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Sonia's POV


Time passes by so quickly,It's already autumn,I'm at home,sick with a high fever and a terrible headache and it's not getting any better,I've been sick for a month now,I really hate getting sick,now I'm sitting in my bed room dealing with a terrible headache that is slowly killing me! As I was about to take a nap,I suddenly got a text,


The text was from Jiyong oppa,it really brighthened up my day,

'Annyeong oppa!'

I replied his text,a few minutes later I got a reply,

'Nia-sii,are you busy today? I really wanna meet you.'

I wanted to meet him too but I was sick,and my headache and fever is getting worse! So not to upset him I went anyway,not knowing the risk I have to face.

'Arraso oppa,lets meet at the Han river.'

I replied,then imidiately changed my clothes.As I stepped out of the apartment the cold autumn breeze blew straight at me,making the coldness unbareable followed by a stabbing sensation in my head,but I shook it off and I headed straight to the Han river.As I was walking the pain in my head got worse I thought I was going to faint,but I kept on walking I didn't realise where I was going,*Beep Beeeeeeeep!* the hon of a car brought me back to the real world,"Yah! Watch where you're going!" the angry driver said,"Mianhe!" I said and I hurried across the street.Phew! that was close,I almost got hit by a car back there.When I reached the Han river I could see Jiyong oppa already waiting for me,"Oppa!" I called out and waved,"Oh,Nia-sii!" he replied as he waved back,"How are you?,I haven't met you in a long time." he said as we walked by the river,"I'm fine,and its only been a month oppa,thats not so long." I said,"A month.Thats a very long time for me." he said,I just rolled my eyes,suddenly I got a huge headache,I could stand it,I covered half of my face with my hand and close my eyes,"Yah,are you alright? I thought you said you were fine." Jiyong said as put his hand on my shoulder close to my neck,"I'm fine oppa." I said with a faint smile,"Yah! your body is so hot." he said as he put his hand on my neck then on my forehead,"Yah,I'm fine." I said as I took his hand off my forehead,I didnt want him to worry so much,suddenly my vision got blurry causing me to trip a bit,"Are you sick?" he asked in a concerned voice as he caught me "Aniyo" I said,"If your sick we can go see a doctor." he said,"Aniyo oppa! I'm fine." I whined,"Watch me." I said as I ran a few metres ahead of him,he chased after me as our shoes made loud rustling noise on the dried leaves"Yah! slow down." he shouted,but I didn't stop.Then it hit me,the most painful headache ever,I stopped at my tracks,but the pain didn't end it got worse,suddenly my vision got blurry *black out*

*No ones POV*


She was a few metres away from him as he chased after her,"Yah! Slow down." he shouted but she didnt slow down,then she stopped right at her tracks,"Finally,you stopped." he said as he tried to catch his breath,suddenly she fell to the ground,"Sonia!" he shouted as he ran to her,she was unconcious,"Sonia! Sonia?" he said shaking her repeatedly she didn't wake up.Then he carried her bridal style and ran to the hospital.

Jiyong's POV


I can't believe that happened,she fainted right infront of me,now I'm in the hospital pacing back and forth waiting for the doctor to come out of that room."Jiyong hyung!" Daesung called out as his voice echoed through the halls catching some attention."What happened?" he asked as he tried to catch his breath,he probably was running.Daesung and the boys heard what happened and they rushed to the hospital,"She fainted." I said,"Why? Is she sick?" Taeyang asked,"I don't know,I asked her if she was sick and she said she was fine." I replied,"Is she gonna be okay?" TOP asked,"I don't know,the doctor is still checking her." I replied,"Ok,ok. Lets all calm down and wait." Seungri said as he took a seat.After a few minutes of waiting,the doctor finally came out,me and TOP were the first ones to get up,followed by the others."Is she okay?" I asked,"How's she doing?" TOP interupted,"Calm down,she's fine." the doctor said,"Whats wrong?" I asked,"She has a high fever,probably the cause of the wheather or just health problems." the doctor replied as he opened a file,"Health problems?" TOP said in a confused tone,"Lack of sleep,skipping meals,lack of nutrients,not getting enough exercise." the doctor replied."Oh,can we see her now?" I asked,I can't wait to see her,"Umm...not yet.She just fell asleep,but you can see her at the next visiting hour at 4:00pm." the doctor replied with a smile,it was 2 hours from now.I couldn't wait that long,"Ok,thank you doctor." Daesung said as he bowed we all did the same,the doctor gave a smile and walked away."So,now what? We can't wait here all day." Seungri said,"We still haven't had lunch." Taeyang said as he rubbed his stomach,"Let's just eat at the hospital canteen." I said as we all head for the elevator.

