends to think about it before saying “Depends, what are you making?” I sigh before shaking my head before getting up to go to the kitchen, seeing as they will be here soon. I stop at the door  “Everyone’s favourite.”  

I greet everyone for tea as I am waiting on my food to finish, I didn’t want what I cooked for everyone else so instead I made myself some blueberry steak. Everyone loves my cheesy tater-tot bacon casserole and since that always fills them up, I made them that. 

“It’s nice to see you all but if everyone will head off to the table now, I will join you in a second.” Everyone looks startled before some nod and others stand with a smile. I nod before disappearing back into the kitchen. 

Once the food is at the table and the not so subtle looks from everyone as I have my blueberry steak, I clear my throat to gain everyone’s attention.  “I trust you lot got away from Molly and Ginevra alright?” I received nods before Arthur said “Yes, Hadrian, they were in a meeting with the goat so they have no idea we left. As tomorrow is their last day of not only being a Weasley but in my house.” I smile as I nod “Yes, your house. I do not want to hear anymore nonsense of it being my house as I have too many damn properties. If they do become a problem tomorrow, simply cast them out. I would but in my…” I snarl “condition, it would be wise to stay away from them.” Everyone besides the ones who already know which is Luna (as she is a sneer), papa, mama, father, and Uncle Marvolo, loses their manners and all start to choke on their food or drink. 

I snarl at their manners before smiling, taking another bite of my food. “Well, there have been a few...rather exciting adjustments that have happened over the last 3 weeks.” I look at my father who snorts “Yes, you’re stalling son, just rip that seal off.” I chuckle at his tactics as I hear some gasps and some “Son?” or “He knows?!” I end up in a giggle fit as father snarls out “Yes, I do, now let Hadrian finish his news, would you?” I take a drink of my juice to calm myself before nodding to father. 

“I’m pregnant with Lucius’ child or even children. We will find out if there is more than one child in a week and the gender in..” I started only for father to cut me off ''7 weeks, we figure out the gender in 7 weeks as male pregnancies are more fragile than females and only lasts 8 months or approximately 34 weeks, he is 3 weeks in. Don’t look at me like that Hadrian, all those books you were reading and you thought I was merely in my own world over the week, I was reading them with you and then some.”  

“Wait, Hades, you're pregnant?” Everyone but Ron and who knew before ask at the same time. Ron simply stares before he starts to laugh. Everyone looks at him and he puts his hand up in surrender as his face goes as red as his hair. “Sorry, I know I said this before but I’ll say it again. It’s a bloody good thing none of us got stuck in there to see any of that!” With that, the tension falls and everyone starts to laugh. 

We had light conversations the rest of dinner that led into tea before everyone had to leave. I get up to bid them all goodbye. As each of them hug me, they give me their congrats and support, which I’m grateful for. Once Victor floo’s out, I plop myself down onto the couch that father was sitting on, my head in his lap and legs thrown over the arm of the couch. He glares before shaking his head at my smile before going back to his conversation with mama and papa.

Lucius Malfoy and Hadrian SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now