Where are the Snake Potter and the Scorpion?

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Hogwarts looked as massive and as welcoming as it did every year. Its huge towers blended into the dark night sky and the stars glimmered through. The intense petrichor signaled the end of the rains. The students crowded outside of the entrance, except the first-yearers who were taken by the boats.

Lily and James separated and went to meet each other's friends. James instantly joined his sixth-year friends talking.

"Ayo, James! How were hols, man?"

"Amazing, bro. How were yours?"

"James, did see the Quidditch World Cup?"

Lily was with her own friends; a small group of second-yearers discussing about the upcoming year.

"I can't wait for History of Magic this year." Said Hamza, a boy from the Middle East, "I have heard we are having a new professor."

"Yes, he is, I think, Professor Maxwell's brother, right Lily?" Amber said, a girl whose auburn hair was braided into two plaits.

"Right. But I have a doubt- will we address both of as Professor Maxwell?" Lily said, as they made their way to the Great Hall.

"I don't know. Let's see. See you guys tomorrow." Hamza said as he made his way to the Slytherin table.

Amber and Lily approached the Gryffindor table and took their seats with the second-yearers. They were all excited for the upcoming year, chatting about what they did in the summer and what they didn't. Lily's eyes moved to see all the remaining tables. She saw Lorcan guffawed loudly and hit the back of one of his friends on the Hufflepuff table. She saw Lysander sit quietly by himself at the Ravenclaw table. Lily gave him a welcoming smile, which he warmly returned.

It was easy to tell Lorcan and Lysander apart. Lorcan had blonde hair, which was extremely curly, while Lysander had chocolate brown hair, straight as a pin. They were different in mannerisms too. Lorcan was outgoing and made friends easily; Lysander preferred his own company.

Lily's brown eyes moved to the Slytherin table. She smiled when she saw Hamza talking to his friend Yash. Her eyes moved, scanning everyone on the table, but she could not find her brother.

The doors of the Great Hall were thrown open. Neville (or Professor Longbottom) walked in, followed by a mob of awestruck first-yearers. They were assembled in the middle of the hall for the Sorting Ceremony.

Everyone's eyes were fixed at the stool that appearing with the Sorting Hat on top. The Sorting Hat sang its usual jingle, with Lily still fascinated by it and James being extremely bored, having memorized the entire jingle in the past five years.

"Angel, Dina."

A tiny girl wearing glasses came on the stool and sat on it. Professor Longbottom kept the Hat on her head. The Sorting Hat was murmuring something to the young girl, which was inaudible to the audience.


Lily clapped for the little girl who made her way to the Slytherin table. More students came on stage. They got sorted into their respective houses, went to their respective tables and Lily made sure that she clapped for everyone, having been sorted the year before. She remembered her Sorting fondly. Everyone had clapped so loudly for her and everyone were so kind to her when she walked towards the Gryffindor Table for the first time.

After the sorting, Headmistress McGonagall stood up. She gave the welcoming speech with a warm smile on her face, as her eyes swept through as she addressed the hall full of excited students.

"Dig in the feast. Welcome once again!" She said prominently and took her seat.

The food appeared on the table and everyone started eating. Lily took some food on her plate. She, Hugo and Amber had a discussion about their summer holidays, where they went and whom they met.

Us And Him [J.S.Potter and L.L.Potter]Where stories live. Discover now