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"He loves me," I rip away a leaf from the Hyacinth. "He loves me not." I rip off another one.
"He loves me..." I rip away a leaf and notice that there is only one left.
"He loves me not." I hold the last leaf, it still being attached to the nucleus of the Hyacinth.
"GYAAAAAH!" I rip the Hyacinth apart. "WHY DOESN'T HE LOVE ME!"
I throw the remains on the ground. My whole bedroom is covered in Hyacinth-leaves. My wall is decorated with drawings I had made of my dream man. I will marry him someday. But if he doesn't love me, that will be difficult. I want to have kids someday, and I want them to be ours. We'll all be a happy family. I just wish I could actually meet my dream man, so I can get to know him and become friends with him.
"Isabella?" Abigail is calling for me, one of the servants.
"Yes, Abby?" I reply.
Abigail winces rapidly after hearing that, "Um, you aren't allowed to give us nicknames or we might get in trouble..."
"Oh, right. I forgot."
"...Either way, here is the list of all the servants, like you asked for." Abigail hands me a paper with a list of servants on it.
"Thank you." I grab it and take a look at it.

Aaliyha Venesa
Abigail Snowflower
Hed Dimma
Mirya Pridegrain
Liss Shielda
Mercy van Bear
Khestri Boulderwoods
Annika Nele
Ray Escobar
Jom-Zizes Macruthuft
Katrina Wolfthorn
Katrina Havensword
Feran Tarrenbinder
Anella Shu
Bruno d'Hallow
Red Meadowwillow
Jackie Belenet
Luan Bonnellet
Malin Ravillane
Joris Iceeye
Elea von Allendeeakel
Valentina Esther

Abigail Snowflower is a girl my age, but she works for my parents in the palace. She is a servant, like everyone else on this list, but to me she is way more than just a servant.
All the servants are children, and they don't have a home to go to, so my parents hired them and turned them into slaves. None of these kids are allowed to have any fun, they must clean, cook and be quiet. Nothing else. Even the guards, who are all adults, have more freedom. They can go home when they aren't on duty and return to their families. But these servant-children can't. My horrible and disgusting parents hired orphans on purpose, children that don't have a home and nobody searches for. They are imprisoned in this giant castle.
It might sound fun and all, to be able to live in a humongous palace, but if you have to clean everything, and get punished if you misbehave, then it's only pure hell. My parents always cut off one of their fingers when they do something they aren't supposed to do. Most of the children here have scars and are empty. Their facial expressions are all blank. None of them have any emotions left inside, they are slaves to the royal family, the king and the queen. King Moyses and Queen Mariota, my parents. I was unlucky enough to be born into the Peaceshine-Bloodline. Because no, being a princess is not fun, it's horrendous. It ruined my life. My parents don't let me leave my room at all. I've never left it before in my whole life. I'm only 15 and I haven't seen the outside world yet. I have a window I can look through, but I can't escape through it, that would only lead to my death. But seeing the beautiful world from my only window is wonderful. I sometimes see animals fly around at night. They always come by to say hello. They tell me about their stories and how life is in the big, wide world. Everything they tell me is amazing, but I will never be able to experience that as long as I am trapped here.
The only humans I have seen in life are my father, a beautiful imbecile that I wish I wasn't the daughter of, my mother, a pretty woman who never even pays attention to me, and Abigail. She's my only friend. She is the servant that was tasked by giving me food and cleaning my room, but I always help her when she cleans, and I talk to her. She isn't as talkative, probably because she isn't allowed to talk, but she feels safe around me. Abigail has beautiful long and fluffy white hair. Abigail is an Albino, that's what she told me. It's rare, she says. She also told me that she was kicked out by her own parents, and that she was seen as a witch in her old village, and that's how she ended up in this palace. But I never understood why. I think Abigail is beautiful. Her pale skin, her white hair, her eyes, everything. I love her, I would traverse the world with her. I really want to escape with her and everyone else. I always tried to ask the animals who talk to me at night, but they refused. They said it is my duty to become a pretty princess. But I don't want that. I am sick of being a prisoner to my own parents. I am stuck in my big room, only able to draw, study, and read. I can't talk to anyone but myself, and Abigail, but she isn't always here. And I loathe my parents, they ruined my life. I can't even feel the grip of my mother's warmth. She always looks bored. She never visits me, and when she does, it's to give me books to study. Once she gave me one that showed me ways how to commit suicide. I threw that book out of my window. My mother, she's a woman who lives in the wrong Universe. She's a psychopath that has power. She can wrap the subservient residents around her finger and do whatever she pleases. My mother, she is a monster. I hate her.
My father is even worse. He abuses me every opportunity he gets. However, he doesn't hit me. What he does is excruciate me mentally. He mocks me for being his test subject. He teases me about not having seen the outside world. He bullies me for having a crush on a monster. He means the man of my dreams. The only good thing about my father is the fact that he at least doesn't want me dead, because my mother wants that. She keeps giving me these disturbing books and manuals on how to die, and I am distraught by it. I feel like a misfit, I feel like I am in some kind of fever dream. My parents only gave birth to me so they could experiment on me.
Don't get me wrong, I do fight back, I try it almost every time they show their faces around, but every time I hit them, or scream at them, they threaten me. If I don't stop, they would torture Abigail and eventually kill her, not letting anyone go up to my room anymore to visit me. After that, I gave up. I can't risk her precious life, nor all of the other servants. I really want to meet them all and escape with them together, but my parents brought me into this world only to suffer.
My whole life, I am not supposed to feel happiness or any emotions. My purpose is to become a mutant. That's the only reason I exist. My parents created me to mentally abuse me and see how the outcome would be. I am sure they are mistreating their servants and any other personal too. Sadly, no one can stop them since they have all the power in the world. They rule two islands and have immense magic. What am I to them? Probably just a mere insect.
You want to know why they are doing this to me?

