My Hero

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Jiyong's POV

As I was in a middle of composing a song,I looked at the clock,12:30am,I wasn't sleepy yet.I looked at Sonia and she was already asleep on my bed,I got up and I sat beside her,she's so beautiful,but that wasn't the reason why I like her,I like her because she's kind,caring and mature.I brushed her cheeks with the back of my hand and they were cold that it sent shivers down my spines so I brought the blanket up a bit, then I felt like kissing her.My heart was beating really fast when I thought of kissing her, I brought my head down a little bit so I was close to her.Should I kiss her? I thought,What if she wakes up? another question popped up in my head.But I really wanted to kiss her so I closed my eyes and I just kissed her.Her lips were a little dry but I enjoyed it anyway.I pulled back when she moved,I thought I woke her up.After a few minutes of staring at her,my eyes got heavier,so I decided to lay beside her,but I fell asleep.


Sonia's POV


I woke up to find Jiyong oppa sleeping beside me,he looked so cute.I didnt realise that I was staring at him until he woke up,"Good morning." he said with a smile,"Oh,good morning." I said and I stopped staring at him."I'm going to wash up." I said and I got out of bed.After everyone was up,we had breakfast,then I went home.When I got home the girls where like 'Where were you?' 'Are you ok?' 'Did you get raped?' but just told them that I slept at the boys' dorm and went straight in the room but they followed me,"Where did you go?" Amanda asked 'again',"I slept at the boys' dorm." I replied 'again',"The boys?" Heather asked confused,"Big Bang." I replied with a sigh,"What?!" Mavis shouted and the others were shocked."Where did you sleep?" Heather asked,"In Jiyong's room." I said innocently,"You slept with G-Dragon?!" Mavis shouted making me jump,"What? Aniyo!" I said,"Did you guys make out?" Amanda asked with a grin,"Are you guys dating?" Mavis asked excitedly,"Did you guys have sex?" Heather asked,all of them asked at the same time "What?! Yah!! I'm not dating him,we didnt make out and we didnt have sex!" I said almost shouting,"I just slept in his room." I said a little calm."Oh." Amanda said less excited,after they finished asking me annoying questions all of them got out and I took a short nap.When I woke up it was 1:30pm and I got a text from Jiyong oppa.

'Annyeong,Nia-sii.The boys are busy tonight,and I have to spend dinner alone.Care to join me tonight? :)'

I smiled as I read the text,then I replied,

'Ok,what time?'

Then I got a reply,

'at 7:00pm,I'll pick you up.'


I replied.Then I told the girls that I wouldnt be joining them for dinner tonight,"Why?" Mavis asked,"I'm going out to dinner." I gave a short reply,"With who?" Heather asked crossing her arms,arrggh! do you have to ask,"With a friend." I said,"What's her name?" Amanda asked,I swear that they are like setting a trap or something,"Jiyongoppa." I mumbled,"Who?" Heather asked as if she didnt hear me,"Jiyongoppa." I said a little louder,"Sorry,come again." Mavis said pretending that she can't hear me,"Jiyong oppa!" I shouted,shit! they got me."Aha! I knew you guys were dating." Amanda said pointing her finger at me accusingly,"Aniyo!" I said defending myself,"Then why do you call him 'oppa'?" Heather asked,I just frowned I walked to the room ignoring them.I could hear them laughing evily as I walk to the room,they are the most evil BFF's ever.

It's 7:00pm and I'm ready,I wore something cassual,skinny jeans,a T-shirt and a jacket and I tied my hair up to a ponytail so it wouldn't look like a date.Suddenly I got a text from Jiyong oppa,

'I'm waiting downstairs.'

