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Hello, my name is Knologos Nile.
I live in a Universe far away from life. It's really beautiful where I live. Everyone here is happy. We all have dreams to achieve. Everybody has a purpose. And my meaning is to find out if there are any signs of life outside of this pit of nothingness. I always like to help my parents out in astronomy. It's compelling and fascinating when I look through the telescope and read the constellations in the cold sky.
I always wondered what would be awaiting us beyond the sky. I always believed in extraterrestrial beings. In this Universe, we aren't the only creatures. That's my theory.
Me and my sister, Maria, we love to sneak out of our house at night and visit the observatory to try and discover other existing entities.
Our father is the superior of the facility, so he has the keys. Maria and I know that it isn't well mannered to steal from our own guardians, but we are doing it for a future. Me and my little sister are planning on becoming scientists when we grow up so we can help everyone living on this planet. We even studied some blueprints and documents in the observatory. We know a lot about stars and zodiacs.
My sister has anosmia so she can't smell anything, and she's deaf on one ear. She won't be able to succeed in many things that life has to bring, so I really want to make her wish come true by showing her the world beyond the stars.
Maria is happy, she tells me. Even though her poor health, she doesn't let it tear her apart, I really admire that of her. She's strong. We even wear laboratory coats when we visit the observatory. The coats are way too big for us but it's a lot of fun to act like grown ups. It makes Maria forget that she has disabilities that hinder her normal everyday life. Even though we mostly don't have much luck scavenging for life in outer space with the telescope, we either way enjoy trying. We are still young, we should enjoy life while we're young. Our father is always sad, so I want to make him happy by giving him a son he can be proud of. Our mother is ill, she has hypoglycemia because of diabetes, therefore, I need to become a scientist so I can cure her disease. I can save so many lives when I grow up. I can even save Maria. And that's why I still haven't given up in all these years. It's because I want to help everyone. I want everyone to live a happy life. Here, in Andromeda.

"Maria!" I shook my sister softly. "Let's go to the observatory, this time we will find something alive in outer space!"
She realized that darkness has awoken. The folk is sleeping and the nocturnals are conquering the planet. She got up and put on her teal slippers. Maria is wearing her nightgown while I am wearing mine and some bunny slippers.
I am wearing a nightcap while Maria put on her sleeping bonnet.
"I hope Father will not find out..." mumbles Maria frightened.
Father isn't friendly. He cares about us but gives us a beating every now and then when we misbehave, which is a lot. Since Mother is really ill, Father has to do everything. Meaning, he strains his nerves way too quick. So instead of punishing us normally, he hits us.
We are kind of afraid of him, but we know he has a heart. Father is just stressed.
"It'll be fine, I will get the keys and we can sneak out through the window." I comforted Maria.
I asked Maria to wait in our room, we share one, so I can sneak into Father's room and steal his keys. He always keeps it near his drawer. I'm lucky he works so hard every day. It makes him sleep deeper and lucidly.
I tiptoe into his room. Mother is sleeping in a different room since she needs more space for all the medical equipment. I'm afraid she might not make it much further. Our once beautiful mother has changed drastically after she got heavily ill. Our beautiful father is trying his best to serve Mother and keep her alive. But instead of serving her, Father is torturing her. He is keeping her alive, meaning, she suffers more. Me and Maria have already lost all hope in Mother. We think she won't recover. She might never see us grow up. She will never witness us achieve our dreams. Maybe Father won't see it either. He could get cancer. He overworks himself way too much. I worry a lot for my family. They are the only hope I have left. My mental support is Maria. I'm schizophrenic so I don't really have it easy. I have no facial expressions when I experience emotions. My verbigeration is quite annoying and I have awful thoughts that I don't want to have. My only way to stop myself from going insane is watching the stars alone at night.
I sneak into Father's room. Before I open the door, I quickly look behind me to check on Maria. I can't see her anywhere. I am guessing she's hiding somewhere not on my view.
I open the croaking door and tiptoe into Father's chamber to find the keys.
They're as usual on his drawers. I quickly pick them up and quietly charge out of his room closing his door. It was surprisingly easy and fast.
I make my way back to Maria, so I can inform her about the keys.
I hear a noise so I am guessing she saw me. I took the lead and opened the kitchen window to climb out of it.
"Can I go first?" asks Maria suddenly.
"Of course!" I smile and help her up by keeping the window open.
She climbs out of it and I go after her.
The outside is so beautiful at night. We stare up into the sky and see all the stars suddenly popping up. I love the night because I can discover the stars.
"Even the stars need the dark to shine." murmured Maria happily.
We began walking towards the hill, there where the observatory is, so we can do what we usually do.
We held hands and sauntered through the darkness. Maria's hands feel really soft and warm. She is like a living plushie.
The smell of the wet grass is wonderful. Sadly my sister can't smell it because of anosmia. We've never met anybody outside at night before.
I suppose every normal being is asleep at this time.

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