Just a Dream

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Sonia's POV 


The doctor said that I'm getting better,but I'll have to stay in the hospital for 2 more days,ugh! But atleast I got company from Big Bang,Yay! Its 2:00pm and I'm waiting for my Big Bang oppas to come,then I heard a knock on the door,"Come in." I said,"Annyeonghaseyo!" a cheerful Daesung greeted me as he entred the room followed by the others,"Annyeonghaseyo oppa!" I said excitedly,"Nia-sii how are you?" Taeyang asked,"I'm doing great,the doctor said I'll have to stay in the hospital for 2 more days." replied."Oh,then we'll keep you company." Seungri said with a grin,"Gamawo oppa." I replied,"Oh,where is Jiyong oppa?" I asked as I realised Jiyong was not with them,"He..umm...he's busy." TOP replied,I looked at the others and they just nodded.As the boys kept me company I couldn't stop thinking of Jiyong oppa,was he still angry? Is he still mad at TOP? I tried to pay attention at the boys but somehow I couldn't.When the visiting hours were up the boy went home and I fell asleep.When I woke up,the room was dark but the window was open so there was a little streak of light that shone through the room.Then I realised that someone was sitting beside me,he was tall so I could guess that he was a man,his spiked up,there was a little bit of light so I could see the color of his hair,it was black and blonde,maybe it was one of the boys."Oppa?" I called half whispering,"Shh..go back to sleep." he whispered,it was Jiyong oppa! "Jiyong oppa!" I said half shouting as I got up,"Go back to sleep." he said as he leaned closer to me,now I could see his face,he didn't have makeup on but he's still cute."Oppa why didn't you come just now?" I asked,"I was busy." he said with a sigh,but his voice couldn't fool me,I knew he was lying,"Go back to sleep." he said again as I lay down he tucked me in."Good night." he whispered in my ears and then he kissed my forehead,then I drifted back to a deep sleep.The next morning,Jiyong was already gone.I spent the next few hours minding my own business.When the boys came I realised that Jiyong and TOP weren't with them."Yah,where's TOP and Jiyong?" I asked,"They got in a fight and both of them changed their minds not to come." Taeyang answered,I frowned,"Don't be sad." Daesung said as he rubbed my back."Was Jiyong here last night?" I asked,"Ne,he wanted to come since he couldn't meet you yesterday." Seungri replied.After we chatted for a few minutes,they went home,Daesung said they had to go home early so that TOP and Jiyong oppa don't kill each other.When they left,I couldn't help but cry.They were still fighting,it was all my fault,I couldn't imagine what would happen,I waited for someone to come but no one came and it was already 10:00pm,so I decided to sleep~~~ ** I can go home.I packed my things up and I couldn't wait to leave that place.When I was home,the girls greeted me.I guess they know what happened.Suddenly my phone started ringing,the song Fantastic Baby was my ringtone."Yobeseyo?" I said."Yah,Nia-sii,where are you?" It was Seungri,"I'm at home." I replied,"At home?" he asked confused,"Yeah,I could go home today." I said,"Why didn't you tell us?" he asked a little dissapointed,"I thought you guys were busy." I replied,"Ok ok,we'll meet you tommorow," he said in a hurry,"Arraso." I replied then I hung up. 

