"Stay With Me Forever"

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-(Godie's POV)-

"Oh Chris, look at me okay.." I held his cheek in my hand, "If this happens ever,EVER again you come straight here.."

He leant into my hand.

"I don't think it's ever gonna end Gordie.." A tear falls as the weak boy silently begs to be hugged.

I wrap my arms around him and lead him to the sofa. He sits between my legs and rests his head on my chest as i hold him. Falling from his eyes, tears, uncontrollably. My heart was racing as he sat there sobing, i thought about how many times this must've happened since i've known him.How man times i have looked passed it..Or even how many times i could've saved him. Now i'm aware and i look at him in further detail i can see on his arms ,defense marks from a belt or some sort of thing. Red marks,scars even, everywhere i looked.

"You wanna stay tonight?" I asked him, hoping he'd say yes so that bastard wouldn't hit him...,"Chris?"

I looked to his eyes that were now covered by his eyelids, he fell asleep crying. I sat with him in my arms for what felt like hours and i cherished every second i spent holding him; i know this won't happen often unless we were out together. Knowing my parents were gone for the next week it gave me ease to hold him without getting caught.

I stroked is hair before i suddenly also became tired, my eyes became heavy and i let my arms rest while hugging Chris.Soon we were both sleeping peacefully as the record ends.

-(The next morning)-

When I woke up from my sleep I felt no weight above me, had Chris left? I sure hope not- not after last night.. I wanted to give him a day/night to remember if he ever feels sad. Slowly I get up to look around and see if he'd gone yet but before I loose hope of him being here I saw the kitchen door shut and heard the radio playing.

Chris had started making toast and tea for us, setting it out on the dinning table.

"Hey there Chris" I say to him.

" Morning! I made us breakfast-" He told me while pulling out a seat for me,"I also found an apple if you didn't want toast.."

He was nervous and I could tell, I think he was worrying about what happened last night, I guess o have to reassure him its okay.I'll do that when we go out, for now I just smile and hold his hand over the table. I gave a reassuring squeeze for now before we go out walking.


"Lets go out! Its nearly 2 and we still haven't left the house-" I turn my head to Chris who was still watching batman on the tv,"c'mon!"

I grabbed his hands and pulled him up of the sofa,dragging him with two hands and walked backwards to the front door seeing his confused and tired face. I giggled at him then he giggled after me which made us both smile. When we got to the door I picked up my key to lock the door and off we went, off we went up the little rocky mountains of Castle Rock.

All of the leaves were orange and crispy when I stood on them they'd crunch. While we walk along the leafy trail I spot a tree swing. As fast as I can I run to it pulling Chris along with me.

"Swing me, will you?" My smile gleamed.
"Okay Gordo, get on," He let go of my hand to let me hold onto the ropes while he pushes me.

I love being with him..the way I feel with Chris is something I have never felt around anyone before, not even my only girlfriend from like 2nd grade Betty White. Butterflies fill my stomach whenever he's around me and I haven't ever known a feeling like this.. It's kind of like in the books I read about..,Love. As if i'm the Jennifer Stirling and Chris is my Anthony O'hare,I love him..

How the hell do I bring that one up?...

-(Chris' POV)-

Gordie is the best, just the best, the way he smiles while I push him on this swing he stumbled upon. I'm in awe of his happiness and im glad he has it back..After last night I was really scared he wouldn't look at me the same,but he hasn't mentioned it at all which makes me glad that I can tell him things like that without having him trying to bring it up again. Well at least not today..

A small wind blew through Gordie's un-styled hair,I stop the swing and walk in front of him to fix his hair a little.He looks up at me with his familiar,warm doe eyes and tries to subtly smile. My heart skips a beat with the way he looks at me.. he took my hand and all of a sudden taking me into a little hill of autumn leaves; he took me down with him and we were both in hysterics.

I ended up above him locking him beneath me with my arms both sides of him. His eyes are trying to tell me something,he looks happy.. I feel safe with him, nobody around and only the birds singing their songs. I lower my body,leaning on my elbows now, Gordie lays beneath me his cheeks matching the now pink sky.

I lean in and peck his lips, today he tasted of honey and mint. I can't remember the last time I tasted his sweet lips; I haven't been out much with him since I'd gone awol because of my dad and Eyeball. I missed him, I missed this, us. I want more than just meeting up at the tree house and pretending to just friends when Vern or Teddy come. I want to be his.

Our kiss slowly turned more intimate and as it did I turned and sat down with Gordie on me. I smile through the kiss knowing how I feel about him. These butterflies send me mad but I still come back for him,my Gordie.

He pulled away from me for a second and took a breath, something was clicking in head, I could hear the clock works.. Debating on something. Before he could say anything, I spoke softly..

"I think I'm in-love with you Gordie LaChance-" it popped out so naturally,I place a hand on his cheek,"and don't worry,I don't expect a response but I just wanted you to know and-"

"I love you too Chris, I always have" Gordie said that and pecked my lips again while I had the hugest grin plastered on my face.

As the evening crept upon us we still sat in the pile of leaves: sometimes throwing them off each other and sometimes we'd have a short make out moment.

Gordie owns my heart now and there's nothing he can do that will ever change my opinion of him. Ever. His kind soul will stay with me forever.

"Somewhere in this world is a man who loves you, who understands how precious and clever and kind you are. A man who has always loved you and, to his detriment, suspects he always will."
-Jojo Moyes,2008


We meet again. -LachambersWhere stories live. Discover now