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Major Mature Content up ahead folks😏

Aleksander's living quarters were much too far away from the courtyard, leaving them exposed to any Grisha who might find themselves roaming the corridors at night. Instead, he found himself dragging Amadora to her own, while not very used, quarters. His hands wrapped themselves around her waist, hoisting her up around his hips. She felt light as a feather while he carried her away from the wide opened halls of the Little Palace. It amazed her how despite the fact that they pressed against each other tightly, never breaking their passionate kiss, he was able to stumble the both of them into her bedroom.

The second the door clicked shut, he slammed her back into it and tossed his kefta to the floor, painfully drawing his lips from hers the second he was ready, raking his teeth down her neck, leaving dark marks throughout his path.

Amadora didn't care who could hear them, her walls and doors weren't created by the Fabrikators. If they were loud enough anyone who walked past or was within hearing range could easily listen in to the heavy breaths and lustful moans that escaped both of their lips.

She was smart, she knew she had to tell him to not leave any easily seen marks or bruises, but her body wouldn't listen to her mind as it shouted out to stop. Her hands tangled themselves in his hair, pawing and pulling at it as he kissed her sweet spot. It sat at the top of her collar-bone, one of her few bodily weaknesses.

Aleksander knew them all too well. His hands gripped her ass tightly as she threw her head back in ecstasy, hitting it against the door.
But the moment her kefta got in the way, he dropped her feet to the floor and pulled his face away from her body to stare at her. A shiver ran down her spine when she saw the darkness in his eyes, the cold and rigid nature of his glare on her. His eyes were unimaginably dark, the irises practically disappeared into his pupils, giving his eyes a completely black look.
Are you going to stare at me for entirety Aleksander, or are you...going to... fuck me?" She growled, the irritation that still sat in her mind forced her words to come out hard instead of the sensual way they usually did.

He loved the way she held her own against him instead of melting at his looks. It was a quality that stood out among the many people he had met with throughout his agonizingly long life.

That was what made her special to him.

Though she never admitted it to herself let alone him, he knew in his bones that she had a dark side. A side that was capable of the same things he had done centuries ago. The self-fulfilled smirk that spread across his lips almost made her go weak at the knees. Her mind debating on whether she would regret her words in the morning.

He grabbed her by the base of her ribs and forcefully turned her around, pressing her hands and the cheek of her face into the door,

"Is that a question or a desire?" He whispered lowly into her ear before pressing his lips to the skin behind her ear.

Her breath shuddered as he ripped open the back of her kefta, each of the buttons opening up in quick sequential order.

Before he removed the clothing covering every inch of the skin he wanted to touch, Aleksander spoke again, this time with a command not a question, "I want to hear an answer my love."

He lightly trailed his fingernails down her spine, the subtle touch eliciting a desperate moan, "Which one is it Amadora, are you asking, or do you want me..." His hand grabbed the back of her neck, arching it back to look at him in the eyes, "To fuck you."

She swallowed harshly, her breath heavy in her chest.

He relished in the sight of her flushed face, completely undone by his words, "Use your words."

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