The next day Daesung came and we walked together to the boys dorm,"Anneyeonghaseyo." I greeted as I entred the dorm,"Nia-sii!" Seungri shouted as he jumped up from his seat,"Sonia!" Taeyang said cheerfully as he picked me up and twirled around then set me back on the groud gently.Then TOP came out of his room as he leaned on the frame of the door with his arms crossed and grinned,I just smiled at him.Then all of us calmed down and sat in the living room,as we chatted,Jiyong oppa suddenly came out of his room,"Nia-sii!" he called out cheerfully as he sat beside TOP,I just looked at them confused,they weren't fighting anymore? "I'm hungry." Seungri cried out,"Me too." Daesung said,"I'll find something to eat." TOP said as he went to the kitchen,"I'll help." Seungri said as he got up,"Me too." Taeyang said as he followed him,"I'll be back." Daesung said as he dissapeared into his room.So it was just me and Jiyong,then Jiyong got up and sat next to me,"Why did you leave so early that day?" I asked trying to make a conversation,"I umm...I was busy" he replied,"Your always busy." I teased and he chuckled,then Seungri and Taeyang came with food."Oh finally food!" Daesung said as he came out of his room,"Be right back." I said as I got up and walked to the kitchen,TOP was boiling the water for the drink,"Do you need something?" TOP asked as he opened the cabinet,"Aniyo." I said as I washed my hands,"Do you need some help?" I asked "Umm...no,its ok." he replied,then water started boiling letting out steam and a loud whistle,"I'll help." I said as I took the kettle off the fire,"Gamawo." TOP replied,I looked as TOP poured the water in a teapot and added tea,as TOP poured the tea into small cups,I helped him set the tea in a tray,being the careless girl I was I accidently knocked a tea cup causing the hot fluid to spill on my hand,"Aah!" I cried in pain,TOP gently place the teapot down and went to have a look,"What happened?" He asked in a concerned voice,"I accidently knocked down the teacup and the tea spilt on my hand." I said trying to hold the pain,"Ok ok,follow me." he said as he led me to the sink, he turned the water on and I immediatly pulled my hand back,he just looked at me,"No,its to painful." I said,"It's not gonna get any better if you leave it." he said as he took my hand,my heart was beating like crazy when he move my hand closer to the cold water,as the water touched my hand I tried so hard not to scream instead I burried my face in TOP's shoulders,"There," he said as he pulled my hand back from the cold water,"It wasn't so bad right?" he said then I looked at him with watery eyes,"Oppa it hurt." I said,he chuckled,"Let me see." he said as he looked at my hand,then he looked up and our eyes met,I looked into his dark orbs and somehow I was lost in them, I didn't realise that TOP leaned in closer to me,then TOP kissed me.'What is he doing?!' I said in my head,but TOP's kiss got more passionate,his kiss got deeper and deeper,causing me to kiss back.Then the sound of a breaking plate pulled us apart,I looked to see what it was,and we saw Jiyong oppa standing infront of us and a broken plate beside him,OMG he saw us!I got nervous and scared,Jiyong's glare got more and more intense,then Jiyong oppa marched right up to us and he grabbed my arm pulling me away from TOP,he suddenly acted so rough on me,he looked at me with an angry expression then he faced TOP,"You! you filthy scumbag!" he shouted as he grabbed TOP by his shirt,the others ran to the kitchen as they heard Jiyong shout,"What you gonna do huh?" TOP said calmly with a smirk,Jiyong held his anger trying not to punch TOP,then Jiyong grabbed me and kissed me,the others gasp.Before we could even pull back,TOP already pulled Jiyong away and held him by his collar,"You,stay away from her." TOP growled,"You stay away!" Jiyong shouted as he pushed TOP,then both of them grabbed each other by their collar,"Stop!" I shouted,"You stay away from this." TOP said,he's never been so rough on me,"Don't speak to her like that!" Jiyong warned,"Your the one being rough to her" TOP growled,"Hyung,Stop!" Taeyang shouted,but they just ignored,"You don't care about her,you left her.Your a hyung yet unresponsible,how are your dongsaengs gonna look up to you huh?." TOP said showing no fear,Jiyong got angry,"It was a mistake!" Jiyong shouted as he threw a punch at TOP ,I screamed as I took a step back,then TOP glared at Jiyong before he a punched Jiyong back,causing him to trip a little,"Sonia come here!" Seungri shouted as I ran to him,"Hyung Stop it!" Daesung yelled,but they didn't stop,they kept on fighting suddenly the whole place changed to the scene in the music video 'Haru Haru' where TOP and Jiyong throw punches at each other and then were stop by the others."Please don't fight!" I cried as tears stream down my face,Daesung was holding TOP back and Taeyang was pulling Jiyong away from TOP then they finally stopped,Jiyong had a bruise on his cheek bone and TOP's mouth was bleeding,"Don't fight anymore." I said as tears kept streaming down my face,"Why?! Why did you let him kiss you?! Do you like him?" Jiyong yelled,I didn't answer him,"Are you blind?! He has nothing on you! He has done nothing for you! Why did you have to crush me ? Why did you have to turn me into nothing? I love you Sonia,I Love you! Why can't you see that? Can't you tell that I like you? I kissed you so many times yet you ignore me! Doesn't anything that I do mean anything to you? Why are you to blind to see that? I was better without you,you had to ruin me,crush me like this!" he yelled causing more tears to stream down my face,I kept silent for a while"Actually oppa,I had feelings for the both of you,I didn't know that you loved me more,mianhe oppa for causing all the trouble,I'm sorry because of me you two got in a fight,I think you'll be better without me." I said as I walked out,"Sonia wait!" Jiyong called out as he grab hold of my arm then pulled me in and kissed me** "Gaah!" I woke up with sweat,it was a dream,Sh!t !,"Yah,are you ok?" the person next to me said,it was Jiyong oppa,he came,"Oppa!" I said as I hugged him tightly,"Yah what happened? Whats wrong?" he asked,"I had a bad dream." I said as tears start forming in my eyes,"It's ok,it's ok.I'm here for you." he said as he rubbed my back,"Go back to sleep." he said,"Promise me you won't leave tommorow morning." I said still not letting go,"Ne,I promise." he replied,as I lay back down he tucked me in and he sang 'That Xx' as a lullaby to me,his voice was beautiful.Then I slowly drifted back to sleep.

There I updated,I promise to update soon.I need more votes! Pls comment on what you think about this part ok~ I dedicate this chapter to @Kang_Chrystalia.Pls Comment,Vote and Fan if you want me to update~ Kamshamida!

P.S I edited a bit,need more votes! >< (20/1/13)


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