A Search in the Midnight

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While Lily was soundly asleep, the same cannot be said about James. Sleep never came to him. His mind was swirling with thoughts, scary and dark, like the night sky visible from the Gryffindor tower. He could not sleep. Anyone who peeped through the curtains would have thought he was asleep, except he wasn't.

James was panicking. He could not wrap his head around the fact that Albus was missing and never made it Hogwarts. Could he be at Hogwarts? There was a bleak possibility, but from his conversation with Neville, he knew that it was not possible. Albus and Scorpius were gone.

James was tired of lying on his bed, having nothing else to do. He tossed about and tried every position he could to try and get some sleep, but it did not work. He had to do something. He could not be lying on his bed and do nothing, while Albus was missing and who knows what had happened to him.

"Calm down, James." He muttered to himself. He sat up on his bed and picked up the bottle kept beside him. The water was a relief to his throat. He pushed out the dark thoughts, knowing that they were fruitless, unless he did something.

He knew what he had to do.

James got up from his bed as quietly and quickly as he got. He padded away to his trunk. Opening it softly, he pulled out the soft lump of fabric kept on the top. Rummaging through his trunk, he pulled out an old looking map. He had seen on his father's table the other day and he had absolutely no idea when did it came into his trunk.

He did, but he did not want to think about it.

James pulled the curtain separating his bed from the snoring occupant of the other one as slowly as he could. He picked his wand off the side cabinet. Placing it in his pocket, he wrapping himself completely using the Invisibility Cloak and padded his way out.

James went down the stairs. The torches were luminating his way, but he wondered if a simple Lumos will be visible through the cloak. He could not see that well, but continued walking.

When he reached downstairs, he found the common room deserted. He kept the tip of his wind on the folded map.

"I solemnly swear I am upto no good."

The map inked itself with faint crimson ink, showing the true masters of it. James thanked Messrs. Moony, Padfoot, Prongs and Wormtail in his mind. He opened it, to find that no one was outside on the Gryffindor Tower. He walked out.

James opened the map again. He could not locate Albus nor Scorpius on it, but he knew that Neville was in the Great Hall. Professor McGonagall was in her office, pacing. Filch was somewhere he could not figure out, as Hogwarts had been renovated since the Battle, and many places on the map were now spots of white. Even where he stood was not visible on the map. How will he find Albus using this?

"Mischief managed." James said with a sigh. This map was useless. No, it was a wonderful masterpiece and an amazing work of magic, but during the present times, it won't be of much help. Maybe that's why Harry never came to ask James about it. He knew the map won't work.

"I am going towards the Gryffindor Tower to check again."

Neville said as he made his way towards the tower and where James was.

James was freaking out. The Portrait of the Fat Lady was right behind him, but he could not enter, knowing that Neville will notice him. He decided to stand there wrapped by the Invisibility Cloak.

Neville made his way to the Gryffindor Tower from the Great Hall, in a faint hope of finding Albus and Scorpius there. But he knew he won't. They had managed to not arrive at Hogwarts and who knows where they were. Neville sighed to himself. At least James and Lily were inside, resting properly.

James wasn't.

Neville stopped in front of the Gryffindor Tower and was about to enter, when he felt that someone was there. He could hear soft breaths coming from the Fat Lady. He knew that was insane- portraits do not breathe. Suddenly, he knew what was going on. Stretching his hand in front of him, he pulled the soft fabric down, revealing a shocked James.

"I told you to stay inside. Didn't I?" Neville said grimly.

James was trying his best not to show his fear, but his trembling feet gave away.

"Neville, it is not what you think..."

"Do not try to lie to me, James Sirius Potter. I know exactly what were you going to do."

"Neville, I am sorry," James said quickly, "I am worried about Albus, and Scorpius, that's it."

"I know you are." Neville said, squeezing James's shoulder slightly with his hand, "But please try to understand this- there is a high chance that you can get missing too."

"Are you telling me, that Albus is... kidnapped?" James said it fearfully. He blinked his eyes fiercely, trying to keep dust off his eyes.

"No, he is probably not."

"But there is a possibly that he is, right?"

"James," Neville said, pulling the boy into a hug, "He will be alright. We will find him safe and sound."

"And Scorpius?" James said, blinking his eyes more fiercely than before. Neville noticed the subtle crack in his voice.

"He will be fine too. I am sure that those two will be together."

"I hope they are." James said, his arms wrapped around Neville.

He did let go of him after a couple of minutes. Neville studied the boy. He was trying so hard to keep the tears in his eyes from falling. His feet were still shaking. He saw a robed figure walking towards them and recognized it quickly.

"Professor Laverna, could you please bring a vial of the Calming Draught?"

The Potions teacher turned about silently. Neville looked back at the boy, who was eyeing the cloak in his hands.

"You are not getting it back."

"Neville!" James protested loudly.

"Gosh, you sound like a mandrake. Keep it down."

"Alright," James murmured, "But give me my cloak back. Dad gifted it to me."

"I can see you are putting your gift to a good use, indeed." 

Neville said, his voice low. He tightened his grip on the cloak, knowing that the boy standing in front of him will try to snatch it away.

"Come on, Neville. Give it back to me," James continued, "please."

"Do not sneak out for a week and this will be yours."

James shook his head slightly.

"I will take house points away then."

"Fine." James said reluctantly, knowing that his friends will be furious at him for making them lose house points.

"Here is the potion, Professor Longbottom." Professor Laverna handed the vial and returned to where she came for, after Neville thanked her.

"Have this, James. It will make you feel better." Neville said, handing him the vial of Calming Draught.

"Thank you, Neville." James said, pulling its cork out and drinking up the contents in a single gulp, ignoring its sour taste.

"Go back inside. Remember, one week." Neville said, tapping his hand on the shiny rolled lump of fabric.

James sighed softly. He was furious at himself for not only losing the cloak, but also for stealing the map which had served no purpose to him. He turned around and entered the tower. A yawn escaped his lips as he made his way upstairs. He tucked the map back into his trunk. Pulling his blanket towards his chin, James descended into a dreamless sleep, after a while. 

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