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***Part of a Double Update! Make sure to check out the next chapter!

AMADORA WAS TERRIFIED THE REST OF THE DAY. With herself, with her powers, and with the thought that someone could have seen. Her students could have seen, her rivals could have seen. There was no telling what could have happened if someone had seen what happened to Edita in that hallway. All she needed was Aleksander. She knew he would know what was happening to her. He could explain what she should do. But he was nowhere to be found. Amadora had searched everywhere and asked around only to receive nothing. Not one person knew where he was and that only added to her fear.

A knock came from the door and in a burst of anticipation, Amadora flung the door open. On the other side was Alina, practically vibrating from nerves. Amadora had to hold back her sigh as she smiled, "Hello Alina."

"Hi Amie, can-can I come in?" She stuttered, her fingers toying with each other. Alina couldn't look her mentor in the eye, worried for their friendship.

Amadora opened the door fully, a sense of deja vu flooding her, "Of course, it's been a few days since I've seen you last, are you alright?"

Alina nodded, immediately sitting down in a chair only to stand back up and pace around the room. She hadn't heard Amadora speak at all, completely wrapped in her anxieties.

"Alina?" Amadora grabbed her shoulder, "Sweetheart what's wrong?"

The second their eyes locked Alina broke into tears, "I don't want you to get mad at me."

Amadora pulled the young girl into her chest, "I would never, you understand? No matter what happens I would never get mad at you," She whispered, stroking Alina's hair. Even though the leather of her gloves protected her, Alina's panic was so strong she could feel it radiating off her, "Now sit and tell me what's wrong."

She nodded into Amadoras chest and sat in the chair she had previously pulled out. With a heavy exhale, Alina finally divulged her secret, "I woke up this morning and Genya informed me that the General requested some time with me, so naturally I went," Alina's breath had begun to steady as she told the story, "And then after talking for a while, he-he kissed me and Amie I'm so sorry! I don't know why I didn't stop him!" She broke down into tears again.

Amadora had frozen, her thoughts stalling. Every possible scenario was plaguing her every being, "Um, uh-- why-why're you sorry?" She said, trying to cover up her gut-punched feeling.

"Well, I-I heard from some of the other Grisha that you and General Kirigan were together, Marie told me that was all just rumours but I wanted to tell you just in case because I know if it were me in that scenario I would want to know and-" Alina stopped talking when Amadora placed a hand on her knee.

If she didn't need to talk to Aleksander before she most definitely did now. Amadora knew of him trying to grow his connection with Alina she encouraged it. She had already built a strong relationship with the sun summoner and if the girl had two mentor figures in her life it would be that much easier for her to follow their inevitable plans. What she hadn't expected was this.

He kissed her?

Through her bare hand on Alina's knee, Amadora could feel underneath her panic was excitement. The girl had been excited that he had kissed her. It was clear to her that her interpretation of their relationship was wrong. Amadora knew she wouldn't be able to get more information out of Alina without being overcome with jealousy so she opted to comfort the girl rather than indulge in her thoughts of freezing her to death.

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