First Mission

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Hello, my name is Sunny. You might as well also refer to me as the younger sister of Kart, even though he's only older by mere seconds.
We've always been together since Manora. We always did everything together. We supported each other, played with each other, anything joyful that comes into your mind. However, it all took an end when our parents started to change.
They weren't the same anymore, their glorious pride had sunken down and they fell into an uneasy era.
Our parents spent less time with us, in fact, they sometimes managed to ignore me and my brother for a whole month.
They woke up together, ate together, and left together. And when we surpassed their abnormal schedule and came close to them, they glared at us with a piercing expression and whispered to each other and then walked away.
They never physically abused us or anything, they only neglected us. I wonder what me and my brother did wrong to deserve this kind of treatment, we were well behaved children. What could have made them change their mind about us?
Getting ignored is even worse. Their despising eyes make me question why they gave birth to us in the first place. I feel like an abortion. They never told us that, but their body language revealed it clearly.
My worst nightmare became true. Kart locked himself up inside his own room and never came out ever again. I was alone, so I went outside and sat under the big tree in front of our house.
I planned to waste my last days until I die there. I was sick of my life. Tired of it all. I wondered how it would affect the world if I would just disappear completely. I'm sure nobody would have cared if I died that day. Besides from my family and Adrianna, nobody knew me. If I died then, my death would have had no effect on all the strangers of this world. Everybody lives in their own world. They all have their own problems to worry about. Why would they waste their precious time mourning about a little girl's death they never even knew?
The surroundings weren't really particularly beautiful for a child to grow up in. If I had kids, I wouldn't raise them up in such a sorrowful landscape.
Our house was surrounded by thick and tall trees. Entering the woods would be suicide, it's impossible to make out what's hiding beneath them. It's spooky, but nothing has happened over the past years, so I'm not afraid to lay down and sleep outside next to the big tree in the middle of the field.
There wasn't really anything entertaining here. Only thick trees surrounding our old mansion that was possibly stationed on top of a hill.
There was a road leading into the forest, and that was it.
Besides our house and that tree, there wasn't anything to do.
We didn't have any friends, me and Kart got homeschooled. Nonetheless, with our parents acting like we are invisible, we haven't even gotten any education lately. They couldn't even prepare some worksheets for us and place them on the dining table.
Nothing happened for a while, our broken family stayed like that for what felt like an eternity. My brother locking himself up in his room, my parents doing something mysterious at a different occasion, and me being all alone.
Surprisingly, it all took a big turn when they dragged us into their car and dropped us off at this weird valley, it goes by the name of Ambermoor.  
I never expected them to just abandon us and forcing us to live in a whole new world without even explaining anything to us beforehand.

I only wanted to live a normal life.



"Where's Kart been?" 
That's right. We were all still waiting patiently for Kart to return to us from his bathroom check.
After Mia had said that, I started to worry more. He had a black stain on his face and now hasn't been back ever since. I'm starting to freak out.
"I have no idea," stated Max. As soon as he said that, Fifty entered the cafeteria. "Like, I know he once said that he went to the bathroom..."
Max was gathering up all the information about Kart's disappearance. 
"It's been like ten or twenty minutes now." he finished.
I witnessed a girl who was sitting with her friend at one of the tables shouting.
"I'm so hot."
"Shut up, Vanessa!"
It doesn't seem like they're having a very pleasant conversation with each other.
On top of that, Knologos was warming up his taco with his bear fists. His power seems to be handy and might be useful in the future.
"I'm demanding to know where he is." virtuously stated Matei.
"Hey there, would anyone like some more food? We've got fresh tacos!" a female worker was asking everyone who was sitting with Cookie with zeal.
"Coolman, it's enough." one of the male workers looked at her with a stern expression that was instantly telling her to stop immediately.
"Alright, Steven. I'll get Dylan to help clean up the trays." she replied.
"Where the heck is Kart?" Rain got tense.
I almost forgot what was happening. My brother was missing.
"Where's Kart?" I asked perturbed.
"That's what we've been trying to figure out for like the past five minutes, didn't you pay any attention at all?" Knologos answered madly.
He was utterly correct, however, I have to act like I was, so the best is to cry.
I really am concerned about Kart. It's only that everything in my head is turning around upside down and I can't tell anybody about it. They wouldn't get it.
"We should check on him." Knologos was determined to find out the truth about my brother's sudden hermitage.
"Um, sure." Mia was hesitating a bit, but gave in and agreed.
"I agree, we should." Max stood up and headed towards the exit of the cafeteria.
The gang followed him.
As we were following Max's lead, I spotted Isabella chatting with the science teacher, in fact, she was sitting with all the other professors. Why would she sit there? Only a nerd would do that.
Passing by, we noticed a couple kissing next to the cafeteria doors.
"Raye, you know I love you." the boy smirked at his girlfriend.
"Zee! I feel the same!" Raye's eyes were sparkling as she grabbed Zee's head and kissed him like crazy.
"Ew, gross." mumbled Fault next to me.
I don't have time for romance. My first priority is searching for my brother. Nothing could have happened to him, he's brave and strong!

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