That's So Strange

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Hey guys!

I am so sorry that this chapter got delayed. This chapter is a long one, and took a while to write. I also had my exams in this week, so it got pushed ahead. Now, it's here, and I hope you like it.

Happy Reading!

As the day dragged on, James found it difficult to stay still and wait. Wait for someone to rescue his brother and bring him back. Wait for the dinner to be served so that he could eat. Wait for the night to come in so that he could finally lay down and get some sleep.

He was at the moment in his room, turning about on his bed, curtains drawn around. He heard his roommates go downstairs to have dinner. He followed them outside.

The common room was filled with students to the brim. James had a plate with food on it after a while, and made his way towards Lily and his cousins, who were sitting in one corner.

"Hullo, Semaj" Hugo said.

Lily giggled at James's confused face.

"Damn, you do look priceless, Semaj." Fred said.

"What does Semaj mean?" James said, sitting next to Lily.

"Well, it is the spelling of 'James' in reverse. Semaj!" Hugo said.

"Lily and he have been doing that since afternoon," Rose said. Looking at Hugo, she continued, "It is not that funny."

"I know why it isn't for you, Esor."

"Shut up, Hugo!"

"Esor sounds cool, Rose." James said.

"Wait, till you hear Hugo's." Lily said.

"Wait, I have got it figured out. It's..."

"OGUH!" Lily and Fred said at the same time.

All of them started laughing loudly. Hugo joined them in, good-naturedly.

"What about others?" James said, after his laughter subdued.

Hugo said, "Well, Fred is Derf."

"Gosh!" James said, giggling. Fred gave him a light shove.

Lily said, "Roxanne is Ennaxor."

James erupted in laughter once more. Rose smiled. It had been quite a while since he had laughed this way.

"Yeah, it's kind of funny." Roxanne said.

"It sounds like a super-hero name or something. Ennaxor the Saviour!" Fred said the last bit like an announcement, raising his hands to the sky. Roxanne nudged his arm.

"Ouch! For what?"

"Shut up, Derf."

"What's yours, Lily?" James asked, taking a bite of his food.

"Well, it comes out to be Ylil." She said, "But it doesn't really mean anything."

"That's true. The best nickname for her is ickle Lilykins." Hugo said.

"Don't call me that!" Lily said.

At that moment, Louis came in with his food, and sat in between of Fred and James.

"Welcome, Head Boy Siuol."

"Still going on, Derf?"

"Hey!" Fred said.

James noticed that Louis was shoving food down his throat really quickly.

"Gosh! Breathe, Louis. You will choke yourself."

Us And Him [J.S.Potter and L.L.Potter]Where stories live. Discover now