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"Has she come out of her room yet?"
"I am afraid she has not, shall I make sure her well-being is accommodating?"
"No, it's fine."
"As you wish, Sir."
The voices on the other side of my door fade away. I hear their footsteps commencing through the resounding hallway, vanquishing into the distance of the mansion. I have returned to the place I lived at seven years ago. The area my mother passed away. The environment I promised myself not to grow up in. However, now I find myself here again.
It's late in the afternoon as of right now. I've kept my shutters closed but I still smell the beautiful air outside of this building. The taste of freedom. Something I will never experience properly. I know I'm still an adolescent, but that doesn't determine my lifestyle. Not every child is the same.
I open my shutters a little and peek outside. The sunlight blinds my view for a bit until my pupils get tinier and accustom themselves to the light. I see a beautiful orange-colored landscape. It's the autumn-about-to-turn-to-winter season. The cold weather makes my skin shiver, either way, I don't really care about that right now. I admire the outside a bit. Wonderful laughing red trees, flying yellow and orange leaves. Animals playing outside. Everyone is happy. I open my window and breathe in the cold air. It feels so angelic, so beautiful. Something I've never felt truly.
I am on the second floor. It's pretty high up, I can't climb down and escape. Besides, I can't leave him behind. I still have to show him the world. But that only works if we live freely. I close my window and pull the shutters. Darkness awakes amongst my room. Just a little bit of sunlight comes through. I can see the levitating dust through it. The mystical emotions convert to me. I see the world a lot more different than my father does. For just a moment, I stand in the middle of my room, doing nothing but feel Mother Nature touch my cheek. She tells me everything will be fine. Explaining me that I would be able to be free soon. That I could explore the world. She told me, my mother would be proud of me.
I hear footsteps nearing my room. I haven't left my chamber since we arrived here.
I walk towards the door and press my ear towards it. The person who wants my attention is standing right in front of the door. I can sense their breathing. It feels familiar. A welcoming era, a trustworthy one. Suddenly the individual presses their ear at the door too, just like me. And that's when I realize who is standing in front of my door, worrying about me.
It's him.
"Kitty?" whispers Leo, my younger brother.
For a moment I don't say anything, I just listen to his calm voice saying my name.
"You don't have to hide when I'm around, you know that, don't you?" he says.
I stay quiet. I don't have a right to say anything. I am his older sister and instead of protecting him, I hide myself in my room and abandon him, leaving him all into my father's custody.
"Father and Kristina are worried about you." he mumbles.
All these years, I have failed as a big sister. I don't even know how to treat my family right. I'm just locking myself away from everyone, being paranoid of people hurting me again.
"You know," Leo still hasn't given up. "We will always be there for one another."
At this point the tears couldn't stop themselves anymore from flowing. Instead of me giving him a pep-talk when he is sad, Leo's doing it for me.
"Let's give Father another chance, okay?" he says.
I can't see him, but I could tell he was smiling.
For a split second, all the memories I had from Ambermoor just came flowing into my consciousness. I remember all the beautiful memories I had experienced with everyone. If I want to keep on going, then I have to do it for them, and for Leo.
I open the door and see my brother standing there.

He smiles painfully and says, "Welcome back, sis."

