Ch 11

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I get out of the shower to hear a soft knock on my door. Expecting one of my parents, I open the door only to stop dead in my tracks to see one Lucius Malfoy with what looks like blood-shot eyes. My eyes grew wide seeing his appearance before pulling him into my room to close my door. “Give me a second to get dressed then we shall talk.” I turn to grab my clothes when I receive a nod. 

I cursed under my breath noticing what exactly I was going to be wearing before shaking my head and putting it on anyway. Black form fitted jeans with chains and a forest green crop top. I walk out of my bathroom to see Lucius still standing near the door but a little more composed than before I got dressed. 

I hear him suck in a breath before saying “I want to be with you and the child or children. If you do not wish to be with me then I would love to see my child.” I look at him before taking his hand and pulling him onto the couch, “Who put the silly idea in your head that I wouldn’t want to be with you? You were not only attractive as fuck when we met when I was only twelve but the older I get the stronger the pull is along with my wolf wanting to be near you. Though, I never really understood what I felt towards you besides the word hot coming into mind for describing you, I was twelve and knew hardly anything about emotions. My only concern is you wanting to actually be with me, a freak.” I grew quieter as I talked, feeling the tears waiting to escape but I held them back and with a shake of my head I looked back to Lucius. “I think it’s safe to assume you feel the same way as the baby is going to be born. Now who in the name of Merlin made you cry? If it was anything besides the shock of the news, and caused by someone else, tell me now and I will handle them.” 

He looks taken aback at the sudden change in mood before he laughs. ‘He should laugh more often’ I think to myself. He shakes “I would love to be with you and the child Hadrian, and as for that distasteful name you seem to have called yourself, you are simply not that. The monsters who put that in your head are, not you. As for the state I was in, do not fret my love, she will be handled when she gets the divorce papers.” 

I let out a low growl, catching on to who exactly made Lucius cry, I nod before blinking owlishly at him. “You called me ‘my love’.” I state, he draws in a deep breath before nodding. I blush before smiling at him, “Lucius dear, do not look like that, I was simply startled. I don’t mind pet names, especially if they are from you, though I would only want you to call me those names as” I am cut off with a pair of lips on mine, causing me to let out a startled yelp but, with the same amount of passion I start to kiss back the lips I have been dreaming of for 3 weeks. 

I smile as I feel him lick my lips, I open my mouth fully allowing him entrance. He pulls away with his lips still lingering mine. “Whatever I have just done or said, please remind me to not do that in public.” I breathe out while putting my hand on his cheek. “You my dear have helped ease my worry of you cheating on me. Narcissa didn’t even wait a month after our bonding to sleep with someone else, and even less than that when Draco was born. She made sure I was hardly ever near him or and whenever I was near her she cast me away and put me down as someone less than her. I wasn’t even allowed to raise him, she left that to the house elves.” 

A low growl can be heard and I feel his intake of breath, I assume my eyes went golden black. “We will BOTH be near our child as they grow up and not one single house elf will go near. We will of course have babysitters but NOT one house elf will be near. WE will be picking everything out and raising our child together. Just wait until I get my hands on the” I am cut off once again with one of Lucius’s passionate kisses. 

I hear myself moan into the kiss, loving the feeling of his hands on me, pulling me onto his lap. I reluctantly pull away, only for him to lean up for one more kiss before fully pulling away. 

I giggle at him before gently caressing his cheek. “You should smile more, and laugh” I quickly clamp my hand over my mouth and look away blushing, only to feel a pair of hands on my hands. I look to see Lucius smiling and he takes one of his hands to caress my cheek. “Thank you. Narcissa never liked it when I laughed or smiled. Hearing you say that, I will for sure smile and laugh freely around you.” I quickly pull him into a kiss, ‘Merlin, I don’t think I will get over his taste, I don’t think I want to.’ I reluctantly pull away to hear a knock on the door. 

Lucius and I look up to see father, papa, and mama walk in before I could even

say ‘Quidditch’.  “Merlin, do you not know how to wait for a reply?” I feel Lucius put a hand on my waist and the other gently cupping my cheek. “Sorry cub, we thought, Merlin, would you two like to come down for breakfast? We can discuss the pregnancy then.” I sigh, putting one of my hands in Lucius’s hair and the other on his hand that's on my cheek before nodding. “Give us a minute and we will be down. Oh and papa, make sure you shut the door on your way out or you will be eating Kreacher’s food for the week.” 

Papa pales before nodding and walking out after the others, making sure the door was shut. “I suppose we should head to breakfast. I wouldn't mind some strawberry jam toast and peanut butter pickle sandwich.” I say while licking my lips. I see Lucius throw his head back laughing while placing his other hand on my waist. “You’re eating for more than one, so we shall.” I smile, taking one of his while standing up, making him do the same. 

We make it down to the dining room, only to pout as they don’t have what I wanted. I hear Lucius chuckle behind me as he places his hand on the small of my back, leading me to a seat before sitting next to mine. I put my head up and say “Strawberry toast and peanut butter pickle sandwich with barley water.” I grin as my request pops up only to look up to see my parents staring. “What, I’m pregnant and it’s easier to go with what I crave.” I snarl only to see father slightly flinch. “I’m sorry father” I hurriedly say to see him nod “Not your fault, it’s the hormones. The private healer will be I assume here as this is Slytherin’s house and you have access to all your...pets?” I looked to Lucius to see he was already staring at me. “If you want we could stay here, Dumbledor wouldn't be able to find us and if you wanted to see your family, they are more than welcome to come over.” Lucius nods before saying “If this is where you stay then I have no arguments love.” I smile before looking at mama “I have the best mate anyone could ask for!” At that, mama and father start to laugh, only to have papa say “Hey! I’m a good mate, aren’t I Remy?” I start to giggle as mama starts to tease papa. I patted my father’s hand as he sat directly across from me before going back to eating with one of my hands holding Lucius’s. 

A/N:💚💚 Thank you so much for reading my story!! I appreciate it!! 💚💚

Lucius Malfoy and Hadrian SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now