That's because I am the daughter of two psychopathic tyrants.

Abigail distances herself and heads for the door. Her task was to give me the list of all the servants, and that's fulfilled.
"H-hey!" I reach out for Abigail while I am on my massive bed. "Please stay a little longer."
Abigail stops and turns around, "You want me to stay?"
She seems anxious, but I nod, "Yeah, let's spend some quality time with each other!"
"What if your parents find out?" asks Abigail.
"The best outcome would be our death, the worst would be them chopping off a limb and letting us live." I say. "I wish I were dead."
"Don't say that." Abigail walks up to me. "Do you want to satisfy the King and the Queen?"
"If we die, they'll be happy. So let's live and make them sad." Abigail forces a smile.
She walks around my room a bit.
My chamber is painted in pink, it looks like the room of a nine year old girl. A normal nine year old girl. I also have a bathroom, so basically I have two rooms. At least my parents had given me everything I need to waste my time away. I always sew my own clothes and colour my hair and try new hairstyles. The same with my makeup. My goal is to achieve oblivion and forget my depressing and pointless life. Perhaps I can even impress Abigail and the animals at night? Or the best would be to impress my dream man.
"Hey, Isabella." Abigail looks at all my thousands of drawings on the wall. "Have you ever met him?"
"Met my dream man? No, I-"
"Sorry, I mean, have you met your dreams?"
"Oh, yeah. I have, a lot actually."
"How is he?"
I press my arms against my breast and pray, "He is a wonderful person. He is like a gentleman. He cares about me. His tall and strong physique, his pitch-black skin, his beautiful smile, I just want him to pat my head and tell me everything will be fine and-"
All of a sudden I feel a hand pat my head, "Even a white rose has a black shadow."
I can feel her warmth, Abigail's body temperature. I've never felt warmth by a different person before.
"Life gets better, we'll escape this prison, I promise." she says.
My eyes sparkle, "Thank you, Abby."
"No need to, Isa. It's only natural to return the favour."
"Abby." I say.
"We'll escape tonight, won't we?"
"We will."
"With all the other kids?"
"Yes, with everyone else."
"Where will we go?"
"We will find a nice village to live in with all the other kids. A place where we feel appreciated and acknowledged."
"I'm afraid that we won't survive out there."
"Don't fear death. Death is a gift. But for later, for now our gift is a better life. We will live together in a wonderful place with all the other kids. We will explore the world together and live there for the rest of our days, until we die happily."
"Will we find this village tonight?"
"Yes, the animals and the spirits will guide us to it."
"I can't wait to explore the outside world."
"I promise you, the world is so wonderful."
"Want to do a last makeup session before we leave?"
"As you wish."
I grab her hand and lead Abigail to the bathroom. There I look at all the lipstick I can find and pick out a specific one. A blue one.
"You like the winter, everything cold, that's you, isn't it?"
"You got me." Abigail grabs a specific lipstick and hands it to me. "Yours is peach. Warmth."
"Yea, you got it too." I smile.

"Thanks, Isa." says Abigail.
I nod as a way to tell her that I'm happy to hear her bidding.
I am currently doing her nails, also in blue. Abigail's lips are covered in blue lipstick, and her eyelids are also blue. She looks fantastic. She also did my makeup.
"Isa," she continues. "In every human's life, there is something they crave for, something they seek for, something they want to achieve."
I listen curiously, I wonder what she means.
"That is called light. Hope in complete darkness. It's a signal for us, people sunken in despair, that our life is not over. Because life wants us to find and conquer that light. It's the light to a better future, a bright life, true happiness."
I start glowing immensely. My heart is beating furiously.
"In my life, that light is right in front of me." says Abigail.

"You are my light, Isabella."

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