Occurrences in The Wilderness

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Summary: James and Lily find themselves in a prison, andmeet their kidnappers

Somewhere far away, there was an old building, nestling among some trees. Quite run-down from the outside, its interior was quite decent looking. It was functional at best, and plain at worst. Still, it was the perfect place to hide things in the plain sight.

Take the dungeons as an example. One could never tell that the house had any dungeons, for the trapdoor leading towards them, was hidden by the floor of the boiler room. Since, in the current times, the boiler room was quite inoperative, no one would go there for any reason, other than to use the dungeons. This meant that whosoever was locked in there, could not really find a way to escape, unless they knew how they were brought in.

The prisoners did not have that information.

Hence, when James woke up, he was utterly confused. Where was he, he wondered. To his right, he could see bars that resembled that of a prison, lined up vertically and equidistant, connecting the roof and the floor. To his left, he noticed another person sleeping, the face turned away from him. On the roof, a small bulb illuminated the entire space and dust particles swirled about it.

Instantly, James remembered the events before he fell into sleep.

He had gone to Professor Egnarts's office for his extra class. They had talked about the importance of tea leaves and their use in Alchemy. Then, they talked about a legend from the book. He was quite engrossed in it and felt stupid about getting too invested in it. Then, Ro's appearance began to change. He suddenly looked like the man who had escaped a couple of days ago. How is that possible? James had no time to think. He had to run away from there as fast as he could.

Except, he couldn't. He was stunned by him and most likely brought here. But why? Did it have to something with his father?

James did not know much about Rodolphus Lestrange, but he knew a few things. From Harry Potter fans discussing about him, to nerds talking about him in the library, James knew that he was one of the closest followers of Voldemort and was one of the most loyal Death Eaters.

That's all that he knew. Maybe he wanted to avenge his father, so that is why he kidnapped him and Albus, but why did Scorpius went missing too? Were not Malfoys Death Eaters as well?

He was just thinking about all this when the person next to him stirred from her sleep.

James suddenly recognised the ginger hair, and was thoroughly shocked.

The little girl sat up and rubbed her eyes, oblivious to the state that she was in.

"Lily?" said James, keeping his hand on her shoulder.

Lily looked at him with sleepy eyes.

"James. Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I am sleeeepy though." Lily said, her eyes half-closed and pouting her lips out.

James wondered where Lily had been stunned or something of such sort. However, he could not contain his smile over Lily's sleepy cuteness. He gave her a hug, which got Lily confused.

"Where are we?"

"A prison for sure."

Lily was awake at this point. She was still trying to process everything.

"A prison? Why are we here?"

"We have been brought here."

"Have we been kidnapped as well?"

"I think so. Who brought you here by the way?"

"It was the man outside the bathroom. He said some spell, then I went to sleep and woke up now."

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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