3: How the tides turn

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Ninja and Lazer went over to the forest and saw the white building. It was dark out and the tree canopy would not allow the moonlight to shine through. Ninja saw into the building noticing the broken door frame. "Is this the place?" Said Ninja Ryan, clearly worried.

"Yup... It's the place..." Mumbled Lazer trying not to think of the terrible things that could happen while down there.

They both walked down the flight of stairs and heard voices in the distance. The pair went down to the bottom and saw a small pool of blood where Vivid had once layed in.

"Oh no! Perhaps we're too late" said Lazer.

"No! Look!" Ninja exclaimed to lazer, "There's two Sucklines!"

Lazer quickly didn't question the fact that ninja had said that and looked over to then see two Sucklines.

"No way! Which is which" Ninja said

"I don't know!"

Vivid glared over to see Ninja Ryan and Lazer standing where he once stood. He gave them the "help me sign" and they came over.

"Ninja! Lazer! I'm glad you're here! This imposter is trying to take my identity!" Suckline 3 yelled. This Suckline had no damage done. No wound and no torn piece of her jacket

"No! That's not true! I swear! They are trying to take my identity!" Suckline 2 replied quickly. Suckline 2 had blood coming out from a wound and had her left arm jacket piece torn off.

They started to yell at one another.

"SHUT THE-" Vivid yelled

"Language!" Ninja interrupted Vivid before he finished his sentence.

"Why don't we just ask these... Uhh... Sucklines questions, if they get them wrong, then we should who the imposter is." Said Lazer in a pretty loud voice.

"Good Idea!" Shouted Suckline 2.

"Okay, Suckline 2 and 3, what's my 3 favorite colors?" Asked Ninja Ryan.

"I know! It's black, purple, and white!" Shouted Suckline 3.

"No! That's no right. I know the colors, it's Purple, Black, and red" Replied Suckline 2 quickly.

"Suckline 2 is correct" said Ninja Ryan in a somewhat calm voice.

"What! Ok, well ask another question!" Suckline 3 said in a angry tone.

"Where's my secret Cocoa bean farm? Only you and me should know about it" Lazer said to Suckline 3.

"Well, uhhhh... Well... Well... You see, I forgot" Mumbled Suckline 3, but they said it loud enough so everyone could hear it.

"I know where your Cocoa bean farm is, I come over to it to do repairs on the redstone every now and then!" Replied Suckline 2.

"Ok, well where IS it?" Vivid said.

Suckline 2 sighed, "In the jungle, there is a large glass container. It houses many Cocoa bean plants"

"What! I... I just forgot! That's all! I'm the real Suckline, I swear!" Suckline 3 remarked.

"Your right Suckline 2, I think it's 2? Anyways your right" Lazer said.

Vivid held up his sword and stabbed Suckline 3 in the stomach. Blood was oozing out, Vivid welding the sword then took it out and took a blow at the back of Suckline 3's head. Suckline 3 fell over as black blood came out. "You just killed a clone of Suckline without mercy..." Lazer said.

"Two Sucklines are enough" Vivid mumbled.

Suckline 3's skin and jacket turned black, even the pants. It was like a void taking over, until Suckline 3 melted into a black liquid and went through the cracks in the floor.

"OMG, that is horrible!" Suckline said as she walked back towards the debris slowly.

"Suckline! Where you going? Asked Lazer.

Suckline not knowing she was heading in the debris turned around and fell backwards onto her back.

"Suckline! You good?" Asked Ninja Ryan.

"Oh... Yeah I'm fine..." Suckline mumbled as she was swearing under her breath.

"Well let's get you out of here" Lazer said to Suckline.

"Yeah... Let's leave this place..." Suckline mumbled to herself.


"God! Your wounds are terrible!" Exclaimed Ethan.

"I know." Suckline said softly.

Ethan pulled out a first aid kit, and pulled out some alcohol, and poured it on Suckline's wounds, "OWWWWW! Stop it!!!!" Suckline screamed out loud. Lazer and Ninja could hear the screams of their friend but knew that she was fine.

"There we go!" Ethan said as he wrapped a piece of cloth around the now disinfected wound,"That should feel better."

Suckline knew that she should feel better but she didn't, she felt even more ill than before, "Okay thanks, I gotta go back to my base!" Suckline said before getting up and walking out into the living room.

"Hey Suckline, are you okay." Ninja said, but Suckline said nothing, didn't even stop.

Instead she just kept going until she reached her base. She felt ill, she wanted to be alone, she wanted to just do nothing besides crying.


"What's up with Suckline?" Asked Ninja.

Lazer just sat there, she could feel something, but couldn't put her mind into it, she felt Sucklines emotions, now she felt ill, she wanted to go away too, but couldn't stand up. She just sat there, wonder why she could voices in her head that weren't hers.

"Lazer! Hello? Are you there?" Ninja Ryan said, waving his hand in front of Lazers face.

"Oh? Oh yes I'm here" responded Lazer.

"Wanna to go check on Suckline?" Ninja asked Lazer.

"Yeah sure, I'll come"

"Okay, well here's your elytra."


Ethan stood there dumbfounded in what happened, he heard rockets fly up, he looked out his window and saw Suckline in the air, not too long after that he saw Ninja and Lazer flying towards Suckline.

'hmmm' He thought to himself, 'why did Suckline leave in a hurry' he grabbed the first aid kit and put it away. He sang to himself and washed his hands, "There will come a ruler, who's crown is layed in thorns, smeared in oil like David's boy, Oh li oh ly lore." He sang the verses and all the lines to the song. He dried his hands on a towel and put it back on it's rack.

When someone is alone, sometimes it's best to leave them be...

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