Neverending Moments

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There are moments in life that you wish they never end.
Moments where you experience something extraordinary that you will never feel ever again.
Today I underwent my first ever school trip.
Professor Cat promised us that we would go on a journey to the coast of Ireland. Since a lot of horrendous events have occurred, she thought it would be a great opportunity to leave Ambermoor for a short while and enjoy our meaningless lives at the shore.
I found it unfair that everyone who had died couldn't experience this wonderful event. Moss, Clone Floof, Diva, Audacious, Sweetie Luna, Nerdy, and Professor Dirize. Seven lost souls. Even though barely anyone knew Moss, or because Fake Floof wasn't real, doesn't mean that they were excluded from our class. 31 children and two adults. That's how I see it. It doesn't matter if someone died, because they are ought to stay cherished in my mind. It's inequitable that they died so early, so young. None of them deserved to be ripped away from life so vulgarly.
Soon after this adventure, Kitty and Leo would go to London. We won't be able to see them ever again, but at least we know that they won't die. It's a relief that they will be safe elsewhere. Ambermoor isn't a prudent haven for anyone.
"Let's go!" Mia was clapping her hands a bunch of times.
We were nearing the school. A bus was awaiting us.
"Do you think Knologos will come too?" asked Sunny nervously.
Sweet gave her a smirking look that made her blush quickly until they were chitchatting again.
I was walking to school with my sister, Mia, Sweet, Max, and Rain. Unfortunately, Knologos was nowhere to be seen. Perhaps he already entered the school bus because when we rang on his doorbell no one opened.
"Come on!" Ms. Cat was waving at us.
We realized that we were a bit late so we rushed towards the blue bus and entered it.
I sat next to Sunny and looked out of the window while she was having a conversation with Sweet and Mia.
Soon we will drive out of this valley. Ambermoor has five tunnels. We were going to use the one that was built in the middle. It's still kind of funny if you think about it. We are visiting the beach in winter. If Fifty and Knologos wouldn't have their fiery superpowers, we would've probably never planned going there. I wonder how it'll be going to the beach in winter with friends. All of us already have their swimsuits on, however, we also have normal clothes on top since it's really cold.
I was planning to just relax in the bus while observing the beautiful landscape of Ireland as we near the cliffs, but that's not possible in all this ruckus. Sunny was mad because Knologos suddenly popped up behind her. He startled her and she slapped him softly. It turns out that Knologos and Isabella are sitting behind us. Rain and Sid are sitting in front of us.

 Rain and Sid are sitting in front of us

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"Please let me sleep..." Echo was snoozing calmly.
"Haah...I'll miss this place..." mumbled Kitty sadly.
I envy Kitty a little. She somehow manages to always keep calm in every situation. She knows how to live happily without forgetting our friends who passed away. Even though she almost died once due to Nerdy chasing her and Leo, she still tried her best to not bring anyone down. Kitty might not know it, but she's a strong person.
"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!" Sunny was screeching madly.
Knologos had jumpscared her while she was having a casual conversation about the school trip with Sweet.
"Why not, it's funny seeing you mad." mocked Knologos.
"At least I don't have ten-" immediately Knologos covered her mouth.
"What?" Sweet was confused.
"He doesn't have tendency?" asked Mia.
"She meant at least I don't have tender skin like handsome Knologos. That's what she said." lied Knologos.
Sweet obviously didn't fall for it but she chuckled with Mia while Sunny rolled her eyes and swiftly sat back down.
I'm guessing he still wants to keep his tentacles a secret from everyone else. I should probably ask him when we reach our destination.
"Is everyone ready?" cheered Ms. Cat.
We all were screaming like crazy.
Everyone is excited. This is the first time we would be able to see the ocean after all. I'm sure most of us haven't seen it before. I remember when Tokyo and Dagobert didn't know what a crab was. I mean, I also never saw one before, but since my parents homeschooled me and Sunny, we learned everything about animals. However, I never heard anything about anthropological animals like Leonie before.
