Cancelled Classes and A Meet-up

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I have not updated this story in a long time, and I am so sorry for doing so. Now, I am back and will be more consistent with my uploads. I have decided to upload once every two weeks for the next few chapters. I am still settling in University.

(I was in school when I started this fic. Now, I am in University and I sound like a grown-up)

Till the time I did not write this fic, I have noticed many people come in and read it here and on AO3. Thank you for your support!

Happy reading!


As the news of Rodolphus's escapade reached the ears of Headmistress McGonagall, all classes were cancelled for the next day. All students were ordered to stay in their respective houses and meals were to be served there. A team of Aurors had been stationed to search for clues.

Inside the Gryffindor common room, a huge crowd clustered around the breakfast table. James, who was tired and furious from standing for fifteen minutes, finally went upstairs to his dorm, to have his breakfast in silence. His head was throbbing and his eyes had slight bags underneath.

He had not slept last night. At all.

The thing, or rather, the person who kept James awake, was none other than Rodolphus Lestrange. One of the most loyal Death Eaters of Voldemort and husband to Bellatrix Lestrange, the most loyal and closest to the Dark Lord, his escapade was a serious issue. Was he behind his brother going missing? No, that can't be it, for he had escaped after Albus went missing. The article had not mentioned that, had it? Oh wait! It did say that he escaped in the morning.

James had been confused. Where were Albus and Scorpius? Who had them and why? Why had Rodolphus managed to escape, right around the time they went missing?

He decided to put his thoughts at the back of his head and focused on having his breakfast. Usually, he enjoyed eating food, but since the past few days, it had become really difficult to eat. He forced the food down his throat, with a significant amount of lethargy, for if he had to do anything, he needed energy.

At that moment, Lily entered his dorm after having her breakfast.

"Listen. Headmistress McGonagall has called both of us to her office. Come downstairs once you are done. I'll be waiting."

"Okay." James said, not looking in his sister's way.

His head hung low, as if he was trying to hide his face away. Lily, taking this as the cue, went towards him and gave him the tightest hug that she possibly could.

James, whose both hands were occupied, gave no response. A small tear escaped from his eye, as he took in slow deep breaths to stop himself from bursting out. Wailing was fruitless; it won't bring back Albus.

Lily noticed the tear, but said nothing. James had never been the best at expressing emotions, especially sadness and heartbreak. She hugged him for a while and then let go, knowing that he needed to eat.

"Come downstairs, okay?"

"Love you, Lily."

A smile came on her childlike face at his sudden words of warmth.

"Love you too."

Saying that, she moved towards the exit.

"Love you three."

Lily looked at him, gave him a cheeky smile and got onto closing the door. Before it was closed shut, Lily peeked through the door, mischief sparkling from within.

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