Good Riddance

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"30." says Floof to her friend Fault. "We have a 30 minute break, let's go to the supermarket."
"But the woman there is mean..." gripes Fault.
"You mean Brittany Embers? I think she just hates her job." Floof starts wondering.
"I guess." sighs Fault.
The two girls are nearing the school entrance and are about to leave.
"This is my chance." I say to myself.
Now I can ask Fault what her new power is. I wanted to know it for a while.
"F-!" I run only to get stopped.
"Hey," Sweet got my attention. "Do you have time?"
"You came at an inconvenient time..." I mumble.
"Hm? Oh, sorry. If you have something to do, then-"
"No, I don't. It's okay. What's up?" I say.
Earlier in class I noticed Sweet's obscure behaviour. I think it's more important to check up on her, I can always ask Fault later. Friendship matters more, so I must help her.
"Do you mind following me to the mathematics classroom?" asks Sweet.
"Huh? Doesn't Mrs. Terra Thomson teach that class? Do you think it's free?" I ask.
"I think so, since the whole school has the same extracurricular schedule, it should be empty." says Sweet.
"I really dislike algebra, arithmetic, geometry...maths in general! It makes no sense..." I moan.
"Same, that's why I chose this classroom to talk. I need some privacy so no one can eavesdrop on us." Sweet anxiously looks around to reassure herself that nobody is listening.
"Let's go." Sweet grabs my hand and we walk through the corridor and up the floors.
We pass by some students on the way. Among them we discern Isabella and Echo having a controversial conversation.
"So, what happened to your parents?" asks Echo.
"They are rotting in jail, they got what they deserved. Many people suffered under their tyranny, and some even lost their lives. To be frank, they deserve to die. My birth-parents are only still alive because they get pitied by our society, or else they would have gotten the death sentence already." says Isabella.
"The death penalty is better than being in prison for the rest of your life. So I don't think our society pities them. In fact, they want the ex-royals to suffer even more." claims Echo. "Also, I know they did horrible things to you and everyone in London, but they are still your parents, are you sure that they deserve this bad-mouthing?"
"You don't even know what they did. I can't consider them parents. They might have given birth to me, and I might have inherited their beauty, but I don't think my parents are beautiful. They might look beautiful, but if their personality is ugly, the beauty is nullified, so the outer beauty won't matter anymore. A beautiful person is beautiful from the inside." Isabella sighs. "Either way, I suppose you're right. What's the point of living on in a prison. They should just get rid of all the bad people on this Earth."
"I agree, but what's the definition of good and bad?" asks Echo.
"Who knows, perhaps King Jayu Claritas will convey it to us. London's new leader will lead us to liberty and peace." says Isabella.
"If the world were to end, would that be considered peace?" says Echo sarcastically.
Both of the girls laugh it off and disappear.
"The air is clean, let's go, Kart." says Sweet.
I follow her into the empty mathematics classroom. We take a seat in the front row, next to each other.
"So..." I look at Sweet, ready for an explanation. "Are you okay?"
"That's what I came to you for, to find out if I am okay or not." says Sweet.
"Huh? I am not a psychiatrist. Are you sure I can help you?"
"This scarf," begins Sweet. "I got it from my grandmother."
"That's nice."
"But she passed away." says Sweet.
"My condolences."
"This was her last gift to me. My grandmother, Lia Wartalon-Park."
"The scarf she made for you is beautiful." I smile. "You wore it ever since you enrolled in the Academy of Essence. I suppose now I know why you wore it all the time."
"Yeah, it even still has her scent, or perhaps it's mine or just my mindset. You see, I'm suffering under FPP." Sweet's hands are shaking.
"Fantasy prone personality." she says terse. "I can't tell reality and fantasy apart. It's been like that ever since I was born. I was born in Ambermoor."
"WHAT!?" I almost fell off my chair.
"Keep your voice down, please!" hisses Sweet.
"Right, sorry."
"I lived with my grandmother in Ambermoor. My father and grandfather died before I was born. My father Hyun had died due to his trachea being infected, and my grandfather Sean got lung cancer due to smoking a lot. And my mother Amy didn't survive the pregnancy, that's why I am an only child and an orphan, I'm no prodigy." Sweet pauses but then continues right away. "The only way I can tell reality and fantasy apart is because of this scarf. It's a way for me to cope. It gives me self-compassion."
"Did something happen after we returned from the trip? If you've been controlling your disorder pretty well, something must have happened that triggered your sickness." I say.
"I had a dream. I was in South Korea with my best friend named Lia Park. There were also a lot of colours. And all I remember was that Lia Park didn't exist." she says.
"But isn't she your grandmother?" I ask.
"Lia Park does exist, but she didn't exist in my life."
"What do you mean?" I  question her.
"Kart," Sweet looks at me. "I never met my grandmother."
"Huh!?" I am shocked. "B-but didn't you say you lived with her!?"
"I did, but I was in a coma, I lived in a fake world my whole life. She was the one who took care of me. And when I woke up, she had already died." Sweet looks up to the ceiling with empty eyes.
"I've been alone all my life."
"That's not true, you have us."
"I don't have any memories of my family and childhood to treasure, because I was asleep."
"...y-you made new ones!"
"My new memories are filled with gore. I can't forget the bad things if I didn't have any memories to cherish to begin with."
"Kart, what I'm trying to say is..." Sweet looks at me.
"What is it, Sweet?" I ask worried.
She sighs, "After we solve all the problems that hinder you and everyone else from living happily, I will leave life."
"...what do you mean?"
"Easy," she says.

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