A Bowtruckle Named Cherry

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Chapter 10 is here.

I did promise regular updates, but considering my circumstances, I think I won't be able to do those at the moment. Henceforth, I will upload as and when I can. I hope you understand so. Enjoy this chapter!

Summary: The Aurors conclude their search; James receives a letter; and Lily meets Lysander.

Darkness crept in the corridor outside the Great Hall. Breaking through were the lights of the lamps and the occasional bursts of magic from the wands of the Aurors. They were making sure that for the umpteenth time, nothing suspicious was present in the school and that Hogwarts was as safe and sound as it always had been.

Teddy came to the scene, after investigating Professor Egnarts's office. Nothing was wrong with it. A bunch of books about legends did catch his eye, but every teacher had some sort of books out of their course for their private reading, so he did not think much about it.

What he did think about though, was the interview that he had conducted. The man never seemed to hide anything from him. From the way he jumped on to talk about his education in Ilvermorny to how his beloved had passed away and his desire to avenge it. His beloved was called Ella. After her passing, he had changed his name to Egnarts, a reverse of the word "strange", because his world had rather turned strange after her passing. He called this, a "poetic way of starting his new life". Teddy thought that there was nothing poetic about it, it was just weird! He had to find what his former name had been. Unfortunately, Hogwarts had him registered through the name Egnarts, so that is what he had. He needed to find his birth name as soon as possible.

The students had good feedback about him. He taught well and told interesting stories about various creatures, so people enjoyed whenever he took class. As a teacher, he occasionally taught Alchemy to sixth- and seventh-year students and took substitutions whenever he was offered, so most students knew him for his tales and legends.

Considering everything that he had found out about the man, Teddy did not suspect him of doing anything. He was fine, Teddy thought, but he just needed to find out his birth name to completely write him off.

"Please find more information on Professor Ronald Le Egnarts. Particularly, find his name before he got it changed."

"Are you suspicious of him?" said one of the Aurors.

"Not really, but I do not want to ignore anything."

Soon, the Aurors completed their search. They had found nothing. They went to report to Headmistress McGonagall about their findings or rather, lack thereof.

"Is there no evidence that you could find in regard to the boys?"

"No, Headmistress."

"Have you completed the search of the Forbidden Forest?"

"Mr. Potter will be coming tomorrow with his team to complete the search."

"Do you think it is safe to start the classes again?"

"It is, as we have not found any evidence. The students may move in groups of four or more. They must not be allowed in the forest, if that is possible."

"That will be possible. Thank you very much for your services."

The Aurors departed and went ahead to rest, except one of them. Teddy could not sleep. Albus and Scorpius are missing, and the only thing that they know so far is that they jumped off the Express on their free will.


The next day, Hogwarts's corridors were filled with students once again. The new ones were struggling to find their classes for Friday, while the old ones were solemn that their mini vacation had ended.

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