Sonia's POV


I slowly gained back my conciousness.My headache was gone,I slowly opened my eyes and I saw a blurry image of two guys.As I fully opened my eyes,I saw Jiyong sitting beside me and TOP standing at the foot of my bed,I looked to my left and I saw Taeyang and Daesung."Oh,she's up!" Jiyong said startling the others,"Oh Nia-sii!" TOP greeted as he moved closer,"Sonia!" Daesung called out as Taeyang and him got up from their sits and went to the side of my bed.I greeted them with a smile,"How are you doing?" TOP asked,"I'm doing great." I replied with a grin,"Why didn't you tell me you were sick?" Jiyong asked,"I didn't want you to worry oppa." I replied,"You should of told me.Why did you come to see me if you knew you were sick? You should of told me you were sick,you should of stayed home." Jiyong said in a slightly angry tone,"I didn't want to upset you oppa." I said as I looked at him with sad eyes,he just sighed,"Theres no reason for you to get angry,she just didnt want to upset you."Taeyang said as he realised Jiyong's angry tone.I looked around and I realised that Seungri was not with them,"Where is Seungri?" I asked,"Waiting outside,not more than 4 people can enter this room." Daesung replied,I just noded,"Next time tell us if your sick ok,we don't want things like this to happen again,because of someones careless mistakes you got yourself into trouble." TOP said with a smile,"Are you saying that its my fault she got sick?" Jiyong said as he stood up from his chair facing TOP,"I'm just saying because of a careless mistake she got in the hospital and got hurt." TOP replied not showing any fear,"Yah! It wasn't my fault!" Jiyong said raising his voice a bit as he took a step closer to TOP,"Yah,you guys don't fight." I said but no one listened except for Taeyang and Daesung,"TOP hyung thats enough." Taeyang said as he put his hand on TOP's shoulder,but TOP shrugged it off,"She got beaten up by your mistake." TOP said as he took a step closer to Jiyong,"I gave her what she wanted,to walk home." Jiyong replied stepping up to TOP,"You should know better!" TOP said raising his voice,"You guys,stop!" Daesung said,"I know better!" Jiyong said as he pushed TOP,"She got hurt!" TOP shouted pushing Jiyong back,"Enough." Taeyang said as he grip Jiyong's arm but Jiyong shook it off,"It was a little mistake!" Jiyong said half shouting as he pushed TOP a little harder,"Stop!" I said but they ingnored me TOP pushed Jiyonga little harder,and Jiyong pushed him hard,TOP and Jiyong wanted to throw punches at each other but they were stopped by Taeyang and Daesung,"Stop it you guys! This is a hospital!"Daesung shouted,they finally stopped,then Jiyong looked at me,"Sonia don't cry." Jiyong said as he realised a tear,I didn't realise that I was crying until Jiyong mentioned it,"Its all your fault." TOP said as Jiyong mentioned the tears,Jiyong was about to punch TOP but Daesung stopped him,"Thats enough you guys!" he shouted,then tears started streaming down my face,I was crying.They were fighthing bcause of me,because of my stupid mistakes.If I had just listened to Jiyong oppa,if I had just told him that I couldn't meet him and stay home,they wouldn't be fighthing."Thats it,lets go guys,its Seungri's turn." Taeyang said,Jiyong realised I was crying but he was to angry that he couldn't even look at me or TOP,that made me even sadder,"Mianhe Sonia,for all the commotion." Daesung said as he wiped my tears."Its ok oppa." I said trying to smile,"Ok,see you tommorow." Taeyang waved goodbye as the others went out,I waved goodbye back.Then Seungri came in with a huge smile on his face,I couldn't help but smile back."Annyeonghaseyo!" he greeted as he came closer,"Annyeonghaseyo." I said with a smile,"Yah,why are you crying?" he asked he must've realised my red face,"Its nothing." I said,"Just tell me,I'm a good listener." he said as he sat beside me,so I told him everything and he did listen."I have something to tell you." Seungri said after I told him everything,'What is it?" I asked,"Actually,Jiyong and TOP both like you." he said,"Wae?!" I said shocked,"Yeah,I asked them who did they like and they answered 'Sonia'." he said with an innocent face,"Ok ok." I said as I calmed myself.After a few more minutes

of chatting,Seungri decided to go home.Is it true that TOP and Jiyong oppa both like me? Or is t just a joke?

Sorry to stop here...I've made this chapter long enough.I promise to update soon.Pls vote and comment! Kamshamida!


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