Chapter Twelve

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Hello lovelies!

Hope you all had an amazing Christmas/ Hanukkah/ Kwanzaa/ Whatever holiday you celebrate! I love every single one of you and hope 2015 is everything you ever dreamed of. I encourage you to try something new and pursue at least one dream of yours!

Song of the Chapter - “Bridges” by Broods, and “idfc” by Blackbear!


I awoke the next morning with one of the worst headaches I’ve ever had, a result of the hours I had spent crying last night, as well as the long sips of vodka I downed in my sorrowed state. Emma had stayed up the entire night attempting to comfort me, despite the fact that she had a photoshoot to be at in the early morning. In between sobs, I had somehow drank a half bottle of Smirnoff, which was now placed on my bedside table.

Sitting up slowly as to avoid the horrible head rush of moving too quickly in the first few minutes of waking up, I swung my feet over the side of the bed, dragged my icky body over to the bathroom. In desperate of some plain ole’ me time before I left to be the only girl on tour for a few months, I spun the knob on the bath and tuned it to the perfect temperature before pouring a generous amount of bubble bath in, Hey! I’m totally an adult okay?

Once the bath was done running, I stripped off my gross, slept in outfit and slipped into the protective cover of the soapy water. Tapping on the dimly light phone, I set the sonos in the bathroom to play the Broods spotify playlist and shut my tired eyes.

Trying to figure out what I wanted to do about Nate was basically all that clouded my mind the entire bath, and the only thing I could conclude from the situation was that I was utterly pathetic. I’d experienced sucky things in life, including my fair share of not-so-great breakups. Yet, one unreciprocated kiss somehow ruined my entire night? No. Riley Marie James, you better pull yourself together before on this tour or it going to be hell for you.


An hour later, one bath, and a lot of self-pep talks, I left the bathroom refreshed and ready for the last day before we left for London.

“Shit!” I swore out loud as I realized just how much had to be done before I leave tomorrow. Not planning to leave the house for a while, I tied my hair up in a messy bun and slipped on a pair of sweatpants and a comfy tee-shirt with fuzzy socks before entering the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. I poured myself a cup and fixed it up the way I enjoyed it before picking up all shopping bags that were in the hallway and retreating back to my room.

Carefully removing my luggage from the very high top shelf of my closet, I set it on my bed and turned on one of my favourite movies from Netflix on my desktop Mac to watch. Stuck in Love started to play and I spent the next two hours tearing my closet apart for everything I needed to take on tour.

Did I really need three pairs of similar looking heeled booties? Yes, the answer is yes.

Once all my packing was done, I only then was snapped out of my “get it all done as fast as possible” haze when my stomach grumbled so loudly it startled me. Flopping on the bed, I called two of my good friends, Lillian and Andrea, that I had met when I had first moved here. When I called and suggested that we all meet for lunch before I left for tour, they both agreed we should all catch up and decided to meet up at the Grove in half an hour. Slowing looking at myself in the mirror, I saw how lazy I looked and quickly changed into a pair of low heel ankle boots with cutouts on the sides, a black t-shirt dress, a pair of knee high tights, and tied a flannel around my waist incase it was a bit chillier in LA today.

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