Flashback, Charms and Shadows

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Alright, here we go. A new update! It includes a flashback and a tiny bit of action. Yes, we will dive into full course action pretty soon.

March 2020

The Astronomy Tower was silent. There were no classes on Sundays, so nobody was around to disturb the thirteen-year-old boy siting in front of the window which showed him the twilight. He had tears running down his pale face. He lifted his hand up to see the picture of a woman, her face filled with warmth, her eyes bearing the color of honey, and her smile which brightened the darkest of days.

He would never get to see her, at least for a while.

The cold silence was interrupted when a fifteen-year-old Gryffindor decided it would be a good idea to hang out here, as nobody would bother him and ask him about his date. His first failure of a date.

His eyes fell on the silhouette of a smaller boy siting in front of the thin window which ran throughout the length of the wall. The younger boy looked back. As he sniffed, the older boy went closer to him, to figure out who he is.

"Scorpius?" He muttered, "What are you doing here?"

"Just... Sitting? Enjoying the view?" He said, his voice cracking.

The older boy approached him. The moonlight entering through the other window on his right illuminated the tears on the younger's face.

"James?" Scorpius said, recognizing him, "Why are you here?"

James had managed to hear the crack in his voice, yet again.

"Scorpius, are you alright?"

"Yeah." He said, his voice delicate. He drew his knees closer to himself, and blinked his eyes furiously.

James approached him. He sat down on the cold floor and squeezed his shoulders.

"Where is Albus?"

"He is doing his Potions homework."


He noticed the picture in the younger's hand. Who could it be? Then, it suddenly dawned to him. He remembered his friend Ralph telling him about Scorpius's mother.

James gave the younger boy a hug.

Scorpius busted out crying. He sobbed in his arms, letting out his sorrows and grief.

"Easy, easy." James whispered, as he hugged him tighter. He gently ran his fingers through the roots of his hair, hugging Scorpius with his other hand.

For the next ten minutes, Scorpius stayed in his arms. He loved the warm embrace, as it reminded him of his mother, when she would hug him during the winters. He loved it when she hugged him on Yule. He loved her hugs, filled with comfort, like the one he was receiving now.

James stayed like that for as long as he wanted. He remembered what Teddy had told him during Yule- Never let go of the hug first. You never know how much the person in front of you wants comfort.

Scorpius lets go of him and looks at the picture of his mother smiling at the camera, waving her hand gracefully.

"She was beautiful." James said, staring into the picture.

"She was."

"Chocolate?" James said, as he pulled out a small bar. He had saved it for his late-night studying. He could borrow some from Lily, but the question was- will she give him?

Us And Him [J.S.Potter and L.L.Potter]Where stories live. Discover now