A Strange Professor and Angry Teddy

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That's right, y'all. Teddy Lupin is here! Cursed Child did him dirty by not even mentioning him, so I am going to remedy that.

Here we go! 

James managed to reach his Alchemy class on time. The professor was a man in his fifties, his hair a mix of black and white, a crooked nose, an incision on his right cheek and deep blue eyes set deep in his eye sockets, which seemed to judge every student who entered the class.

"Welcome to your first class of Alchemy. Your professor wouldn't be able to take classes this week, as he is unwell. So, I will be taking Alchemy for this week. You all can refer to me as Professor Egnarts. I hope you know that Alchemy is one of the most ancient sciences of humankind. Extremely useful in Potions."

Throughout the lesson, the man had especially placed his eyes on James, who found it difficult to pay attention due to the continuous stare.

Soon the class ended. Students kept their books back in their bags and made their way towards the door. James got up to join Roxanne.

"Mr. Potter, could you please wait for a moment?"

"Yes Professor."

James stayed at his desk while everyone else left.

"Well, Mr. Potter. I happen to go through your O.W.L.s result and I must say, I am pleased. O's in all subjects is a remarkable achievement. I am sure your father must be proud of you."

"Thank you, Professor and yes, my father was very happy from my result."

"I am certain that you got a lot of gifts from him."

James did not know how to respond to that statement. His dad had not exactly "gifted" the Invisibility Cloak to him, but he knew that his father had an amazing reputation that cannot be tarnished.

"Yes, he did, Professor Ed... I did not quite get your name."

"Oh! It's Egnarts."

Egnarts? What a strange name! James kept the thought to himself.

"Alright, Professor Ed...Egnarts, why did you ask me to stay?"

He wanted to go to the Great Hall and have his lunch quickly, but the professor seemed to his own mind.

"Mr. Potter, seeing your results I would like to offer you special classes for Alchemy, in which I will teach you things outside of your curriculum. Every night at 8. It is not compulsory to attend, of course."

James looked undecisive.

"How long will it be?"

"An hour, dear. Way before your lights out."


James wasn't sure. It would be helpful to learn things out of the curriculum, but...

"It will be like extra credit. It will be mentioned in your N.E.W.T.s result."

"I will attend them, Professor Edward. Apologies, Professor Egnarts."

The man had an amused smile on his face.

"You can call me Ro when it's just the two of us."

"Why Ro?"

"Ro stands for Ronald. Ronald Le Egnarts." He said, raising his hand to shake it with James's.

"And you can call me James. James Sirius Potter." James said, taking his hand and shaking it.

"I will see you tomorrow then, James."

Us And Him [J.S.Potter and L.L.Potter]Where stories live. Discover now