Meet my pals

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+*For clarification this is before Ray Browers ,Teddy,Vern and Gordie are 10 and Chris is 11.Ace and the Cobras are a mix of 14/15 at this time*+


Today i walked to school with Teddy and Vern my best pals.Teddy's dad was out at war while Vern's dad was an estate agent,pretty different i know and the apple doesnt fall far from the tree for either of them.Teddy wanted to be a soldier to follow in his dad's footsteps and Vern was like his dad in a way he doesn't do anything mega exciting.My dad wasnt really my idol my big brother Denny was who i looked up to,he was popular ,had perfect grades and did footbal.Although i'm not interested in football it's the energy he puts into everything that's what i look up to.My dad basically ignores everything i do so i try my best so i can maybe get a little bit of attention from him and my mom does the same.

Walking to school with Teddy and Vern was fun and waas only bad when we would run into this guy Ace Merril and his friend Eyeball Chambers.We wwould always get beat up by them if we ran into them and i am just a skinny little kid so they think of me as their punching bag.Today we didn't pass by them,we just got to school and we have new classes so i dread to think who i will be with because i know i won't be with Teddy and Vern.

I walked into my class and i was empty it seemed nobody was there yet so i got tochoose where i sat.Later on everyone started arriving and even later n a boy a bit taller than me walked in the classroom.His hair was long and drooping down his head,it looked like he needed a hair cut,he looked very tired then i snapped back into reality when he sat next to me.I wondered who he was because we were now in 6th grade and i have never seen this by before,then the teacher called out,

"Christopher Chambers,why were you late to school?"

he replied in a worn out voice,"My dad-.."his voice trailed off, "he didn't wake me up today"

"Well you better start waking yourself up you sloppy Chambers kid."The teacher said in a foul tone. I was confused why the teacher was being mean to Christopher ,it was his brother who was mean and a bully not him.

It was the end of last lesson while i was packing away the full class was starting to leave for home when i looked around and saw the teacher talking to Christopher and i decided to wait and see if he had anyone to walk home with him and if he didn't he would offer him to walk with him and his group of friends (being Teddy and Vern).I waited outside the class roomfor him and it didn't take long for him to leave the classroom surprisingly.Mr Allan was really going at him for being late.Anyways he looked at me probably wondering why a skinny,limp kid waited for him.I did get that idea when he said,moving some hair out the way of his eyes,

"Who you waiting for mr bones" Insulting the fact im thin.

"I-..I was just wondering if you had any friends to walk home with,i just wanted to say if you dont you can walk with me and my friends.."

"Oh,well in that case i would love to walk with you and your friends, your name's Gordie right?"he replied in a kind manner.

"Yeah Gordie,Gordie Lachance.And you're Christopher,right?"

He said fast,"Chris!Just Chris."

From there we walked to the gates with an annoyed Vern and amused Teddy waiting for me and now Chris too.They saw me walkig down and they also saw Chris next to me and were definetly wondering 'how the hell did he make a friend?'.Me and Chris were talking and we thought we both as funny as eachother having the same interests and we were laughing along to eachother until we reached them,then i had t introduce them to eachother.

"Teddy, Verno this is Chris,Chris Chambers."and i followed up with,"Chris meet my pals"

End of Chapter 1.

We meet again. -LachambersWhere stories live. Discover now