New Beginning

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It's been a while. School finally reopened again after a whole week. Today we would get introduced to the new school system. After all these disasters that have occurred, we are supposed to get trained to be better prepared for them.
When I first arrived here, I never expected that my life would turn out to be so different. I am this close on finding out the truth about Ambermoor. The truth about my parents, the truth about why my friends had to die, and the truth about life.
However, in the end I am just one of a billion people on Earth who lives life unknowingly. I don't have might, I can't change how this world acts. My only option is finding out why the world bargains horribly. Even though humanity has just begun, it's already coming to an end. Humanity won't survive if it continues destroying everything. Everybody is living in hatred and vengeance. Sooner or later, we will all die.
That's why I have to try. I can't give up because I won't go down without a fight.
Due to all the spies in school, mistrust spread amongst us. Hardly anyone trusts or hangs out with people anymore. Any moment now someone might reveal themselves and end more life. We've already lost so much, but we have no other choice as to continue living for their sake.
After we defeated Zoe and saved the Earth once again from oblivion, we didn't have enough time to ask Knologos about himself.
All of us were too exhausted to think about the past. The only thing we did after the fight was bathe in the lake. We didn't care about anything else. The long battle had been over, but the others have only just begun. If Zoe was hard to kill, then how is it going to be with other villains?
If we didn't have powerful students amongst us that time, we would have failed terribly.
It was all because of their courage and strength to move on and fight.
Ma'am Caroline Sussier and Sir Sally Kergalon sacrificed themselves for us so we would get another chance of survival. Even though their attack almost killed us, it gave us enough time to understand the situation we were in.
The soldiers showed us that the military is unreliable with their horrible acting. They left us there to die, however, in the end they changed but it had already been too late. They payed with their own lives for us to survive and win.
At the end of everything we buried everyone. It took a while to bury over 30 bodies but we still went through with it. Everyone deserves a proper burial, even if they are a friend or a stranger.
I still remember Zon telling me how he was afraid of meeting oblivion. I didn't have enough time to promise him that he will always stay within my heart.
We lost so many people that day. Another war with victims.
The unlucky ones died before the whole battle even began. Zoe had used her hammer to kill off most of the soldiers, but thanks to K'lani saving us from the hammer, we could avenge them all.
However, in midair Zoe had caught a soldier who she then killed, giving us more reason to fight.
Zoe's mind who thinks of humans as mere porcelain, which can be broken easily, was our enemy that we had fought against.
But luckily, Madame Caroline Sussier and Sir Sally Kergalon thought this through. They payed with their lives so we could defeat Zoe once and for all. Even though they both have a family and people who care about them, they knew that their children won't be able to see them ever again and that everybody else would miss them terribly.
Nonetheless, they didn't hesitate or put any thought about what could happen if they died. They went through with the plan and managed to reveal the truth about Zoe Pellenie, the possessed accomplice of Malinda.
Even though a soldier got pierced by the knives and guns who the two officers had conjured, we still won and didn't lose hope.
We can't win without sacrifices.
The adults weren't helpful, the last three died by the hands of Zoe. However, they gave us enough time to run away. She had used her sword to slice them up, which means, none of the adults had been left to save us. 15 students around the age of 14-18 fought against Zoe.
Rhanes Ravenbraid was the first victim of the students.
He saved K'lani and Sunny's lives. I will definitely always remember him even though he didn't want a special death since all the anonymous people who die don't get any attention, but that's just reality.
Lykari Rossweisse was the second victim of the children.
She is the reason all of us are still alive. If she hadn't teleported us away from the murderous knives and guns, we would have fallen.
Lykari lost her life due to Zoe stabbing her and then merging with her, gaining her power.
Zon Tike was the third victim of the brave kids.
He was the one who found out Zoe had been the traitor, thanks to him we got a chance to fight. Sadly he died after Zoe merged with him and stole his power.
Haley Saintillot was the last victim of us.
After Zoe had scraped Haley, she was on the verge of dying. Haley knew that she was going to bleed out eventually, and for Master Novius to never be reborn, she would have to get killed by an entity from a different world.
