Back to Hogwarts. Hogwarts!

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It is past midnight over here, but I thought it would be cool to upload this chapter right now.

Also, I am going for Third Person POV, mostly because it would help in maintaining continuity in this story.

That's all for now. Enjoy!

Every year, on September 1st, the Hogwarts Express would depart from Platform Nine and Three Quarters, carrying with safety, the students of Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft. It was considered one of the safest transportation methods to reach to the esteemed school. Most of the compartments were full, some students had worn their robes, while the others hadn't. A girl with soaked red hair walked inside a nearly empty compartment and sat down in front of boy, who was reading Advanced Potion Making.

"What happened?" James asked with concern, as he noticed his sister's wet hair.

"I am never sitting with Lorcan again. Ever."

Lily said as she crossed her arms, her back hitting the back of her seat.

"What did he do now?" James said, slightly amused at her frustration.

"He drenched me! Lorcan said that he was going to practice some spells on the way, so that he would be prepared for school. The first spell he used was Aquamenti. He said that he wanted to clean his shoes. I bent down to fix my socks as they were rolling down and then, Lorcan pointed his wand at me and drenched me!" Lily ranted out loud. Her voice squeaked at the end.

"Lily, it must be a joke." James said with a smile on his face.

At that moment, Lorcan Scamander stormed inside the compartment, his left cheek slightly red.

"James, you might as well tell Lily it was a joke. She slapped me!" Lorcan said, pointing to his left cheek.

"Oh dear Lorcan!" James sighed dramatically, while Lily pushed him.

"You think it's funny to make people wet!" Lily said as she pushed Lorcan once more.

"Lily, it was a joke. For Merlin's sake."

Lorcan backed a bit, because he was scared Lily's fists that were coming towards him.

"Lily, no fists." James said in a stern voice, but he did no want the fight to stop. This was too much fun.

"Sorry, James." Lily said looking at James, then she stared into Lorcan's eyes. "If you do this again, I swear I won't let you sleep, Lorcan!"

"And how will you do that?" Lorcan scoffed at her.

"Let's just said, I have many tricks under my sleeve." Lily said, pulling his face down with the collar of his shirt, even though she was several inches shorter than him.

"James said no to violence." Lorcan said. One could hear a little bit of fear in his voice.

"He said no fists." Lily said dangerously, but she did let go of his shirt.

James thought that she was going to kiss Lorcan, but kept the thought to himself.

"Alright, Lily, that's enough of threatening. Lorcan, back to your compartment." James said authoritatively, knowing that Lily won't resist from beating Lorcan.

"James, tell her to not slap me again." Lorcan said, as he opened the door.

"You slapped her face with water though."


"You heard me. Now you may leave."

Lorcan left, murmuring something in his mouth. He was lucky that none of them heard him.

Us And Him [J.S.Potter and L.L.Potter]Where stories live. Discover now