15: The Timing

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Ninja followed Suckline to the spare room and went inside carrying Lazer in his arms.

Nina sat Lazer down on some boxes and looked around.

"Hmmmmm tonnnnns of dust here, does Suckline even go in here?" Ninja asked himself.

The room was decently big, but looked small due to boxes and boxes stacked on one another. The walls and floors were covered in dust. The walls were stone bricks with some cracks in them. The floor was a deep red but looked light brown due to the dust.

On the left of Ninja Ryan was a small window that viewed the large cliff that was nearby.

"Why would Suckline have a window looking at a cliff? And just a cliff?" Ninja said out loud, not expecting anyone to answer.

"You'd be surprised how many mobs get behind the castle" Said a voice.

Ninja turned around a bit to fast and slightly reopened his wound.

"Ahh" Ninja said with a grunt of pain.

"You ok? I knew I should've been quieter" Said the voice again.

Ninja looked up and saw that Lazer was up. She had the face of someone who has seen terrible things.

"Are you ok?" Ninja said.

"Yeah, I... I got a vision of the future." Lazer replied.

"You can see into the future! I forgot you could!" Ninja said surprised," Is it looking good- wait, oh no, it's not good is it" He said realizing Lazer's face.

"I could only see so far..."

"Can you tell me what happened in the vision?" Ninja said with interest in his voice. He sat down on one of many boxes in the crowded room.

"I saw... I saw snow.... And a buliding in the distance.... And Ethan walking towards it. Then it skips to-"

"Wait, a buliding in the snow?"

"Yes, let me finish" Lazer said," It then cuts to a basement of some kind, with stone brick walls and a spruce floor with a red carpet. It had.... It has spruce beams across the roof and walls, like pillers."

"Hmmm, sounds alot like Suckline's basement...." Ninja suggested

"It's not....wait, oh god it does...." Lazer said shocked.

"What is it was just a basement down there? Why are you so scared?"

"I saw traps underneath with tons of redstone and wiring parts, not to mention..... Human experiments...."

"Oh god, that's horrible! Should we go investigate then?"

"I guess, but we have to be pretty quiet." Lazer said trying to get up, forgetting her wound. She clenched her teeth and she breathed heavily as not to scream out loud.

"You good! Here take this"

Nina handed Lazer a health potion.

Lazer drank it and said she was good. She careful stood up and walked to the door as Ninja followed behind.

Lazer opened the door and it wacked Suckline straight in the face.

"Ohhh, that's gonna sting" Suckline said closing her eyes morphing into various things before morphing back to her normal form.

"Suckline! You good?" Ninja asked quickly.

"Yep!" Suckline held a thumbs-up as she rubbed her forehead.

"Why were you crouched down at the door?" Lazer asked.

"Oh, nothing, just the fact that my basement just happened  to be flooded and that it somehow looks like Ethan's basement" Suckline said abit disappointed.

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