Then I rushed downstairs to the lobby,yes,our apartment has a lobby.When I reached the lobby Jiyongie oppa was waiting for me near the exit,he wore jeans,a shirt and a jacket,it looked good on him."Yah,are you ready?" he asked,and I nodded.We reached a cafe that was a quiet far from the apartment,we went there by foot.When we entred the cafe there were only a few people,we sat near the window,then the waitress came,"Annyeonghaseyo,what can I get for you two?" she said with a smile as she handed us the menus,"I'll have the beef steak." Jiyong order,"Good choice,and you miss?" the waitress asked,"Uh,I'll have the same." I said cause I was not sure what I wanted to eat,actually I was nervous,I dont even know why,"And the drinks?" the waitress asked after she wrote on her notepad,"I'll have apple juice." I said to the waitress ,"I'll just have a coke." Jiyong said,"Arrasso." the waitress said as she took the menu away leaving me and Jiyong."So where exactly are the boys?" I asked Jiyong,"Umm...Daesung went out with Seungri,and Taeyang went to a party." he replied,"What about TOP?" I asked,"He uh...he..umm...I really dont know.." he replied scratching the back of his head,and I just laughed,"You dont know?" I asked again,he just shook his head with a smile.We chatted for another 10minutes then our food arrived.After dinner,I insisted to pay but Jiyong refused,so he ended up paying for it,he's so sweet! "I'll walk you home." Jiyong said as we step out of the cafe,"No,its alright I'll walk home by myself." I said,"Aniyo,what happens if you get attacked?" Jiyong asked in a worried voice,"I won't." I said,"I'll walk you home anyway." he said,"Aniyo,it will just tire you.The dorm from here is much nearer than from my aprtment." I said,"It's dangerous." he said a little worried,"I'll be fine." I said.Then we parted ways.


Jiyong's POV


I'm a worried about letting Sonia walk home alone,I mean it's to far and dangerous.I should of picked a place near the apartment.I'm not sure of letting her walk home at a time like this.I think I should follow her.


Sonia's POV


Brr...Its so cold.I looked at my watch and its already 9:00pm and I'm still far from the apartment.As I walk down the side walk I looked around,the streets were empty and it was cold even for Spring.As I look ahead I could see an alley then I stopped on my tracks,I looked behind hoping there was someone there but nothing,just the street lights.I continued to walk until I could see the alley,"Yah! where you goin' girl?" a voice said coming from the alley,I looked in the alley and I saw 2 men, I got scared so I walked a little faster,"Yah ! come here!" the other men said trying to catch up with me I tried to run but one of them got grip of my arm,pulled me in the alley and pinned me to the wall,I got really scared."Why you runnin' away beautiful?" the first men said,he had a scar on his forehead,"Please dont hurt me." I said in a trembling voice,"We're not gonna hurt you,we're just...gonna play with you." the second man said with a grin, he had three piercings on his left ear."Help!" I screamed,but the men with the scar covered my mouth,"Why you screaming? We just wanna play." he said,I tried to struggle free but the man with the piercing pinned me to the wall harder,I bit the man's hand "Ah!" he shouted in pain and he let go,"HELP!" I screamed to the top of my lungs,"You little bitch!" the man with the scar shouted and he punched me in the face,I couldnt help but cry,It hurt! Then I got punched again,the second punch drainned all my energy out and I got so weak. As I got pinned to the wall the man with the scar tried taking my jacket off,but something stopped him.Someone punched him from behind,I couldn't see who it was because of the tears in my eyes.I was so weak that I fell sitting on the ground as the man with the piercing let go of me,all I could see was three men fighting,the bad guys vs. one,I couldnt see who it was the image was blurry,but I could see that the bad guys were losing,"Yah,lets get out of here!" the man with the scar said and both of them flee,I gained a little strenght but the punches still hurt."Sonia,are you alright?" the man said,I recognise his voice,"Oppa?" I said weakly,"Are you ok?" he asked in a worried voice,then my tears were gone and I gained back my vision,I was glad to see Jiyong infront of me,"Oppa!" I said hugging him as I burst out in tears,he sighed in relief as he helpd me up,I was still clinging on to him.He hugged me tightly,then I let go and he looked at me,he wiped my tears away,"Your hurt!" he said as he realised the bruises caused by the punches,"I'm fine." I said,"Fine?! You almost got raped if I didn't have followed you,you got punched in the face.You were half dead and you say you're fine?!" he said in an angry tone,I just looked down trying to hold back my tears,then he lifted up my chin and looked at me in the eyes,"Mianhe." he said with a sigh as he hugged me tightly,"Aniyo,Mianhe,I should have listened to you." I said as tears start streaming down my face.He looked at me again,then he slowly kissed me on the lips,but I wasnt shocked or anything.I really had feelings for him.

Sorry I have to stop here guys.Im busy,sorry also for not updating for a long time.I promise to update soon!


The Day You Came Into My Life (A BigBang Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now