"Um...who's driving?" asked Zoom.
"Me of course!" Ms. Cat was jumping up and down from excitement.
"DO YOU HAVE A LICENSE?!" Rain was worried.
"Uh..." Professor Cat scratched her forehead. "No...but this is my first time!"
"WHAT!?" Sunny was having a mental breakdown.
"We're so gonna die." Sweet already accepted her fate.
"Max can just use his void powers to save us all if we crash." Mia was clearly mocking him.
Max acted all pumped up and said, "Everyone except for you."
"Roasted." guffawed Johnny.
"Rain," Sid's voice seems plain. "Do you have any novels with you?"
"Yeah, I brought a few with me because I don't like swimming." Rain opened her small backpack and showed Sid her book collection.
"Ooo, let's read them together, I'm so bored." Sid's eyes were sparkling by the sight of all the books.
"How do I start the engine-" Ms. Cat was having trouble turning on the bus.
"YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO START A BUS!?" Floof was flipping out.
"Respect your elders! I am a professor and I was a mother and-"
"But you told us you aren't married?" Floof was confused.
"Well...we had an accident, ha...ha..." Ms. Cat was clearly feeling uncomfortable.
"Having a baby before marriage is illegal! What are you going to do if the royal family finds out!?" Floof was scared.
That's right. Unfortunately, it's a crime to have a baby before marriage. I am not sure why that's not allowed, but I really hope that if I find out the truth about life, I will be able to fix the problem. Everyone should have babies even if they aren't married yet. Maybe being engaged would work too.
"I know I know, but I couldn't use abstinence...there is no way I would have wanted to kill my child." Ms. Cat eyed the wheel of the bus a bit upset.
"I understand. How old is your child?" asked Floof.
"She died ten years ago at the age of 11." Ms. Cat's eyes were watering up. "Her name was Pavel."
"I'm so sorry to hear that..." Floof felt bed for asking her that.
Ms. Cat shook her head, "It's alright. It was my fault after all. If I didn't visit the Cliffs of Moher that day, she wouldn't have fallen and he would have still loved me...we would have been a happy family..."
"No one can see the future. Don't beat yourself up over it. Pavel is in a better place now." Floof stood up and comforted the professor.
We all were listening into the conversation of Ms. Cat and Floof. But when they ended their talk we quickly started being loud again so she wouldn't think that we eavesdropped. Nonetheless, I'm certain she noticed it anyways.
I feel bad for her. She's the only professor at this academy who isn't married. She had a boyfriend and a 11 year-old daughter by the name of Pavel Cat. After they visited the Cliffs of Moher ten years ago, an accident occurred which made Pavel fall into the depths of the abyss. Her boyfriend left her and Ms. Cat was all alone again. It seems like when she was fornicating with him they were still young. Unfortunately, a baby started growing in the professor's womb and she couldn't repel the baby even though it's illegal to be pregnant before marriage. So the parents decided to keep Pavel a secret from everyone and homeschooled her. Pavel's future wasn't looking great because they couldn't do much with her, so instead, they wandered around in the wonderful mystical woods together so Pavel could experience the outside world and nature.
A misfortune happened one day which made Pavel fall down a cliff and die. After that happened, the couple broke up and I assume Ms. Cat landed here because of that. I never knew she had such a sad life. I really wish the best for her. I don't think I have the right to say this...but...
I hope we won't get a new teacher.
Professor Cat is the best professor we could ever have. Well, she's on second place after Professor Dirize.
"Empress? Ya need assistance?" suddenly someone's croaky voice was heard near the door of the bus.
"Jack! Yes, please! I don't know how to start the bus!" Ms. Cat looked happy.
Until now I haven't realized it, but we have a janitor.
This is the first time I've seen him. I am guessing he isn't much at school since it's really clean anyways. Perhaps he comes by every now and then to check the hygiene.
"I'll take a look at it." Janitor Jack's tall but rheumatic body walked over to the driver's seat and tried scavenging for the problem.
