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After the last incident had occurred at our elite school, I was sure that it would be the last time. I was positive that we would find out the truth about the evil organization. To find out why they were doing this to us. To know the reason why Ambermoor exists.
But I was wrong, now I found myself positioned on some field in the middle of nowhere. We were near the coast of Ireland, that's for sure.
But I wasn't the only one stranded here. 15 students including me and two officers plus four soldiers were fighting against the traitor who was identified as Zoe Pellenie. She had already killed all the other help around us, we couldn't effort any more casualties, so we had no other choice but to hold together.
From this, I noticed that it wasn't over yet. After stopping Nerdy Wildglade from harming any more of us, we had found out that everybody who had been hit was teleported at some death game, meaning, that someone must have been working with her secretly, telling us that we have another enemy.
After stopping Malinda the nurse, the battle still hadn't been over. Someone, Zoe, had been working with the nurse all this time. She was blocking the tunnels and blocking all possibilities to use spells while acting as an innocent student. I just wonder, is that really the Zoe I know?
I can't imagine how her childhood friends must feel if they find out what truly happened.
Our only success was to stop the awakening of Master Novius, but how are we certain that he will stay dormant? What if his many followers will try the same? Taking more lives is unbearable to watch. Many of us aren't afraid to die anymore. We are all afraid to live. To live a normal life knowing that everyone dear to you will sooner or later fade away and never come back ever again. Every child in Ambermoor knows what will happen. We all were sent to this valley in the middle of nowhere so we could protect the world. I am not sure if that really is the case anymore. If I am being honest, I don't know anything anymore. My only goal in life is to keep my friends safe.
I must try to attain my power. I must try to learn how to control it. I have to find out the secret behind it. I am not doing this for myself, I am doing this for everyone else's sake. Their life matters more than mine. They don't conjure dark magic like me, if I don't manage to contain my power I am ought to turn out like Zoe. Therefore, I have to fight. All of us, we will not go down without a fight. We have many people around the whole world who will be thankful for us trying to win, even if they don't know what's going on. Everybody is waiting for their miserable life to finally change.
We are the hope for a brighter future for everyone.

That's why we have to fight.

Zoe's body is now fully corrupted. There wasn't anything left of the innocent girl anymore, she had been completely swallowed by despair. Her possessed state will lead to our death. This is the first time I am in a situation were every action matters. If anyone messes up, they will die.
It seems impossible to beat Zoe, even if we have the upper hand. We are 21 against one. But we are 15 neophytes still trying to tame our power while we have six adults who might be helpful.
If K'lani hadn't been here, the fight would have already been over. But now we have a chance to try and fight Zoe together. Even if we lose people, we won't let their deaths be in vain. We all attend the Academy of Essence for a reason. We train to protect the world, don't we? Therefore, we have to try our best.
"She's not moving an inch!" quailed a soldier. "She's gaining Mana!"
We learnt something. Zoe's weapons are a sword and a big hammer. If she uses her hammer most of her Mana gets subdued. Every time she strikes she wears herself out giving us a possibility to ambush. Unfortunately, we don't have much time to think of a plan, we don't even know Zoe's intention or her power in the least. However, there is something we know. Zoe worked with Malinda, and she wanted to resurrect Master Novius from the dead. Zoe must have the same goal, and for that to succeed, she needs to kill Haley.
We have someone to protect. If she eliminates Haley, we lose. I don't know who Master Novius is, but if he is capable of destroying the whole world, then we can't allow that to be achieved.
"We need to think of a plan, quick!" shouted Sunny. "I- I can use my lianas to tie her up!"
Sunny lifted up her hands and then swayed them into Zoe's direction. Lianas rapidly appeared out of Sunny's palms, dashing towards Zoe.
The lianas thronged around her body and tied her down, making Zoe unable to move.
"Woohoo!" Sunny was proud of her hit.
Zoe still didn't stir one single bit but observed the grass in front of her instead. There was a cypress flower in front of her.
"I could try to put her in a different dimension." suggested Lykari.
