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The week had come to a close, though the final two days Amadora had to spend with Aleksander were filled with preparations for the journey to Kribirsk. But despite the fact his preparations did not include her, she did have a few preparations of her own to make.

"Okay everyone's ready?" Amadora looked around at her students who were shaking with anticipation. Every single one shook their heads enthusiastically. "Perfect! Squallers if you please-" She gestured out to the courtyard.

8 teens stepped forward in a line, all dressed in matching blue and silver Etheralki keftas. In perfect unison, just as she had taught them, their hands crossed in a claw formation before pushing outwards forcefully. The remaining hay that had been laid out across the courtyard blew into the large pile sitting in the corner.

Amadora clapped her hands loudly, encouraging everyone to join in with her, "Yes guys!" She shouted, "That was amazing, well done!"

The eight Squallers smiled proudly and rejoined the rest of the group, earning plenty of pats on the back as well as some whoops and hollers.

She backed her way out into the now completely empty and clean courtyard, opening her arms in a display, "Now for the real fun..." She raised her eyebrows at their eager appearances, removing her protective gloves from her hands and tucking them into her pockets.

In true summoner fashion, Amadora cupped her hands together, focusing all her attention on her palms. Extending her arms dramatically, she threw them forward, releasing a blast of ice out from her fingertips.

The glistening ice covered the cobblestone in front of her, spreading all the way out to the tips of her student's toes.

The astonished gasps bringing a smile to her face. Every teen jumped for joy at the formation of their very own skating rink.

Amadora released her arms, taking her attention back to her bouncy students, "Everyone's wearing their wool keftas correct?"

They all nodded with the most ecstatic smiles she had seen from them in ages.

"Fantastic, go grab the skates from the supply closet while I-" She smirked, "-bring down the temperature".

Every one of them slid across the ice, making a break for the supply closet. After working tirelessly for weeks, Amadora wanted to reward them for their astounding progress. Not only that, she wanted them to be kids. Not soldiers, not Grisha, just innocent children enjoying a day of skating.

With the sound of all of them digging through the closet, getting louder, she placed her hands in the same cupped formation this time swirling her hands above her head. Her sole focus on controlling her power. The temperature began to slowly drop around her as she pulled her hands back into her chest. As she did so, snowflakes began to fall.

When the kids returned ice skates in hand if it was even possible their smiles grew bigger. A few of them holding their palms out to let the snowflakes fall into them. Depending on where they were from, they might have been seeing snow for the first time.

Amadora gestured for them to put their skates on, "Come on! Let's get going, we can't have this out for too long-- General Kirigan hates the cold," She teased, sliding past them to grab a pair of her own skates. She could hear the faint whispers between the kids about her and Aleksander making her smile.

She carefully made her way around the corner and pushed herself onto the ice, skating around with ease. The Wandering Isle had quite cold winters, so ice skating and winter activities were nothing new to her. Amadora pulled her gloves back out and carefully took her kefta off, setting it down on a sparring figure. Her casual clothing now on full display. Nothing extravagant, just a simple white flowing blouse and a pair of breeches.

No Winter Can Last Forever (O.C x The Darkling)Where stories live. Discover now