Chapter Two

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Attached is Rileys Outfit!



“I am never drinking again.” Em moaned as she pressed her face on the cool marble countertop and sighed.

“Oh the ever so famous line.” I giggled as I slid her black coffee and two aspirin. I’m blessed with the ability to somehow drink quite a substantial amount of alcohol and be able to fully function as a perfectly fine human being the next morning. I don’t question it, I just appreciate it and enjoy myself.

“Shut up. You and your iron stomach.” She groaned as I walked around trying to find something to make for breakfast. I ended up making us omelets and being the perfect best friend I am, I even did both our dishes.

“What’s your plan for today?” I asked Em as I scrolled through my emails and texts.

“I’m going back to bed. I called Rob and took the day off. What are you up to?” She muttered, her words muffled.

“I’m not sure yet.” I replied at the exact time my phone pinged, signaling someone had just emailed me. It’s Adam. He wants me to come in and meet my new manager. Apparently her name’s Juliette and she’s one of the best out there. “Nevermind, I have a meeting.” I muttered and hopped off the stool and padded over to the bathroom.

I turned up the new 5SOS album and hopped in the shower, scrubbing my hair and body with vanilla shampoo and body wash. Once I was all clean, I stepped out and wrapped a fluffy towel tightly around my body before walking over to my closet.

I quickly pulled on some undergarments, then grabbed a pair of white skinny jeans and tugged them up my legs. I then slipped on a faded chambray shirt and rolled up the sleeves before walking back over to the bathroom to tame the horror that is my hair.

I yanked a big paddle brush through it, then flipped my head over and blow dried it upside down for some volume. Once it was dry, I quickly tugged the brush through it and messed it around a little till I decided that it was fine. I applied some neutral makeup and then cleaned up the mess I had made getting ready.

By the time I had finished, I had 30 minutes till I had to be at Adam’s. I slipped on some tan wedges and grabbed my black handbag, then walked over to Em’s room. Popping my head in, I told her I would be home later and walked out of the apartment, keys in hand.


I had quickly stopped at starbucks on the way because I was a teensy bit addicted to the overpriced coffee shop. Walking in, the smell of the fresh brew perked me up instantly. The line wasn’t too crazy since it was only 10, so I was up at the register within a few minutes.

“A grande iced coffee with caramel drizzle please.” I told the barista with a smile. She looked up and a smile instantly formed on her lips.

“You’re Riley James! I was at your little concert at the Java Lounge a few days ago! Are you playing anywhere soon?” She babbled.

“Can you keep a secret?” I asked, and she nodded, leaning over the counter so I could tell her. “I may or may not be going on the Boys Next Door’s upcoming tour as the opening act.” I told her with a wink.

Her hands flew up to cover her mouth, “Oh my! That’s so great! I have to get tickets when they go on sale! I know this is a little silly, but could we take a picture? Me and all my friends are fans and I want proof that I met you. I’m Kirsten by the way.” She asked giggling. I nodded smiling and we took a selfie.

“Oh here, I have my starbucks card on this, could you scan it to pay?” I asked after.

“Of course.” She said and scanned my phone. “It was really nice meeting you Riley.” She said.

“It was super sweet to meet you! Make sure you keep that a secret!” I said with a smile and walked over and collected my coffee before leaving the shop. I had a massive smile on my face as I exited, that was my first I guess you could call it “fan encounter” and she was so nice!

I slipped back into my car and drove off to the Label.


“Riley! Nice to meet you!” A upper twenty-something said as we shook hands. She was average height with her hair wrapped up in a bun on the top of her head and a navy maxi dress on. I had a feeling we would work well together.

“Nice to meet you aswell. Juliette right?” I asked as I sat down in the same leather chair as before.

She nodded and handed me a paper filled with all her contact information for me to enter in my phone. She and Adam started talking and I ended up zoning out until I heard my name being called.

“I’m sorry what?” I asked, breaking out of my trance.

Adam chuckled, “I said, The boy’s are here. Would you like to meet them? They are recording in the studio a few doors down. Me and Juliette have a few things to discuss with the boys’ manager.”

“Sure, I should meet them sooner than later.” I responded, standing up and grabbing my bag. The two left the room and I followed, unsure of how to get to the recording studio the boy’s were at.

“Ahh, Recording studio 6, here we are.” Adam announced as he pushed the door open.

The minute I stepped in all I heard was an deep raspy yet incredibly sexy voice flowing out of the booth. My eyes scanned the room before landing on the booth.

Inside you wouldn’t believe who I told you was inside singing. Parking lot hottie. Que my embarrassment. Oh no.



P.S It would be super duper if you wanted to check out my social media!

Twitter - @/Eve_Merritt

Instagram - @/Eve_Merritt

Lot’s of love xx

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