So she had asked Knologos Nile to end her life in order for the world to have another chance of survival.
In the end, Haley really was fated to die young.
And thus, we still haven't figured out who Knologos actually is.
He didn't come to school today. I'm certain he's avoiding us. I never knew him not being from this world, he lied to us.
Even though he finished off Zoe, I still want to know the truth. Knologos, I will find out who you truly are.
And now I'm back in school. It feels unusual. This is the classroom where my journey began. Power Training.
It's quite unfortunate. The student profiles in the back of the class are now different.
Diva Cinderblood's profile has a red ribbon on top of it.
The same with Audacious Terrawood, Sweetie Luna Featherbow, and Nerdy Wildglade.
Professor Mercury Dirize's profile was also added to the wall. It has a red ribbon on it like the others.
I noticed that Moss Mournsky's profile obtained a red ribbon as well.
Her profile had always been on the wall, but since her face is covered, I never really noticed it.
Besides from Fault Mosshelm, Professor Cat, and a few others, nobody really knew her presence.
I am thankful for the shrines that they created for our deceased friends. I will truly miss them.
Surprisingly, everyone alive except for Knologos is present today.
Most of our class wasn't even present or inside the school when the nurse broke in so I'm not that shocked about it. But it almost feels like most of these people are strangers. It feels like I haven't talken to them for years even though it's just been a week or two.
I sat at my usual seat next to Zoom and Mujunii. Unfortunately, Audacious and Sweetie Luna aren't sitting behind me anymore since they are dead.
Audacious usually always whispered something into my ear while we had a class session progressing. It was annoying but now I kind of miss it a lot. I really wish I could have stopped Nerdy. Did she really do it on her own will?
"Sorry for being late." Ms. Cat rushed into our classroom.
It seems we still don't have a replacement for Professor Dirize.
Ms. Cat looked really stressed, I wonder why she's late.
She headed over to the podium and organized her things so we could start our class session.
"Alright, welcome everyone!" Professor Cat finally calmed down a bit. "I hope everyone could rest."
I giggled to myself. I sure didn't get any rest. It's pathetic to think about that. The fight yesterday broke me even more. Sometimes I wish I was dead so I wouldn't have to suffer so much.
"Before I start the announcement of the new system, I must inform you about something much more exciting first." Ms. Cat forced a light smile on her face.
"Something exciting?" Isabella looked doubtful.
Professor Cat nodded, "We'll be getting a new student!"
The whole class gasped.
We all remembered the letter of the headmaster. He mentioned a transfer student would attend the Academy of Essence from today. But we all had our doubts. After everything that happened here, why would anyone visit us seriously? This is basically a suicide wish.
"Are you kidding!?" Zoom sounded shocked like everyone else.
"Do they have a death wish?" Johnny mumbled. "This place is clearly cursed."
"Is it a boy or a girl?" asked Joe.
The science professor told us that the new student entering Class 34 is a girl.
"We had several incidents here. People lost their lives in Ambermoor and someone is willing to go as far as to becoming a student here?" Echo seemed confused.
"I don't know the reason, but perhaps this is a new beginning? A chance for us to experience life to its fullest!" Professor Cat seemed inspiring.
"Yeah no." Mujunii rolled his eyes.
Professor Cat cleared her throat and continued talking, "The new student will arrive shortly."
"I hope she's hot." laughed Sid.
I wonder who this new girl could be. In the beginning of the year it was pretty common to have new people enter the academy. Nothing was out of the ordinary back then, but now it's just crazy. Most of us are orphans so we have nowhere to go, but most of us would do anything to get out of this sorrowful place. I really want to know what the new student was thinking, entering such a brutal village. She did a mistake.
"Miss?" Kitty searched for the science professor's attention. "I have something to say too."
Professor Cat nodded and moved away from the podium so Kitty could go up to the front.
She grabbed Leo's hand and they both stood in front of us. I spotted a tear rolling down Kitty's right eye.
"Me and my brother," she began talking. "We will be leaving Ambermoor."

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