"No way! What if she comes back or hurts the entities in that dimension?!" shrieked Haley.
"True." mumbled Lykari.
"Kids, be careful..." Ma'am Sussier seemed more nervous than everyone else.
I wonder if she expected the outcome to be less monstrous.
"That's it." Zon chugged and then after a loud noise took out his enochian brass knuckles. "I'll beat that bitch to death."
"Woman abuse." cried Vanessa.
"Oh shut up, this is no ordinary woman!" complained Tiana.
Zon charged towards Zoe, and at that moment I noticed something was wrong. He did a mistake.
He almost reached her, and the second he reached her head, Zoe looked up and stared into his eyes. He suddenly couldn't move anymore.
"H-Huh?! What's this!?" Zon hissed with his last strength until he was completely paralyzed.
Zoe's eyes are blood red, she must have used a binding spell when she looked into Zon's eyes. He probably looked back, making him useless.
"MOVE! IT'S A SPELL!" K'lani quickly used her air to fling Zon away.
He landed softly near a soldier who briefly examined him.
"This is bad..." mumbled Knologos.
"DON'T MAKE EYE CONTACT!" shrieked K'lani, trying to fling Zoe away, but it failed.
"We still have her trapped in my lianas!" added Sunny.
The moment she said that, Zoe suddenly burst out of anger and the lianas exploded, giving her the possibility to move freely once again.
She licked her lips with a bloody tongue and spoke firmly, "Thank you for giving me enough time to replenish, now die."
Zoe formed a black spear and aimed towards K'lani's chest in hopes of hitting her heart.
Luckily, K'lani managed to use her air power to stop the spear from reaching her.
"I am done with the warmup, let's get dangerous." Zoe smiled creepily and suddenly charged towards Haley.
"EH-!?" Haley startled.
My assumption was correct, Zoe has the same objective as Malinda, she needed to dispose of Haley for the awakening to work.
Dagobert reacted quickly and gave Haley a boost by creating an ice surfboard that could fly.
"Woah!?" Haley almost lost her balance but then she got the hang out of it and tried to fly away from Zoe.
"Pitiful..." Zoe noticed that there was no use targeting Haley. "I'll just get rid of the trash first."
"Not so quick!" Vanessa stepped in. "Monsters - rise and shine!"
Vanessa conjured about 17 average height mud monsters that chased after Zoe.
"Pathetic." Zoe used her sword and swung through all the creatures, killing them on an instant.
"How dare you!" Vanessa shrieked out of anger.
Zoe slowly walked towards Vanessa, then lifted her up by the throat and said, "I disliked you the most out of everyone here."
"VANESSA!" Karen tried to run to help, but Fifty held her back.
"It's too late." he looked back.
"H...h...h-help..." Vanessa couldn't breathe.
"I WILL CRACK YOUR THROA-" a loud bang was heard and Zoe fell to the ground, leaving Vanessa alive.
She was huffing crazily and backed away from Zoe, running into Karen's arms.
Zoe had a bullet pierce right through her skull. She fell to the ground motionless.
"I'm ending this." Sir Sally Kergalon popped up with a pistole in his hands. "Don't you dare take anymore lives on my sight."
He stepped towards her and kicked Zoe's body.
"SIR, BACK AWAY!" caterwauled Tokyo.
Zoe's body was itching.
"How is this possible?!" Sir Kergalon backed away.
"Ha...ha....." We heard laughter commence from Zoe's body.
"HOW IS SHE ALIVE!?" a soldier coughed.
"KYAAAAAAH!" Sunny suddenly hugged Cookie. What did she see?
"Oh fuck..." Cookie saw it too.
And now I also saw it.
Zoe was still alive.
She slowly stood up terrorizing our possibilities of defeating her.
"I shot her in the head!" Sir Kergalon couldn't believe his eyes.
"You imbeciles..." Zoe was huffing. "Do you really think you can kill a creature from the dead with human weapons?"
"Creature from the dead?" Rhanes muttered.
