Chapter Ten

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HELLO LOVELIES I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN TWO MONTHS! I HAVE BEEN INCREDIBLY BUSY WITH SCHOOL AND CHEER AND YOUTUBE, I HOPE YOU ALL UNDERSTAND. Now that I have apologized, here is the long overdue chapter 10! Hope you all love it and it fufills every want and need.

OH! And I'm starting a new thing called "Song of the Chapter" where I'll share what I listened to over and over while writing the chapter so this chapter is - Young Blood by Bea Miller, I love it and you should really check it out!!

Sorry this is so long, see you all at the end of the chap! xx


The next morning I awoke with a large dead weight pinning me down around my waist and a slow and steady warm breath puffing rythically on my neck.

"shit." I swore under my breath as I slowly slipped out of the warm arms that had held me tucked to their chest. Glancing around the room, all the pieces from last night started to fall into place, the drinking, the truth or dare, the kiss...

Emma! Ugh where the heck is she now.. I was screwed already, the last thing I need was to awake my tourmate who I may or may not have hooked up with less than 12 hours prior.

'Riley James you are the largest idiot to ever walk on this planet'... I sighed and quickly changed into my clothes and shoes I had left folded last night on the floor and slipped out of the room.

I softly closed the door, careful to not awaken anyone else in the house and spun around only to be met by the smirking eyes of a very smug Parker who was sat at the kitchen counter, sipping what I assumed to be a cup of coffee.

"Well. Well. Well. Look at little miss perfect slipping out of Hollywood's newest favorite bachelors room at what is it?" He said checking his watch, "Oh 5 am! Wow I hadn't pegged you as a 'do and dash' type. But everyone is full of surprises, aren't they little R.." Parker teased.

"Oh shut up. Like you're a saint. Where's Emma?" I responded as I found two togo cup's located in one of the kitchens many cupboards and filled both with steaming hot black coffee, the way we both prefered the drink.

"Right here!" Her twinkly voice sang as she practically floated into the room, her hangover surprisingly non-existant.

"See you Parker. Tell Nate I borrowed his car, I forgot that I need to run some errands and Emma needs to go home and sleep that off. She's taking my car. " I said handing her the coffee, grabbing all of my stuff and the keys that were hanging off a hook labeled 'NATES'. I tossed my car keys to Emma and walked out of the kitchen and out to the front where all the cars were.

Wrapping my cardigan around my chest, I swung my bag over my shoulder and pressed down on the unlock button, eye's focused on the row of cars located in front of me. The shiny black range rover located to the left blinked a few times and I quickly walked over and slipped into the drivers seat.

I pulled out my phone and opened the text app thingy and found my conversation with Nate located at the top of the roll. I opened the text bubble and typed a quick message telling him I had his car and sorry for slipping out so early. Right as I was about to click send, I added that we needed to talk soon about last night. Satisfied, I sent the green bubble into the text-o-sphere and attached my phone to the bluetooth of the car. Selecting the new Taylor Swift album, I pressed play and reversed out of the spot and drove over to the gates that kept the boys secluded from the outside world.

As I reached the gates, my phone let out a tweet noise I had set as my text tone, signaling someone had reached out to me. I slid to a stop and opened my phone. 'One missed text from - Nate', well someones awake. Upon opening, I read his response.

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