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Her hands clapped together, the loud noise catching her student's attention. Amadora clasped them behind her back, planting her feet wide and awaited their full attention.

She kept her face stoic as her pupils slowly gathered in front of her, "Alright! As we know, tensions throughout the borders are at an all-time high-- And it's my job to make sure you are more than adequately prepared for what might happen" Amadora commanded, taking a pace back and forth, "Now, pair up! And if I see anybody using their abilities, you'll earn yourself an all-inclusive day with Baghra, understand?" The crowd gasped mockingly at her veil attempt at a threat and paired off with each other for sparring.

Amadora walked around the courtyard, observing each partnership, occasionally stopping to provide help to the groupings. She returned to her position at the head of the yard, smiling at the proficient skill her students had mastered. Combat was something that came easily to her.

When Aleksander had placed her in charge of training as a way of saying 'thank you' for standing at his side, she was more than happy to accept the responsibility.

"I see Genya visited you this morning-" Aleksander suddenly appeared at her side, standing awfully close. She gave him a side-eyed look and stepped away slightly, placing the boundary between them.

"She did, someone got a little too excited last night and left quite a few dark marks in some very visible places" Amadora spoke in a hushed voice, keeping her eyes firmly pressed on the sparring pairs.

He chuckled quietly at her annoyed state, enjoying her authoritative presence among the Grisha, "Well someone seemed to miss you considerably and wants to make sure everyone knows exactly who you belong to".

"I don't belong to anyone." She looked at him intensely, biting back the smirk that was fighting its way onto her face. As much as she did occasionally wish to have a public relationship, to show off exactly how much they meant to each other; She wanted the respect of her peers more. It would only be customary for certain Grisha to believe she was given her title simply because of the intimate partnership they shared not because she was deserving of it.

Aleksander ducked his head down to whisper in her ear, "I must say, I do prefer your hair when it's down, as much as Genya's stylings compliment you-- simplicity suits you better".

Her face flushed profusely as he returned his head forward to match her stance. She shook her head and stepped forward, trying to rid herself of her rosy appearance, "Grisha! Switch partners please, pick someone you've yet to spar with or haven't sparred with yet-- Challenge yourself!"

The Grisha fighters moved around the courtyard like ants on a mission, eagerly searching for a new partner. None of them were older than 20, the youngest being a set of twins who were only 13. An Inferni and Tidemaker naturally. Amadora had given them permission to train separately with one on one teachers, Edita Barnett and Marco Levin; Her most skillful Inferni and Tidemaker respectively.

It was important to her that the Grisha she often viewed as her own children were properly prepared and trained as a team. Her mother always told her as a child that 'A single gear can only do its job when working in unison amongst its own'.

"You've trained them well Amie--" Aleksander complimented though knowing she didn't need it. He understood the sorrow underlying her sighs as she looked up at his tall figure. Even with just one night, the sunken and dark additions to her features had become faint, still present but dimmed. The icy glow slowly returning to her.

"Not well enough... they're still children," She whispered.

Her students were smart, smarter than any other group she had trained before but they were still vulnerable. Not hardened by the realities of the world they were living in. They knew of the constant death of their fellow Grisha, Ivan presented the fatalities of both the Second and First army every night at dinner; Nonetheless, they were unaware of just how perilous being Grisha truly was.

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