"Since when do we have a janitor?" asked Johnny.
"He seems cool." Matei found his new idol.
"Anyways, back to what I was saying," Sunny turned around to look at Sweet again. "I'm not sure if my swimsuit is go-"
Knologos interrupted her, "It's just a swimsuit???"
"What if it shows too much skin!" Sunny seemed nervous.
"Uh..." Mujunii was listening into their conversation. "Boys only wear trunks, we also show a lot of skin and no one cares."
"You wouldn't understand." Leonie defended Sunny's statement. "Not everyone feels comfortable wearing a bikini."
"Y-yeah!" Sunny was confused about Leonie talking to her but she agreed with her anyways.
Instantaneously, a loud noise was heard.
Joe freaked out, "Are we going to die!?"
"Chill out!" Cookie chortled.
"It's just the engine." noticed Tron. "The janitor fixed it."
Mr. Jack actually did repair the engine. I guess it wasn't Ms. Cat's fault that she couldn't start the engine.
"Well, have fun everyone!" Janitor Jack walked out of the bus and closed the door.
"Since when do janitors like children." mumbled Fault rhetorically.
Fifty rolled his eyes, "Nothing is normal here."
Ms. Cat started the vehicle, "Everyone, sit tight!"
"Yep, we're gonna die." Sweet tightened her seat belt.
Professor Cat actually managed to finally start driving out of Ambermoor.
I looked outside the window and enjoyed the view after we left the valley. The landscape is beautiful. There are so many plants everywhere.
A lot of nature. I guess Minetta really was lying about the Mana producing plants.
"I've never accompanied anyone with the bus before..." mumbled Isabella sadly while pressing her face softly and elegantly towards the window.
We were driving for quite a while. Ms. Cat actually knew how to drive. At first I expected the drive to be clumsy and shaky, but it was tranquil instead. Zoom and Dagobert were trying to communicate with each other by using sticky notes and sign language. Floof and Fifty weren't talking with each other, they were stuck in their own world. Max on the other hand was looking outside of the window while Fault was scribbling a few things on her sketchbook. Johnny played on his Gameboy and Matei turned himself into a Labrador and slept on his seat.
Rain and Sid were reading comics while Leo and Posa were having a normal conversation about life.
I looked outside of the window and listened to all my classmates talk. Sunny was having a conversation with Sweet and Mia while Knologos annoyed them. Isabella wasn't paying much attention to him so she observed the outside world instead, and when she finds something spectacular she would poke Knologos excitedly and show him some kind of mystical animal or an interesting kind of plant or even some ruins of a building. It seems like magic is pretty common in this world. I wonder why my parents never taught me and Sunny any of it. Were they trying to hide us from the populace or from the truth this world bears?
Echo was sleeping and Kitty was sitting on her knees and turned around and looked into Tron's eyes. They were having a conversation together with Cookie and Joe.
Leonie and Mujunii were talking together about curses and mystical entities.
"Do you think the villain on the wanted poster will show itself here in Ambermoor?" asked Mujunii.
Leonie shrugged, "Anything could happen. From stalk-...watching over Kart, I assume it will probably appear again."
"I hope this time we'll be able to stop the evil for once and for all..." mumbled Mujunii.
Leonie seemed lightheaded, "Of course we will. We are stronger now."
"But you just enrolled into this academy yesterday." Mujunii sounded confused.
"I still trained myself before I went to school here." Leonie smiled awkwardly.
"Why did you enter this school though. If you knew about all the disasters, shouldn't you have been aware of all the danger here?" Mujunii's head tilted.
"I knew what was awaiting me, and that's why I joined Class 34. Someone has to finish this." stated Leonie.
"I suppose you're right." Mujunii looked out of the window. "I can smell the ocean already, we're almost there."
He's right. The salty water the ocean bears is swiftly appearing. We really are about to go to the beach. Our olfaction smells the saltwater even better now. This is the first time for most of us. And the first time enjoying something beautiful after so many dreadful disasters.

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