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"..." My father eyes me sternly.
He prefers my older brothers more than me.
"Go get some rest, you trained enough today." his eyes resent a sparkle of empathy.
I was training the whole day. On top of Modoru Mountain.
"But Father, can't I train a little bit more?" I plead.
"No." he answers without any reasoning. "Go to sleep like your brothers, you'll need it if you want to succeed."
He leaves and enters the shrine. I stand there for a while and decide to sit down on the grass before I would eventually head inside.
The view on Modoru Mountain is spectacular. We are so high up, the only thing you can detect are other mountains peeking out of the fog that we are surrounded in. I like it though, it feels like I am above heaven, somewhere peaceful. I live with my father, mother and my two older brothers in a shrine on Modoru Mountain in Japan. The reason why we don't live in the village is probably because we have a different purpose than the other residents. We aren't normal, quite the contrary actually. We are samurai. We are the warriors of Japan. However, most folk fear us. I suppose that's reasonable, since my brothers usually go around assassinating bad people in the village. Basically, if they get paid to do something, they don't give up until they accomplish their task. You could call us samurai extremely loyal, but in my opinion most of us are just out for the currency. Nevertheless, I am aiming for something else. I kind of want to traverse the Earth. I want to explore mysterious locations and I want to make friends. I am so bored of always doing the same activity each day. I take out my katana and train on Modoru Mountain, that's it. The only family member I communicate with is my father, Maeda Denjiro. He might seem a bit apathetic, but he actually cares a lot about me. He worries that I might not achieve what I truly am aiming for, so he just hopes I can live with the disappointing outcome incase it fails, but my plan won't fail, I know it won't.
"Motoshiya?" I hear Father's voice behind me. "Didn't I tell you to come inside?"
"Pardon." I bow and head inside.
I suppose tomorrow I will still have time to train.
"Denjiro?" I hear my mother's voice behind me as I enter my room. "Where are the scrolls?"
"I put them in the treasure chest." he answers.
"Alright, thank you, Denjiro." she turns around and heads towards the said locus.
"You're welcome, Isayama." he says a bit less energetic.
I see my two brothers already heavily asleep beneath their blankets.
Haruno and Ikiwari. We barely talk anymore, I miss the old times. The melancholic memories of us being together are slowly vanishing. I'm more focused on the future that I am forgetting the beautiful past of my family. We are the Maeda Clan after all, samurai who go on missions for money. I'm not sure if that's what I want to do in the future. I have other plans, but nobody can know about them. Because tomorrow, tomorrow is the day I am going to leave Modoru Mountain for a new beginning, a new life. I suppose I have to leave my past behind, but I can create a new one.
"Motoshiya." Haruno, my oldest brother, is awake. "What's on your mind?"
I didn't expect him to wake up suddenly.
"I- nothing." I say.
"You're lying, I can tell by your facial expressions." he observes me carefully. "You don't need to hide yourself in front of me, I know you too well for you to be someone else."
"What do you mean?" I am confused.
"You are planning on leaving Japan, am I right?" Haruno smirks.
"...How did you-?"
"Your behaviour lately, after Grandma Nao passed away, you changed. It's like you started seeing the world more clearly." Haruno strokes his messy hair. "It's okay if you want to leave, but you can't be wistful. You shouldn't leave your past behind for hedonism. Motoshiya, there is more to life than that." He quietly stands up and tries not to wake up Ikiwari.
Haruno then bends down in front of me and hugs me tightly, "I know you're upset that Grandma Nao is gone. You probably thought she was the only one who cared about you, but that's wrong. We all love you." Haruno's voice cracked a bit. "I'm worried about you. Please don't do anything stupid out there, alright?"
"Haruno..." I don't know what to say.
He sighs, "When we lose a loved one we are never the same again. There's the world before and after. Life changes, we change. Because when we have to say goodbye, we awake in an unfamiliar world. One that seems to be wrong."
I crackle a bit after hearing those inspiring words coming from my big brother's mouth.
"How can I accept myself when my own father doesn't even accept me?" I say upset. "If I'm not special enough for him, how can I be special for anyone else?"
Haruno suddenly lifts his hand and slaps me.
I startle.
"Don't say that, just shut up. He loves you, he loves us all, he just doesn't show it. You should have been able to tell."
"I guess..." I look at the ground.
"Motoshiya, promise me to live your own life." Haruno looks at me.
"I will, pinky promise!" I smile.
"Alright." he smiles and holds out his pinky.
We pinky promise.

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