Final Memories of Class 34

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"This is so stupid." I say while running in circles.
"How come?" asks Matei, who is sprinting with me.
"It makes no sense!" I complain. "Why are we running around this track if we already know that we are no match for him?"
Both Matei and I look at Zoom Duskcutter, the fastest boy in our class, no, in our whole school!
His superpower is Agility. He has already lapped us ten times. Zoom is an ace in sports.
"Okay, class." Mr. Quinn Redburn, the gym professor, catches our attention. "Your last training session as Class 34 is dismissed. You may go home and relax after I announce the passers. If you failed you will have to leave Ambermoor for the time being. The military will escort you to safety. If you passed, make sure to sleep early today, since tomorrow is the big day."
"Ugh, finally!" Isabella drops dead from exhaustion.
"I'm tired..." Echo collapses on top of Isabella.
They both fell asleep, or rather are unconscious.
"Tsk, tsk. These girls will never learn..." Professor Redburn facepalms. "Either way, good job Zoom, for being first, once again."
Zoom bows, "Thank you, Sir."
"Anyways," Mr. Redburn continues. "The majority of this class passed, so no worries, you will all be able to enter university haha."
"What's the point." Rain looks at the ground.
Professor Redburn overheard it and continues talking, "If you passed, make sure to go to the field in front of the skyscraper tomorrow at 5 in the morning. Mrs. Terra Thomson, your maths teacher, will introduce you all to your extracurricular activity."
Professor Thomson has tamed the Laser Power. I remember when she used to shoot laser beams around in class if we would cause havoc. She was a funny teacher.
We are all currently outside in the yard of the school. We were running tracks to test our agility and stamina. Running is no big deal for Professor Redburn, since his power is Enhanced Strength. Thankfully, he isn't as strict as I thought he would be. I made some wonderful memories here with him teaching us. It will be weird not having sessions here with him anymore.
Tomorrow, we'd be sorted into groups and get only one day of training until we start the operation. I'm kind of nervous. Even though we finished today's last normal training session, it kind of makes me all wistful and sentimental. I really don't want to go inside the skyscraper, but if it's to save humanity, I have to do it.
"Everyone, gather around." asks Mr. Redburn nicely and takes out a list. "Tomorrow you will be sorted into your lines from 1 - 4. Number one being the most dangerous line, number four being the safest. From this class, Class 34, everyone passed except for..."
Mr. Redburn looks at names on a list.
We all wait patiently, trying to regain some energy after running for so long.
"Knologos Nile and Johnny Farrowbane, the two students that haven't attended the training sessions, will not be entering the army lines, so they will be evacuated until we take care of the black building."
He's right. Knologos hasn't been at school ever since we came back from London, and Johnny stopped coming to school the day we started having Agent Cary Lynnifen as our instructor. I might ask Rain if Johnny is doing well since they live together, but for some reason, Rain has been acting really strange lately. It seems like she and Johnny got into a fight, most likely due to Max's death. I hope she will cope from it.
"In two days," mumbles Professor Redburn. "Will be the day of the infiltration of this ginormous black building, which has stayed a mystery for many years."
We all turn around and stare at the ominous black building from the very bottom of the valley. Our school is swallowed in darkness due to the building blocking the sunlight. The skyscraper is menacingly looking down on us. Today, decades ago, is when Annabelle fell from up there to her doom.
I will try to find whoever killed her and serve justice to Annabelle's soul, so she can finally rest in peace.
All my classmates look at the building as if it reminds them of all the terror it has brought upon us. When we look at the building, it feels like time would stop. This hideout might be the reason to all the problems. After we destroy it, we will finally be able to rest peacefully. No more horror, no more losses, just tranquility.
Suddenly, when we expected it the least, we hear a scream.
"Huh-?!" Floof covers her mouth. "Where is that coming from!?"
Fault suddenly starts quivering and points at the top of the black building, "From up there..."
We all look up and see something falling down. A person.
The insufferable screaming is getting louder and louder until we can discern a woman's body wriggling while falling to the ground.
We all watch half paralyzed, not knowing what to do.
The woman's screaming is getting louder, the floor closer, she will hit the ground soon.
I'm not ready to face the truth.
Some of my classmates are covering their ears and closing their eyes. Some are sobbing and panicking. And the teacher is speechless.
I look closer and identify the falling woman. It's Annabelle Dawnspell.
She was now only a hair-strand away from the ground, as she suddenly evaporates into thin air, like if nothing ever happened.
Yes, her body didn't hit the ground. Instead, she evanesced from existence.
"W-what..?" Joe is shaking. "She's gone!?"
And just like that, Annabelle disappeared. None of us know what just happened.
"Kids," Professor Quinn Redburn opens his mouth. "Go home, get some rest. You've experienced enough."
We all walk out of class, still unsure of what just occurred.
Tomorrow will be the last day of training. We will get sorted into our groups that we will be fighting in when we infiltrate the headquarters of the evil organisation. The building from where Annabelle just fell. The building that cursed her into falling for the rest of her life. Every year, the day she was pushed, is when you can see her fall. In reality, Annabelle has been cursed to fall for eternity by whomever is responsible for her death. Annabelle is still alive, but falling endlessly, dying and getting reborn, forced to relive her awful fate.
After seeing what had just happened, I knew that the terror wasn't over yet.

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