Ch. 13

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Lucius’ POV

Hades is now 4 almost 5 weeks long and I had decided to talk to Draco about being an older brother. He had taken it a lot better than I had expected but I am still worried about Severus. The Dark Lord wished to speak to him a couple of days ago and he has been acting off since. Draco didn’t like the idea of Hades being pregnant with my child but once I explained everything and told him I am not abandoning him nor will I love him less, he said he will think about it but wants to be near us for his siblings. 

The journal Hadrian had given us seems to be updating every day, though it would seem he too has no idea what is going on with Severus. We all will be moving in with Hades, though I believe the only Weasleys that will be living with us would be the twins and Ronald. There was very little detail about that. The most detailed part of the journal was the plan for dumbledore and how he would die. Though it would seem no one has heard or seen the old goat in the last few days, Hades said “The bastard is simply taking longer to kill. Let’s just hope the damn goat is dead for good this time.” This makes me wonder just how many times have they tried to kill him, though I have to agree, with Dumbledore gone it will be less for my perfect mate to stress about. 

I floo into the house only to find no one home. I walk into the kitchen to get a glass of tea to find Severus fixing what looks to be mashed potatoes. “Severus?” I call out, only for him to keep stirring the food without any response. “Sev?” I call out again only for him to jump and turn around with his wand in the air. “Woah, Severus, it’s only me. What’s going on?” 

Severus shakes his head before turning off the stove. “It’s just,” he pauses to put some into a bowl with some chocolate on top and set it on the counter, “nothing, I suppose. Hades was hungry and has stepped out to use the loo.” 

That makes sense with the food but not for why Severus is zoning out. “It’s obviously something if you are zoning out, what happened?” Does he not approve of Hades? Of the child? What did they talk about to make him like this? I just hope he hasn’t done anything that could be harmful to Hades. 

A/N: I apolize for such the long wait, but I have finaly gotten around to writting more! I am always open to suggestions and appreciate the comments, votes, and reads. I thought I could switch up the point of view a little!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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