The Augurey And The Snowy Owl

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Summary: James goes out for his class with Professor Egnarts; Lily goes out to find him when he is not back on time.

Later that day, James went out for his lesson with Professor Egnarts. On his way, he kept his wand armed, ready to defend himself the moment danger struck him. Thankfully, nothing happened. Even then, his senses were jittery from last night's occurrences and he was quite fearful.

He entered the professor's office and took a seat where he was supposed to; in front of the table, opposite to the professor's chair. At that moment, he was the only occupant of the room.

Professor Egnarts had decided that his office would be the best location for this class, as James was the only student that he would teach and the classroom would feel quite empty.

James pulled out his quill, inkpot and parchment from his satchel and kept them on the table. Once done, he settled his back onto the back of the chair. A sigh escaped his lips as he thought about Albus. Was he alright? Where was he? Was Scorpius with him? Had he eaten?

The questions spun around like a tornado with his head its eye. When he had nothing to do, these were the only things in his mind. It drove him insane.

Where was he?

The pace of his heartbeat increased. He took in quick breaths. He knew he had to divert his attention, before he could not control himself.

Outside the room, students were walking about, talking about this and that. Comparing to the chaos outside, he found the silence of the office to be quite pleasant. It soothed his nerves, with warm lights glowing it and welcoming. Some other offices that he had been to were not so warm. He may be here for a class, but James was quite appreciative of its serenity.

The outside crowd had quietened considerably. It was nearly quarter past eight and still, Professor Egnarts was not present.

Suddenly, only a single sound came from the outside. A loud click of heels could be heard, frequently spaced out, as if the person was quite relaxed and satisfied.


James tightly grabbed his wand. The steps echoed towards him and stopped at the door. Facing the door, he stood up and raised his wand.

The door opened and Professor Egnarts stepped in. James frantically lowered his wand and took his seat.

"What? Did I frighten you?"

"No, Professor. I am sorry."

"No, no, no. Don't apologize. It is good to be alert about one's surroundings."

Saying this, he took his seat. James realized shamefully that the sound was of the professor's heels, which clicked as he walked in.

"Are you planning to be an Auror?"

James was startled by this sudden question.

"Yes, professor. Why do you ask so?"

"You are allowed to call me Ro when we are alone, James."

"Yes, Ro. My apologies."

"It's alright. I asked that question because being alert of one's surroundings and being ready to save oneself from any peril are true qualities of an Auror and you just displayed those. Hence, I wondered whether you wanted to become one or not."

"Alright. Thank you, Ro. I do aspire to be an Auror."

"Great! You will become a fine one."

James thanked him.

"Should we begin our lesson?"

"Yes, professor."

"Tonight, you will learn about the importance of tea leaves in Alchemy."

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