Chapter Four

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Attached is what I picture Riley as and what she wore!


I woke up in my bed the next morning which is quite odd since I don’t remember ever leaving the living room.. I groaned and rolled over to grab my phone off my bedside table, only to realize I had left it in the living room. I sat up and stretched my neck from the kinked position I had slept in.

Slipping off my bed, I tied my hair up in a messy bun as I walked over to the kitchen and rubbed my eyes to get rid of all the sleepys. Out of habit, I walked over to the cabinet and retrieved a mug before walking over to the keurig passing a shirtless person standing over the stove.

“Hey Emma..” I mumbled as I popped in the cup and pressed the brew button.

I wasn’t met with a light girly voice, but a deep chuckle ringing through the kitchen. I whipped around and immediately noticed how Emma where was nowhere to be seen and Nate was standing right in front of me… Shirtless.

“I’m not Emma..” He said laughing.

“I figured. Stop laughing at me.” I groaned and shoved him. Well attempted to shove him… It’s hard to shove a 6 foot 3 Boy who is as solid as a concrete wall.

Regardless to say. He didn’t stop laughing and walked back over to the stove.

“Sure, Make yourself at home.” I muttered loudly as I walked back to get my coffee.  

“Oh I will Riley dearest.” He responded and I grabbed the creamer from the fridge and poured it in my cup, watching how to cream swirled around, lightening up the color of the dark brew. I trudged over to the kitchen bar thingy and plopped down on one of the stools.

Sipping on the hot liquid, I rested my head on the cool countertop and sighed, loving the cool feeling seeping through my cheeks.

“Here.” Nate said as he sat down next to me and placed an omelette in front of me. He immediately began to dig in and so did I.

“Mmm.. You can cook we might have to keep you here more often.” I moaned as I ate my omelette and sipped my coffee, checking my social media.

“And here I was thinking that you liked me for my personality.” He said in a high pitched girly voice.

“Never.” I mumbled with my mouth full. “Do you know where Emma is?”

“The brunette? She came out about an hour ago while I was trying to find something edible. She muttered something about work, grabbed her keys and left.” He responded. I nodded and downed the last of my coffee before standing up and clearing my dishes.

“What are you up to today?” I asked as I washed the plate I had been using.

“I think there’s some event I have to go to tonight but other than I am free. You should come tonight though. The whole band’s going and you should get your mind off of songwriting.” Nate offered. Hmm. A party sounds really nice right now.

“Sure, what time?” I asked.

“I’ll pick you up around 7?” He said with a smile.

“That’ll be great.” I replied with a smile and walked back over to the living room to write some more.


Nate left around two to do some promoting with the band and promised to come back at 7. I continued working on the song we had started, creating the second verse and trying to find the perfect chords to go along with the song. That’s how most of my day went until around 6 when I had decided to get ready for tonight, only to realize that I had no clue what I was supposed to wear. I sent Nate a quick text and he told me dressy but not Gala fancy.

I curled my hair in big curls and rimmed my eyes with eyeliner before smudging it out, and applied my trademark red lipstick.

I rummaged through my closet before finding the perfect dress, It was tight, sleeveless and black with squiggles all over it and it ended about midthigh. I slipped it on over my head and tied some black heels to my ankle before walking over to my bed and filling up my clutch.

I was writing a note to leave from Emma when my phone buzzed, signaling that they were here. I quickly signed the note and left the apartment. Walking over to the pavement where Nate was standing next to a black range rover, I sent him a smile which he returned with an adorable toothy one.

Gosh he’s so cute. Calm yourself Riley, you are touring with him.

“Ready?” He asked as he gave me a hug.

“As I’ll ever be.” I said with a smirk and hopped in the passenger seat.

We drove over to the event which was being held at some nightclub across LA.

“Who’s party is this?” I asked as we rode over.

“It’s the launch party for Ed Sheeran’s new album. He’s a good friend of the bands.” Nate replied nonchalantly and my jaw dropped.

“ED SHEERAN. No frickin way.” I stuttered. Nate chuckled and nodded, “Try not to puke in my car.” He joked. I sat there and gulped down air, opening and closing my mouth like a guppy.

“We are here. Lets go find the band after the red carpet. They’re somewhere inside.” Nate said as we pulled up to valet.

“Okay.” I said and we got out of the car. I walked up to Nate. He offered me his elbow like a true gentleman and I looped my arm through his and grasped on as he maneuvered us through everyone to the backdrop where Taylor Swift stood posing for the paparazzi.

“Say goodbye to your normal life, Miss Riley James.” Nate whispered in my ear as he pulled me in front of the flashing cameras.

Wish me luck.



Who’s a Riley and Nate Shipper?

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Love you all! xx

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