Zoe looked at Haley who came closer, still being on the ice surfboard. "Stop this already, Zoe! Did we go through all this just for you to turn your back on us!?"
Zoe giggled, "How did you know he was a minion from the dead?"
"Gah-" Haley exposed herself.
"What the hell is going on!?" huffed Tiana. "What is the meaning of this, Haley!?"
"..." Haley quivered.
"Come on. Reveal your secrets before I kill all of you!" smirked Zoe.
"NOT ON OUR WATCH!" The four soldiers had managed to gather weapons from the destroyed vehicles.
They now fired at Zoe nonstop with any kind of gun.
"DIE, YOU DEVIL!" screeched one of the soldiers.
"It's not going to work..." stuttered Haley. "STOP THIS! SHE WILL KILL YOU!"
"WHAT!?" the soldiers didn't understand. "HOW ELSE ARE WE SUPPOSED TO KILL HER!? MAGIC DOESN'T WORK!"
Zoe's body now had multiple holes.
"This has to be it." Sunny clenched her fists. "End this madness already..."
"Something seems wrong..." Knologos mumbled.
"What do you mean?" asked Tokyo.
"Zoe isn't a human, she can't die of bullets. Only something unnatural can kill her. Magic. Powerful magic." Knologos seems determined.
"We have to stop the soldiers if that's the case!" Fifty was worried.
"It's too late, they're already too far gone." mumbled Karen. "They will meet their demise soon."
"Bestie..?" Vanessa was still hanging onto Karen. "Are we going to make it out of here alive?"
Karen stuttered, "Bestie...even I don't know the outcome, but if you die, take me with you."
"SHIT!" We looked towards the soldier's direction. "WE'RE OUT OF BULLETS!"
"I'LL USE MY MAGIC!" proposed Ma'am Sussier.
She then suddenly conjured a hoard of knives which were levitating around her body.
"Damn." Knologos was impressed. "She's got more than just her good looks!"
"Her what?" Tokyo was confused.
"Let's end this, Sally." Caroline winked and then held Sally's hand.
"Whatever you say." Sir Kergalon smiled and mastered a hoard of guns around his body.
"WE WILL COMBINE POWERS!" both of them hollered insanely and a big white flash appeared.
"I want to go home..." stuttered Rhanes who suddenly appeared next to us with Zon on his back.
"Did you heal him!?" K'lani's eyes were sparkling.
"Well, yeah, but he wasn't severely injured." Rhanes shrugged.
"My hero." mocked K'lani.
Rhanes didn't expect that and tried to hide his flustering.
Knologos stepped into the conversation, "No time for flirting, the two officers are about to end this. I want to wash this suit already that YOU ruined."
K'lani snickered, "Of course."
Suddenly I felt Cookie and Sunny's Qi behind me and turned around.
"Kart?" Sunny looked at me. "Do you think they will be able to finish Zoe off?"
Cookie didn't say anything, I suppose she was Sunny's mental support.
"Sister, I don't know." I mumbled.
Sunny hugged me tightly and started sobbing a bit, "You could've lied, dumbass..."
I didn't say anything.
All of the students and the four soldiers had gathered together at a far enough spot, away from Zoe and away from the two adults. Sir Kergalon and Ma'am Sussier were about to end this. If they succeed, they will be remembered as the heroes who saved Ireland, or who knows, maybe even the whole world. But if they die, we will have to take their responsibility and win this for everyone who died today.
"KIDS," Ma'am Sussier was now high up in the air with her coworker. "WIN THIS FOR US!"
Ma'am Sussier and Sir Kergalon had now summoned an immense amount of guns and knives.
"Hehe." Zoe giggled.
"Hold on...she was conscious this whole time!?" a soldier hollered.
"I'm excited for this one." Zoe lied on the grass and watched the two officers perform their attack.
"She's fully healed!" noticed Karen.
"Does Zoe have Regeneration..?" Tokyo mumbled.
