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Mountains of paperwork. Many people believed that being a Lieutenant in the First Army was a job filled with all the luxury of being in charge and lesser work, but for Amadora, it mainly included catching the General up on all the writings he routinely neglected. She slumped over her desk that sat adjacent to the large table map, slowly nodding off into the endless stacks of scripture she still needed to fill out. Her eyelids felt as if they had weights tied onto them, pulling them down. Her body begged her to relinquish control and allow it to sleep. 

Alas, Amadora forced herself upright and continued her seemingly endless amount of work. Line by line, she filled out every report and letter that needed to be sent out, including those that requested more Grisha be sent to the camps as the fight with the Frejdans pushed mercilessly on.

By the time she finished each paper, nightfall had descended on the Little Palace. She hadn't noticed the once bright room was filled with darkness. With the flick of a match, Amadora went around the room lighting each candle quickly before the flame reached her fingertips. 

The pins holding her hair up began to make her temples ache. She dug her hands around through the intricate style, searching for the particular few that were causing the ache. Evidently, she pulled almost everyone out before finally finding the last one. She wanted to believe it was going to be the last time she let Genya practice on her but Amadora always had a soft spot.

Her soft red curls cascaded down her back, ending just above the base of her spine. She scratched at her scalp, relishing in the freedom from her tight hairstyle. She couldn't help but stare at the detailed war table in front of her. 

The interminable amounts of camps and defence troops lining each and every border of Ravka. It hurt her immensely to see so many places where not only Grisha but soldiers were losing their lives protecting their home from every opposing force. After signing off too many death certificates of her Grisha it pained her even more.

A soft knock came from the door.

She glanced at the figure in the door, "Hello Ivan." She smiled softly, returning her gaze to the table. She had been dying for a distraction and there it was knocking at the door.

Ivan entered the room, still dressed in his kefta even though the time for formal appearances had ceased ages ago, "I noticed you were absent from dinner and figured you had locked yourself up here, so I brought sustenance" He chuckled and passed her a small plate of food, looking much more delectable than what was usually served at dinner.

Amadora took it with a breathy laugh, "I would not be myself if I were not stuck up here".

"We all deserve a break every once in a while, even Lieutenants" He teased with a wink, sitting himself down in a chair with a long sigh.

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