Chapter Fourteen

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Hello lovely people of the internet!

How is 2015 treating you all so far? So far I’m having a pretty bomb year.

Songs of the Chapter - I’m still obsessed with Blackbear and Jhene Aiko so go check them out.



Nate chatted about how London was one of his favourite cities as we walked down the runway to board the actual plane. I could tell that he was excited because he had that sparkle in his eyes. You know the one you see when someone is so happy to be talking about something that their eyes seem to sparkle. Well right now this boy’s eyes were sparkling like Edward Cullen in the sunlight, in the least creepy way. You understand?

Not to say I’m not excited to go, I’ve never left the states. Never had the funds to go when I was a kid. But my childhood is a story for another day, and that day is not today. But anyway, I was so excited I practically skipped down that damn runway. But being the klutz I am, if I had skipped, I would surely have tripped and further embarrassed myself.

Stepping onto the plane, the flight attendant motioned us to the left after checking our tickets. According to Nate, the tickets were first class so we sat up near the pilot. I would never have known, I’ve only flown once and it was back when I was like 5 so I have no memory of it. Our seats were placed next to each other, and I really wanted to have the window so I slid in first.

Sitting down on the large leather chair, I slipped off my docs and tucked my legs up criss cross, before grabbing my phone and headphones. Once we both had settled down in our chairs, the two people sitting in front of us leaned around and waved. Of course we are sat behind the other ⅔ of Boy’s Next Door.

“Hey dinguses.” I laughed as Nate rolled his eyes.

“Hey Riley. Getting comfy back there with the singer I see.” Archer teased and sent me a playful wink. Not in the mood to fight it, I sent them a middle finger and made the exaggerated motion of putting on my headphones and turning up the volume.


“Rilllllleeeeeyyyyyyy. Rileeeyyyyy” Archer tormented me as I tried to read Gone Girl, the book I had just bought the night before. I watched the movie with Emma a few nights ago and was so hooked. It’s so twisted and dark, something that I surprisingly am quite in love with.

“What!” I snapped back, removing my headphones.

“Hi.” He replied giggling before turning back and bugging Parker.

“You are a child.” I replied rolling my eyes and turning back to the very enticing page I had been reading before being so rudely interrupted.

Just as I was falling back into the book, Nate nudged me with his elbow and gestured to his phone, where he had twitter open. Motioning for me to open up my twitter, I swiped my phone to unlock it. Tapping the app, I opened my mentions and scrolled through the comments on the pictures of us.

Pretty sure I read OTP, Goals, and ASKFKILSV a at least 400 times. Laughing, I turned to Nate and smiled. He returned it with a even larger grin. I picked up the divider armrest and twisted so my back was against his shoulder and got comfortable before returning to my book.

I felt one side of my headphones getting pulled off and a extremely sexy voice whispering, “Comfortable aren’t you.” Before placing the headphone back down and acting as if that never happened.

Yet here I am with goosebumps trailing down my arms and legs, all by that. Fuck.


7 hours later, looking not amazing, we all stepped off the plane and into the chilling Heathrow Airport. It was around 7 and all I wanted to was go to bed. We were able to get out of the airport with little effort which was extremely nice. On the way to the hotel, our managers told us that we would all be sharing a suite. Parker and Archer sharing a room, then me and Nate both got our own rooms. Fine by me.

Getting into the hotel was a bit harder than expected because our hotel name had somehow been leaked… Great. It took a whole team of security to get us in but once we all were in, the trip to the rooms was much calmer. The other two boys raced ahead while me and Nate took a calmer approach, simply walking and letting the boys fight for which room they prefered.

“So, on a scale of one to ten, how excited are you to be on tour with us.” Nate asked as we stepped into the suite.

“I’d say an 8, It’s all pretty surreal how fast this has all happened. You feel?” I responded before glancing up and gasping. The suite opened up to a big living room that faced a giant glass wall that showcased a stunning view of the city, sparkling and shimmering.

Dropping all my bags, I ran up and plopped down on the loveseat that was conveniently placed smack dab in front of the window. Pulling my knees up to my chest, I stared out and soaked up the view.

I felt the couch dip in beside me and a warm body settle down, letting out a sigh similar to what I had made a few moments earlier.

“Stunning isn’t it?” Nate whispered as he slipped his arm around me, and I let my body relax, sinking into his side.

“agreed.” I responded before we both just stared out into the night.


“Parker shut the hell up we can’t wake them. I need this documented for the fans.”

“Dude I know, thank god for younow.”

Slipping out of my drowsy state, I was aware of three things. One, Parker was loud as fuck and doing something he obviously shouldn’t be. Two, Me and Nate must have fallen asleep on the couch last night because I was in a little spoon position and there was a heavy weight on my waist. and Three, someone is about to face the wrath of sleepy Riley.

“Boys…” I groaned. “What the hell are you doing.”
I tried to sit up but being still sleepy, Nates arm held me down. He had to wake up.

“Nate, wake up.” I whispered in his ear. “ I need to get up.” No response.

“NATE WAKE UP” I yelled.

Startled, his eyes shot open and he let out a low groan as he assessed the situation around us. Nudging him then glancing at his arm, Nate murmured a sheepish sorry, force of habit and removed it from my body. Sitting up, I stretched out my back before turning my attention onto the boys.

“What the hell have you done, and why are you talking to a laptop…” I asked wearily.

“Oh nothing just totally broadcasted you and nate sleeping together onto YouNow for 500,000 people to see? Oops?” Archer answered with a smile.

“3...2...1…” I counted before I launched off the couch and started chasing Archer around the room. When I finally caught him, I sat on him and swatted him at least a million times before rolling off and yelling. “I’m going to kill you. We just fell asleep.”

Nate simply had a smirk on his face as he emerged from a room with a large fluffy white duvet. Popping up, I snatched it and ran back over to the couch, getting nice and warm in the dent Nate had left in the couch. Sorting around, I located my phone and unlocked it, going on twitter. Spending a few minutes responding to fans, I didn’t notice that someone had slipped under the duvet on the other side and had reached a mug towards me. Glancing up at Nate, I sent him a sweet smile before accepting the cup and taking a large sip of the coffee. Mhmm. The other two drifted in and out of the room for the next hour but me and Nate stayed wrapped up on our phones.

Pulling an incredibly unattractive face, I sent a quick snapchat to Emma, missing her already. Not even a minute later, I received a notification that @NateWestBrook had ‘Tagged you in a tweet’.

Tapping on the notification, my phone redirected to twitter where I immediately recognize the picture from the ugly snap I sent to emma. He had took a picture of me making the super ugly face. The caption read “Early morning in london with this “Beauty” here.” I laughed and retweeted it.

The couch jostled as Nate got up, and when I looked up he had extended his hand out to pull me up.

“Come on sleeping beauty, let’s go explore my city.”



Hope you liked this chapter!


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