4: Castle of Death

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Lazer and Ninja Ryan made it over to Suckline's base and looked inside the massive Castle. It was dubbed, Death, for a joke, but seeing that now, in this situation. It's an interesting name for sure. Lazer and a Ninja Ryan decided to split up, Lazer going right, Ninja going Left.

What felt like hours, was actually minutes, almost an hour though. Lazer heard crying. She walked by an armory filled with swords and armor and... Blood? Lazer was careful walking past the sharp swords. She saw a glimpse of a black shadow. "Who's there!" Lazer said out loud, knowing that it's probably Suckline.

"Suckline! Where are you!"

"Please come out!"

"We're worried for you, please come out"

A moment of silence came.


"Sucklineeeeeeeee! Where are youuuu!" Ninja yelled.

"Come out, come out, wherever you areeee!"

Ninja was walking screaming his lungs out and heard a whisper in his ear, "Don't trust the Vivid lights" "Don't trust them"

"Wha... Who said that!" Ninja exclaimed.



Lazer was walking around the huge Castle, (The Castle of Death was a huge maze) She walked through corridors and hallways. Designs were all hand carved into the wall including flowers, butterflies, and even all the members of this Realm...

Lazer saw Blue Ice...

"No... I... I don't wanna see him..." Lazer said out loud.

She had warm tears on her cheeks. Lazer just kept walking and found an open door. She went inside and found dressers knocked over, many pieces of netherite armor were scattered over the blue carpeted floor. The windows were closed and the room was dimmed.

She then heard crying. "Suckline?" She asked to the person crying.

"Are you there?" She said again.

Lazer saw another open door. She went inside and saw a messy bed with someone on there.


Ninja ran. He ran to find the closest room he could find and to hopefully run inside. He heard voices screaming in his head saying, "Don't trust the Vivid lights."

Over and over again. Whatever the voices said had a clear tone a frustration. Ninja wanted the voices to stop completely, but they won't go away. He found a room inside a hallway and ran inside, not closing the door. He could heard voices telling him to not trust vivid lights. He wanted to make them stop, he made as much noise as he could. He was throwing stuff around to drown out the voices, not noticing the already ruined room. He threw his armor on the floor and weponds that he had in his inventory. He then, ran into another room and cried in a blue messy, not done yet bed.


"What..." Ninja mumbled.

"Why are you here? I thought you were looking on the other side?" Asked Lazer in a calm voice.

"I keep hearing voices in my head, and they won't go away!" Ninja spoke up.

"Hey, it's ok." Lazer reassured,"What are they saying?"

"Don't trust the vivid lights"

"Oh... Well, what could that mean?"

"I don't know." Lazer said, "Maybe Suckline knows!"

"Maybe" Ninja mumbled.

(Time skip, 6:00 P.M)

"Suckline!" Lazer said while on one of the watch towers.

"Suckline!" Yelled Ninja, he was on top of the tallest flag pole.

They both saw a figure run into the Castle.

Ninja hopped down and glided using his worn elytra.

"Suckline! Is that you?" He said.

The black figure just ignored his question.

"Lazer! I found someone!" Ninja yelled loud enough so Lazer could hear.

Lazer then flew down using an elytra,"Who Is it?" She asked.


The black figure looked like Suckline, but was completely like a void. However, you could see where the eyes were. They were white and the normal jacket was just white.

"Leave me be!" The black figure yelled.

"Wait! Are you Suckline?" Lazer asked quickly.


Lazer out of desperation, grabbed the black figure by the shoulder and yanked them over to her.

"Are. You. Suckline." She demanded. Lazer had a voice of confidence, like she knew that the figure was Suckline.


"Answer. The. Question."

"Yes..." The figure mumbled.

"I knew it!" Lazer exclaimed, "Why did you run off?"


"Well? Tell?" Ninja said.

"I didn't feel well..." Suckline said in a quiet voice.

"Well you could've told us first?!" Lazer said.

"I know, I know" Suckline said, slowly backing up a good distance.

"Why are you all... Void-y?" Ninja said.

"I don't know." Suckline spoke up.

"Well come with us" lazer said.

"I... I can't see straight..." Suckline said before falling down cold on the floor.

"Suckline!" Ninja yelled,"Everytime!"

"Calm down!" Lazer said,"Where's the closest non-destoryed base?"

"I think it's Blue ice's base."

"Blue... Ice's... Base...." Lazer stuttered.

"Yup. We can get there real quick if we fly, but since Suckline is out, we have to boat over."

"Oh... Oh okay..." Lazer muttered.


Vivid was walking by a base made of blue ice. He noticed Ethan walk by. Besides, he wanted to see what his friend was up to, what's the harm in doing that?

"Ethan! Wanna hear a joke?" Vivid said waiting for a reply.

"Sure! What's the joke?" A voice came from inside the blue ice base.

Vivid went in the open cave and saw Ethan grabbing... Samples?

"Whatcha doing?" Vivid asked.

"Grabbing samples!" Ethan replied,"Anyways, what's the joke?"

"Oh lol, I wasn't expecting for you to reply" vivid said.


"Why are you grabbing samples?" Vivid asked.

"Idk. I wanted to test one of my machines I built"

"Wait! What! Since when were you a handyman?" Vivid said.

"What what? You never knew?" Ethan joked.

"Yeah! Dude, you haven't built anything around me. Anyways, what does the machine do?" Vivid asked.

"You wanna know?"

"Yes!" Vivid replied.

"It brings back dead people"

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