Chirp chirp

Chirp chirp chirp


I'm sitting outside. In the courtyard of the mansion. Near the water fountain. I have a bird singing a song while sitting on my index finger. It's singing is magical. It feels like this bird's soul is clean. It is probably living a carefree life. Not having to worry about anything.
I let the bird go and it flies towards the water fountain. I look at it and see it bathing inside it with some other birds. I have the power of Corocottakinesis. I can control animals. If I were stronger, then I could use multiple animals at my benefit. I could use it to fight evil or become evil. But I have no need for serving justice or injustice. I would love to live peacefully as a bird with no deep thoughts. I wish I could fly over the whole world and be happy. Not having any thoughts press me down. Just being free. That's all I ever wanted.
I observe the birds bathing in the small water fountain and look into the distance. This place is beautiful, but I don't feel comfortable living here. My purpose is to be myself. I can't follow my father's footsteps, I have to follow my own.
"It's cold outside, you should get inside." I hear a feminine voice behind me.
I turn around and see the maid, Kristina. She has worked here even before I was alive. However, she still looks like she's in her thirties.
I don't say anything and instead grab a small stick and brush it around on the grass.
"You might catch a cold if you stay any longer." says Kristina, standing at the entrance.
I continue to ignore her and mind my own business.
I look up into the sky. It's already dusk. The sun will soon diminish into the horizon. I don't know this feeling, but it's getting worse. I feel emptiness. I don't care anymore. Days have passed, and I've been living at the mansion without thinking of the future. I don't spend any time thinking of the next second of my life. I live in the present. The only future thoughts of mine are freedom. Thinking of how it would feel if I ran away from everyone.
"Alright, you can stay longer, but promise me to come inside in a few minutes." Kristina gives up and heads inside.
That had been her greatest mistake.
I stood up and wandered around the garden. I walk past the birds and look at the orange sky. Soon it will be night. I stumble upon an old-looking snail. It is crawling on the grass, probably searching for shelter. I grab it and hold it. However, the snail hides inside it's shell and doesn't come out. I put it on a stone and go around to search for more. I find another snail. This time, it's a younger one. And when I grab it, it doesn't hide at all. I walk back to the old snail and put the younger one there. Now she will have a new friend. I grab a pencil from my pocket and write on the pale old snail's shell. Wela. I look at the younger snail and write Kenny on his shell. Suddenly I see a tiny slug crawling near them. I can't write anything on her, since she doesn't have a shell, so I just call her Ari.
I stare at the three animals for a few second and realize that Wela still hasn't come out of her shell. While Kenny and Ari are embarrassing themselves for me, Wela isn't doing anything. She's sitting there motionless, not doing anything. It makes me vicious. This has never happened before. I pick up the pencil I had in my pocket and grab Wela. Kenny and Ari stopped playing clowns and started to escape into different ways. I held Wela's shell and looked at the sun. I then held out her shell and covered the sun with it. Then I lower the shell of Wela again and stare at it for a while. She isn't moving. Kenny and Ari ridiculed themselves for me while Wela just didn't do anything. I think that's unfair.
I grabbed my pencil and Wela's shell once again. And now I did something else. I then ram the sharp pencil end into Wela's tender flesh. A lot of slimy drool comes out and I stab her flesh again, and again, and again. She's still alive. So what I did, was throw her with all my might to the ground. I grab a tree branch and bash her shell multiple times. Ari and Kenny witnessed it all. They saw what I had done to Wela. However, I wasn't planning on getting rid of them, so I walked away, leaving Wela's decaying body on the ground, that soon got devoured by insects, and walked home. In the middle of the garden I see a flower. It's a black dahlia.

"Papa, I've lost myself."

"Sis?" I hear knocking on my door. "It's time to eat dinner."
I open the door and see Leo and Kristina.
"I see, you opened the door, even for me." wits Kristina.
I can't bring myself to stay serious, so I smile and try to hide it. For some reason, I feel happy to see both of them. My urge to leave made me forget about my family. I know Kristina isn't blood related, but she feels like she's apart of our family. Like an aunt. I treasure her a lot. Without her, Father wouldn't have had anyone to talk to besides his children.
"Your father, Rety Marsheye, is awaiting you at the dinner table." she bows halfway and vanishes.
"She's really polite." smiles Leo. "Her kindness resembles Mother a lot."
"You're right," I grin. "Let's eat."
I take my brother's hand and happily run towards the stairs. We both laugh and jump down the several steps. We live in London, but quite at the end of the city. So we have our tranquillity, and the royal family isn't close either. Here is a good place to live comfortably if you don't have any big plans in life.
"I wonder what we'll eat today." wonders Leo.
"Probably the usual, fish and chips." I sigh.
"Yummy." giggles Leo.
I blush out of happiness. I haven't experienced such a beautiful moment with my brother in so long. It feels like years have passed already, but it's been only a few days since our leave from Ambermoor.
We arrive in the living room near the brick chimney and take a seat next to Father. My guess has been correct, we are eating fish and chips. However, we are also eating oyster.
"Shall we eat?" asks Father.
"Yes, we shall." I smile.
I haven't had such a happy dinner in so long. With my happy family. With happy food. With a happy atmosphere. Happy. Happy. Happy.
"How is the food?" asks my happy Father.
"It's delicious." grins Leo happily.
Everyone is happy. We are all happy. Living a happy life.
"How about you, happy Kitty?" asks my happy brother.
"It tastes merrily." I answer happily.
"I'm happy to hear that." Father smiles happily.
"I'm glad you like my happy food!" laughs Kristina, who was standing near the dinner able all along.
"This food makes me happy." Leo is happy.
"The taste is happy." Father is happy.
"Cooking this made me happy." Kristina is happy.
"I am merry." Kitty is happy.
"I'm happy." Mother is happy.

Happy Mother. Happy Mother.



Mother is happy.

She is happy.

She is happy.

She is happy.

We are all happy.

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