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"Aaaa...CHOO!" Mujunii sneezed.
" alright?" asks Sid.
"Yeah, not sure why I had to sneeze, haha." Mujunii scratches his occiput.
Mujunii and Sid are sitting on a bench in the neighbourhood of Ambermoor. It's currently snowing heavily. Everything is covered in snow. Nonetheless, both Sid and Mujunii don't mind the cold and instead are enjoying the last few days of the winter.
"What do you think happened to them?" asks Sid.
"I'm not sure." answers Mujunii.
Mujunii stares into the distance. He seems worried.
"Do you think...she's fine?" asks Sid carefully.
Mujunii sighs, "I don't think, I know."
Sid winced a bit.
"I have a feeling..." says Mujinii. "...that Isabella will make it back safe."
"Yeah...of course." says Sid. "She has to."

Mujunii smiles.

"He's gone..." Sunny is sobbing.
Posa's body disappeared. That's what happens to clones. If they expire, their body evanescs from this world, since clones basically defy nature, or that's what people think.
"We can't even bury his body..." cries Sunny.
"We never retrieved the body of Sweetie Luna and Audacious either, but we still buried them." says Sweet comfortably. "A lot of our friends's bodies are gone, but the memories of them aren't. We buried each one of them on the mountain, leaving the student profile portrait on their grave, so we can always remember how they looked like."
"Basically a shrine with empty caskets." answers Knologos.
"We don't have a picture of Posa..." sobs Sunny.
"Well, he does look identical to Kart-," says Isabella.
"No," responds Sunny. "That would be a fraud if we were to choose Kart's portrait to put on Posa's shrine. Him and Kart don't look the same. Posa was shorter and slimmer."
"Uh, Ms. Cat took a picture of him and Leonie before she disappeared a while ago. She didn't want them to feel excluded, so she added them to the photo wall." says Mia. "Even though Leonie's one needs an update since she isn't cursed anymore."
"Floof's clone never got one." mumbles Sweet.
"Actually," murmurs Leonie. "I'm fine with it."
"Huh?" Mia is surprised. "But no one will remember you if they see a white fox instead of a girl on the class and student picture!"
"I'd rather stay unknown to the world. I shouldn't even be alive right now. I thought that after the curse would heal me, I'd finally die with an instant due to old age, so I could join my brother, but I suppose not. Max cursed me with a time-trapping spell, because I haven't aged physically, even though I am 314 years old. It feels like I was born twice."
"You were hoping to die so you could reunite with your brother..?" asks Rain curiously.
"Yeah," sighs Leonie. "I wish I would have died instead of turning back to my usual appearance. It hurts so much. I don't even feel like I am alive anymore. The only thing I've been doing these past centuries was surviving. I didn't want to die, because if I did, I would have never discovered the truth. Even though I finally feel free now, I don't want to live. I want to finally be at peace, but life doesn't let me. If I can't die yet, there surely must still be something left for me in this awful world."
Suddenly we hear a clanging noise. The seven friends freak out completely and stare into the direction the noise came from. Unfortunately, Karter is alone in the front, not having had the ability to see Posa one last time. Since the death of Posa he hasn't said anything anymore. Losing his little brother hurt him a lot. Additionally, he is getting flashbacks of Adrianna, his doll-friend. After finding out in the palace that she was just an automaton created by his father Myrril, it didn't faze him much. Sunny, however, was shocked, since she didn't know the truth, but Karter already knew.
His psyche could travel to Manora, their old home. It happened when Karter was in dangerous situations. There, he met Adrianna. And in his last travel there with his mind and consciousness, he found out the truth about her and killed her. He euthanized her after Adrianna had asked him to shut her down. She only wanted to rest in peace after having gained too many emotions and the ability to think too far ahead, making her life purposeless.
Besides that, Karter also thinks a lot about the time he accidentally killed Sunny and Clone Floof. Even though Sunny was resurrected from the dead by Fault, and Clone Floof not having been essential to society due to her being a fake, it still hurt. He's a murderer. He took Clone Floof's life. Additionally, he assisted the others assimilating Nerdy. He partook in killing her, even though she was the reason of Audacious, Sweetie Luna, Professor Dirize, and Diva's death.
Feeny Rye and Moss, his two deceased cousins, are also constantly on his mind. He also still doesn't know the status of his parents. His uncle is deceased, and his aunt alive, so perhaps finding her might be a good idea, or returning to Manora. Karter has a lot of questions.
"PLEASE STOP THIS!" screams Sweet.
Kart winced. He wonders what happened.
"Let's see...who shall be next..?" Candy licks her lips.
She's holding a syringe with some kind of liquid inside.
Everyone else is quiet. They're all to afraid to speak up, fearing that Candy might inject them. In the end humans are all selfish and only care about themselves.
No one said a word. Candy is walking back and forward until...
"You do realize that what you are doing is completely pointless, right?" ...Leonie speaks up.
Candy halts.
"You can't steal someone's power, it's impossible." declares Leonie. "You're just wasting your time using us as test subjects to somehow try steal Tokyo's power. And what do you need the other two bodies for?"
Dagobert and Minetta serve no purpose floating around in the test subjects. Leonie has a good point. Since Candy is after Tokyo, why does she need the other two?
"You're right, once again." smiles Candy.
"Huh?" Leonie is confused.
Candy walks over to her, "You want to know why the other two are stored in those capsules?"
Leonie nods.
"That's because they committed suicide." responds Candy.
Everyone gasps.
"W-what?! Dagobert would never-" shouts Sunny.
"You don't know how he felt, because only he did, it always happens at moments we expect the least, but that's not the reason I stored them here." says Candy. "The real purpose of them being here is because Minetta was a spirit who worked for me, and Dagobert having had an interesting curse."
"HUH!?" Mia gasped.
"So it's true." noticed Rain. "This Minetta girl was probably a sad spirit."
"Oh, right. Her body didn't evaporate like the other spirits's bodies!" shouts Isabella.
"And Tokyo?" asks Leonie. "You knew it was impossible to get her powers, didn't you?"
Candy nods.
"So why bring her here?" asks Leonie.
Candy suddenly starts giggling.
"What the hell-?!" Knologos is frustrated.
"You still don't get it, do you?" Candy stares into Leonie's eyes. "I never wanted Tokyo's powers. I made that story up."
"Whaaa?!" Mia is shocked.
"Well, at least we know she won't do anything to her body..." sighs Isabella.
"We found her naked though..." says Sunny.
"Cookie did, not us." corrects Knologos.
"Then why-!?" Leonie is confused.
"You want to know why?" asks Candy.
Leonie nods hesitantly.
Candy grins, "So I can test out my newest gadgets on you!"
This had been the last straw. This girl...

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