"Give up," Knologos placed a hand on her shoulder. "Even if you find out her power, you probably won't be able to copy it. It's dark magic, it would eat you alive. You wouldn't be able to withstand her immense power, she isn't even from this world."
"Don't break my dreams." Tokyo hoofed madly.
"Is she immortal!?" wondered Fifty.
"She isn't," K'lani began talking. "Everyone has a weakness."
I was kind of disappointed that we couldn't do anything but watch. Ma'am Sussier and Sir Kergalon were performing their godlike powers that would eliminate the very existence of Zoe in a few minutes.
"Isn't this the perfect time to discuss a plan if they fail?" asked Haley.
Zon finally spoke again, "Missy, you first need to tell us everything you know."
"We don't have any time for-"
"Yes we do." Zon insisted. "They've got this under control, now tell us what you know. If you want to win, then we all must know the truth."
"GAAAAAAAAAAAH!" a sudden scream was heard from Sir Kergalon. "COMBINATION SPELL - FIRE!"
The spell that Ma'am Sussier and Sir Kergalon had conjured over the past few minutes dashed against Zoe in full speed. Millions of knives and guns flew against her.
When the guns started shooting, Zoe realized that she was in a sticky situation. She quickly picked up her black sword and held them into the direction of the knives and the gun bullets who were going against her.
"What is she doing?! The impact of those weapons are too strong for her to handle!" shouted Cookie.
Zoe then bent down on the floor by lying in the w position and diffracted her sword to set the flying knives and guns, which landed onto her, into our direction. The knives and guns now dashed at us in full speed.
"W- What!?" stumbled Rhanes.
"KYAAAAAAAAH!" Vanessa and Karen clung onto each other.
"FIRE WALL!" yelped Fifty and a humongous fire wall popped up in front of us.
The bullets melted instantaneously when they reached the fire. However, it's too weak, the wall is about to break due to the millions of knives and guns charging at us in full speed.
"WHAT DO WE DO!?" Sunny was having a mental breakdown.
Dagobert then breathed into his hand and he was suddenly surrounded in icy armor. He pointed behind the fire wall basically trying to tell us that he would go out there.
She then used an air spell to try and manifest the flying weapons which were going against us. She tried to get rid of the knives and guns.
Dagobert stayed silent and then created an ice cubicle around us, and right about then, the fire wall wore out and the knives were now dashing against the ice. It's sturdy but soon going to break.
"This is bad..." Knologos scratched his chin.
"Brrr..." Lykari was freezing.
"Hey, Lykari!" Rhanes was shaking the snoozy Lykari. "Use your portal magic to teleport us somewhere else!"
"Hmm...sure." Lykari suddenly opened a small portal on the floor.
This might save our lives. Ma'am Sussier and Sir Kergalon failed, meaning, it was now up to us. We must defeat Zoe once and for all.
Everybody quickly jumped into the portal one by one.
"The wall is about to break! Get moving!" demanded a soldier.
Almost everyone made it, only a few more people and we would get out of this deadly situation.
Sunny tried jumping into the portal but a soldier pushed her out of his way and jumped.
"Hey!?" shrieked Sunny. "Shouldn't soldiers help us!?"
"WHO CARES! SAVE YOURSELF, KID!" another soldier jumped into the portal.
The ice wall was about to break. Sunny, me and two soldiers were the last ones in the ice cubicle Dagobert had made.
It was about to break while me and Sunny were steps away from it. There wasn't enough time for us to enter it.
The moment the next soldier had jumped into the portal was when Sunny grabbed my hand and suddenly swayed lianas into the soldier's way, grabbing his ankle. Since he already had fallen into the portal, the liana instead dragged me and Sunny into the portal's direction too.
At that moment, the ice broke and thousands of guns and knives charged at us. But luckily, we managed to make it through the portal in time. The knives and guns torn the last soldier up instead.
"AAAAAAAAAAAH!" he shrieked of pain, and the moment I knew it, I disappeared into the portal and saw the man suffer a painful death. I am sure his whole body will only be a pile of flesh after this.

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